
Emacs is slow opening recent files!

When opening a file directly its fast, but when I open a recent file which is activated adding the following lines in my .emacs.: (require 'recentf) (recentf-mode 1) (setq recentf-max-menu-items 25) (global-set-key "\C-x\ \C-r" 'recentf-open-files) it takes around 2 seconds to open. Is this a normal behavior can I do something about ...

Can C's fgets be coaxed to work with a string *not* from a file?

Specifically, the code sample here works great, but only when the string is stored in a file. Sometimes I need it to process a generated string (stored in a string variable), but I'm having trouble convincing fgets's third parameter to work with string variables because it's a pointer to a FILE structure. Or perhaps there's a functio...

How to clear o deactivate autosaved data in Emacs?

Recently, files take 2 seconds to show up when I load them as recent files. I realized that it only happen with a file: index.html, below it says the following: index.html has auto save data; consider M-x recover-this-file SO, I assume that Emacs is loading the autosaved files that's why it load slow I added (setq auto-save-default ...

Having a class with no data members good option for file manipulation?

I have a file with saved data that sometimes needs to be accessed, written to, erased, etc. when the program is running. I decided to write a SavedDataHandler class to accomplish this. I'm currently using the fstream class. I considered having one data member be the fstream itself, opening it in the constructor, and closing it in the d...

Is emacs loading my files twice (both .el and .elc)?

I aware that when there's a byte compiled version of a .el file (.elc), emacs loads this second one (I currently pacing them in the same directory). When I start emacs and I look into my Message buffer I see this: Loading c:/Documents and Settings.../App.../.emacs.d/themes/color-theme-example.el (source)...done Loading c:/Documents and...

move all files in a folder to another?

when moving one file from one location to another i use rename('path/filename', newpath/filename'); how do you move all files in a folder to another folder? tried this one without result: rename('path/*', 'newpath/*'); ...

Is there an "embedded DBMS" to support multiple writer applications (processes) on the same db files?

I need to know if there is any embedded DBMS (preferably in Java and not necessarily relational) which supports multiple writer applications (processes) on the same set of db files. BerkeleyDB supports multiple readers but just one writer. I need multiple writers and multiple readers. UPDATE: It is not a multiple connection issue. I ...

Reading integers from a text file with words

I'm trying to read just the integers from a text file structured like this.... ALS 46000 BZK 39850 CAR 38000 //.... using ifstream. I've considered 2 options. 1) Regex using Boost 2) Creating a throwaway string ( i.e. I read in a word, don't do anything with it, then read in the score ). However, this is a last resort. Are there a...

my application uploads file correctly but its setup does not,c#

i have created an application which uploads file on a website. while debugging through F5 my file gets properly uploaded. but i ve created a setup for that windows application,and when i run setup and after which i try to upload files then it does not upload properly,it shows file 0 bytes... i think there is a problem of file path.....

Exporting files from Basecamp

I've been looking around for a long time how to get files from Basecamp and so far it seems like a 'mission impossible', but I wanted to ask here as well: Is there any way to get files from Basecamp projects and, if there is one, how? Thanks in advance. Edited: I mean how to get the uploaded files. You can export all project data exce...

Handling Files greater than 2 GB in MSVC6!

Normal file related functions like fseek, ftell etc in Windows MSVC6 can handle files only upto 2GB (As per my current understanding, Please correct me if I am wrong). I want to work with files >2GB. How should I go about it? What are the functions available? ...

Search for text in files in the path using ruby

I need to search all the *.c source files in the path to find a reference to a *.h header to find unused C headers. I wrote a ruby script but it feel very clumsy. I create an array with all C files and an array with all the H files. I iterate over the header file array. For each header I open each C file and look for a reference to the ...

What do I need to build a file downloader in Perl?

I am working on a file downloader in Perl (UNIX/Mac OS X on terminal). I am actually searching for libraries that would work with handling checksum verification, progress bars and actually such things that the CPAN library itself uses. Which libraries and places to look can you recommend? Are there maybe some finished things like that ar...

How to make program copy file from package to user.dir in java?

I want to create Java program that creates certain HTML files and since they all contain some images, program should also copy those images to the user.dir, where HTML files are created. I have those images in package "resources", code is in package "code". How do I make that happend? ...

My.Resources in Class Library not behaving as expected when deployed

ASP.NET application w/CSLA framework; Visual Studio 2008 I have a class library of business objects. I am storing the broken rules strings in the Resource file associated with the project (My Projects > Resources.resx). I added a new resx file to the project and named it to store the french language equivalents of t...

Saving preview images for a content catalog application

I'm writing a plug-in for another program in that acts as a catalog creation and search tool for custom content we've created at my office. An administrator will picks a root catalog folder, and the app will then parses through all the subdirectories looking for specific file types. Then it generates a Catalog by saving the rela...

Suggested file location that will be editable by all windows users?

I'm building a product that involves a windows service caching data on the local machine, user processes reading that data and writing their own data, the service in turn writing back that data to a server. Where should I put the data files for this, such that they'll be shared by all users and read/writable? The software will op...

Give tab spacing after first word in text file

Consider I have a .txt file as of the format, Name: Abc Id: 123 Age: 12 Address: xyz I want to convert this file of the form, Name : Abc Id : 123 Age : 12 Address : xyz i.e the Colon after each tile should move 2 or 3 tab spaces. The title will be only a single word and wont have spaces. So the title wont be of th...

Why does my Perl script keep reading from same file, even though I closed it?

Hi, I'm writing this Perl script that gets two command line arguments: a directory and a year. In this directory is a ton of text files or html files(depending on the year). Lets say for instance it's the year 2010 which contains files that look like this <number>rank.html with the number ranging from 2001 to 2212. I want it to open e...

Saving huge bigram dictionary to file using pickle

a friend of mine wrote this little progam. the textFile is 1.2GB in size (7 years worth of newspapers). He successfully manages to create the dictionary but he cannot write it to a file using pickle(program hangs). import sys import string import cPickle as pickle biGramDict = {} textFile = open(str(sys.argv[1]), 'r') biGramDictFile =...