
Where to create/keep secret files for license information/trials on Windows/Mac OS X/Linux?

I'm writing a commercial product which uses a simple registration mechanism and allows the user to use the application for a demo period before purchasing. My application must somewhere store the registration information (if entered) and/or the date of the first launch to calculate if the user is still within the demo/trail period. Whil...

Recursive follow files in bash

I have files which contain file names pointing to other files. These files contain further file names pointing further files and so on. I need a bash script which follows each files recursively and logs into file every touched file during the run. file1: file2 file3 file2: file4 file3: file5 file4 and file5 are empty. Re...

Visual studio 2008 autorecover directory location change

howdy using vs2008 C# Does anyone know how change the directory location that auto recover files are saved to in visual studio sp1. The specific directory it should be on my C# drive in my documents is always empty even when the feature is turned on. There where some changes to our network env and it seems my auto recover files are now ...

How can I lock files in android using java code?

I want to lock files that is on the sdcard of android. I need to lock them so no one except my software can delete copy move or send them over bluetooth or any other way. How can I do it? ...

How to search for files on phone sdcard or else where

I want to search for files on the users mobile with specific extensions. I tried searching but could not find any direct API's. Is there a specific API's or is there tedious way of achieving the same. Or is there a mechanism to call linux calls for find or something similar Thanks ...

c read float from file and sort

Hi all I have a problem with a C application; i have on a .txt file some float numbers and I have to read them and sort in descending way. When i do the fscanf command and then the printf, i get on the screen strange numbers (memory location I suppose). How can i solve the problem? Thanks in advance Edited The application is composed by...

Should I *always* import my file references into the database in drupal?

I have a cck type with an image field, and a unique_id text field. The file name of the image is based on the unique_id. All of the content, including the image itself is being generated automatically via another process, and I'm parsing what that generates into nodes. Rather than creating separate fields for the id and the image, and do...

XSLT: Transform XML files tree

I have the following file structure (XML files 'index.xml' in nested folders): index.xml foo/index.xml foo/sub/index.xml foo/.../index.xml bar/.../index.xml Now I have to transform each of this XML files with a given XSL stylesheet. The result should be the same folder structure (overwriting would be OK). What would be your approach t...

reading a file word by word

I can read from a file 1 character at a time, but how do i make it go just one word at a time? So, read until there is a space and take that as a string. This gets me the characters: while (!fin.eof()){ while (fin>> f ){ F.push_back ( f ); } ...

FtpFindFirstFile and Hidden Files?

Is it possible to get a list of hidden files over an FTP server using FtpFindFirstFile? I can get all files aside from hidden ones. I am wondering if there is a flag I need to set, or if there is just no way using that function. hFindConnect = InternetConnect(hInternet, mHost, INTERNET_DEFAULT_FTP_PORT, mUsername, mPassword, INTERNET_S...

How do i remove a file from Rackspace's Cloudfiles with their api?

Hey, I was wondering how do i remove a file from Rackspace's Cloudfiles using their API? Im using php. Devan ...

R or Python for file manipulation

I have 4 reasonably complex r scripts that are used to manipulate csv and xml files. These were created by another department where they work exclusively in r. My understanding is that while r is very fast when dealing with data, it's not really optimised for file manipulation. Can I expect to get significant speed increases by conv...

ASP.NET access files on another computer shared folder

Hello, I have ASP.NET project which do some file access and manipulation, the methods which I use for file access are below. Now I need to access files on another server shared folder, how to do that? I easily can change file path to shared folder path but I get "can't access" error because shares are password protected. As I understan...

Lines-of-code counting for many C# solutions

I am currently researching a solution for counting lines of code in C#. I pretty much need a combination of the following two tools: My problem is that I need to recursively scan a folder containing a lot of visual studio...

Grabbing windows file information.

In C following this article (, we have succesfully been able to grab the file version information out of windows files however there are some files that seem to have a different mechanism for storing the version information that is not addressed in the article and was wond...

How can I download all files of a specific type from a website using PHP?

I want to get all midi (*.mid) files from a site that's set up pretty simple in terms of directory tree structure. I wish we had wget installed here, but that's another party.... The site is and the path containing all of the midi files is: I tried glob'ing it out, but I...

Python faster way to read fixed length fields form a file into dictionary

I have a file of names and addresses as follows (example line) OSCAR ,CANNONS ,8 ,STIEGLITZ CIRCUIT And I want to read it into a dictionary of name and value. Here self.field_list is a list of the name, length and start point of the fixed fields in the file. What ways are there to speed up this method? (python 2.6) de...

Loading specific section of a compressed file stream.

Hi, We have a simple binary file format for caching data in our application (C# .NET Windows App). The format is basically a short that indicates the object type followed by a guid (string) for the object id then any object specific data (strings ints whatever). We want to be able to store many objects in the same file (> 10000) but i...

Java can't find file when running through Eclipse

When I run a Java application that should be reading from a file in Eclipse, I get a, even though the file is in the correct directory. I can compile and run the application from the command line just fine; the problem only occurs in Eclipse, with more than one project and application. Is there a setting I...

directory monitoring

Hi, What is the best way for me to check for new files added to a directory, I dont think the filesystemwatcher would be suitable as this is not an always on service but a method that runs when my program starts up. there are over 20,000 files in the folder structure I am monitoring, at present I am checking each file individually to se...