
PHP: open a file download dialog

I have an MPEG file (.mpg) hosted in Amazon S3, that I want to link to a page I have, so the user will be able to download it from the page. I have in my page a link: bla bla" The link to the file works when I right-click it and choose "Save Target As" , but I would like it to work also when I left click it, and that it will open a fil...

Monitoring File Changes in C#

Hi there, I'm using C# for a mini project of mine, I am trying to monitor files that are changed, Deleted, And/or created. And export that to a file. But I am not quite sure how to monitor files. Any ideas? ...

How else can I email a file using ASP.NET?

Hi all, I'm using the code below in a ASP.NET page to send a file via email from our users home computer to a mailbox that is used for receiving work that needs photocopying. The code below works fine when sending a file within our network but fails when our users are at home and connected via our SSL VPN, there appears to be a bug in o...

How to check location of 32bit Program FIles folder in windows .bat script

I want to write .bat script which works under all flavours of Windows, no matter if 32 or 64 bit. In this script I want to run some file.exe. That file is located in C:\Program Files\ under 32-bit systems or C:\Program FIles (x86)\ under x64 systems. I can write: "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\file.exe" under 64bit systems or "%ProgramFiles%\fil...

In Python, how to find all the files under a directory, including the files in subdirectories ?

Is there any built in functions to find all the files under a particular directory including files under subdirectories ? I have tried this code, but not working...may be the logic itself is wrong... def fun(mydir): lis=glob.glob(mydir) length=len(lis) l,i=0,0 if len(lis): while(l+i<length): if os.pat...

Flash CS4/AS3 Writing local file from local game without save dialog prompt?

I'm writing a game to be run locally, on the user's computer. NOT over the internet. I want to have a file that will hold the usernames and avatar indices (they're in an array). I want to know if there's a way to write to files through Flash with AS3. I'm using CS4. I'd also like to know if you can delete files through Flash, though t...

How to delete files with a Python script from a FTP server which are older than 7 days?

Hello, I would like to write a Python script which allows me to delete files from a FTP Server after they have reached a certain age. I prepared the scipt below but it throws the error message: WindowsError: [Error 3] The system cannot find the path specified: '/test123/*.*' Do someone have an idea how to resolve this issue? Thank you...

How to put\save files into some publik directory? (adobe air)

We develope for multy users OS. So my Air App needs to save some files to let all users acsess them (and be able to acsess them on its own). So I need a function to save files into public directoris (crossplatform function) . Can any one please share such one? ...

Synchronize folders using C

I want to synchronize the contents of two folders using C. I don't have any line of code, I simple want someone to suggest a good tutorial to start with. ...

Show a DB as a directory (Like Sharepoint Does)

Hi, My team and I are programming a sort of Document Manager and the idea is to store them completely on DB. Is there a protocol or Extensions that allows us to show a "Virtual Directory" or files that are really non existent (only in DB). How does Sharepoint do this? I understand that Sharepoint uses WebDav but it implies that the fi...

Using a macro for fstream file input as part of a class

I have a class that processes a file, and as part of the constructor with one argument I want to input a file using fstream. I basically want it do something like this class someClass{ public: someClass(char * FILENAME) { fstream fileToProcess;<FILENAME>, fstream::in | fstream:...

md5hash performance with big files for check copy files in shared folder

Hi all, My app Windows forms .NET in Win XP copy files pdfs in shared network folder in a server win 2003. Admin user in Win2003 detects some corrupt files pdfs, in that shared folder. I want check if a fileis copied right in shared folder Andre Krijen says me the best way is to create a MD5Hash of original file. When the file is co...

Accessing mapped network drive from ColdFusion

I am having a problem accessing a mapped drive in ColdFusion. I have \\server\files\sharing mapped to z:\. If I run this code, it says the directory exists for the full path but not for the mapped one: <cfscript> fullPath = "\\server\files\sharing\reports"; mappedPath = "z:\reports"; WriteOutput("fullPath exists: #DirectoryExist...

File Storage for Web Applications: Filesystem vs DB vs NoSQL engines

I have a web application that stores a lot of user generated files. Currently these are all stored on the server filesystem, which has several downsides for me. When we move "folders" (as defined by our application) we also have to move the files on disk (although this is more due to strange design decisions on the part of the origina...

Strings wont combine - Objective C

Ik have the following strings in the .H file, and i want them to merge into one string at the end of the app when the have collected their data. It wont work, why not and how must i do it correct so the data collected in these strings will be merged into one string ?? NSString *dataHML; NSString *dataHML2; NSString *dataHML3; NSString...

How to lock files in a tomcat web application?

The Java manual says: The locks held on a particular file by a single Java virtual machine do not overlap. The overlaps method may be used to test whether a candidate lock range overlaps an existing lock. I guess that if I lock a file in a tomcat web application I can't be sure that every call to this application is done by a diffe...

Check to see if file transfer is complete

We have a daily job that processes files delivered from an external source. The process usually runs fine without any issues but every once in a while we have an issue of attempting to process a file that is not completely transferred. The external source SCPs these files from a UNIX server to our Windows server. From there we try to pr...

Parsing Complex Text File with C#

Hello, I need to parse a text file that has a lot of levels and characters. I've been trying different ways to parse it but I haven't been able to get anything to work. I've included a sample of the text file I'm dealing with. Any suggestions on how I can parse this file? I have denoted the parts of the file I need with TEXTINEED. (...

Getting the names of all files in a directory with PHP

For some reason, I keep getting a '1' for the file names with this code: if (is_dir($log_directory)) { if ($handle = opendir($log_directory)) { while($file = readdir($handle) !== FALSE) { $results_array[] = $file; } closedir($handle); } } When I echo each element in $results_arra...

Any Suggestions for Opening a .asc (ASCII) file when Notepad doesn't do the trick?

I was attempting to open a raw data file (.asc) format with Notepad and am getting gibberish like the following: 1A120090900007 01Piedmont Federal Savings Bank 16 W 3rd St 00 02 1F120090900007 CCR134 +0000000000CCR180 Now, I tried searching around as to what this formatting might be but haven't been able to find anything (thou...