
[Inno Setup] copy file to multiple destinations defined by user.

Hello, During installation proces user has ability to install number of some service instances (Service1- ServiceN). All th difference between this services - content of configuration files(actually there is only one executable in /Product_Root/run wich is called with different command-line params).Configuration files situated in Produc...

Sending Multiple files using Over TCP

how can i send multiple files over TCP with C#, all the samples on the internet sends only a sinle file, im looking for something like this, loop through files in a folder and sending over tcp, this is the client, server side i want to receive and save them to disk, ...

Is it safe to merge several JavaScript files into one?

I'm developing a dynamic website using jQuery and I have found several jQuery plugins to be very helpful when doing that. Of course, for each plugin I add, there is another script to load when the page loads. I know that for pages to be quick to load, smaller and/or fewer resources is better. Is it safe to just merge all those jQuery p...

Error on file saving

When I create file on Windows hosting, it gets name like джулия.jpg It has to be a cyrillic name. fopen() is used for creation. What can I do with this? ...

How can I use structured files in objective-C?

Hello I am developing for iPhone/iPad. I already know how to read/write text files from/to the documents folder and now I need to write structured files, e.g. let's say I have a class in my application that is called A which contains an integer i and integer j and an instance of another class B, let's call it b, now I want to write A t...

PHP root folder

rename('/images/old_name.jpg', '/images/new_name.jpg'); This code gives file not found. Script, where files are called is placed inside /source/ folder. Files can be opened from How to get these files from root? ...

Copy files from one directory into an existing directory

In bash I need to do this: take all files in a directory copy them into an existing directory How do I do this? I tried cp -r t1 t2 (both t1 and t2 are existing directories, t1 has files in it) but it created a directory called t1 inside t2, I don't want that, I need the files in t1 to go directly inside t2. How do I do this? ...

Batch file trouble.

Hello I want to make a batch file and i have made it as set OLD_PATH=%CD% set PATH=C:\bada\1.0.0b3\Tools\Toolchains\Win32\bin%path%C:\bada\1.0.0b3\Include set CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH=C:\bada\1.0.0b3\Include call g++ -I"C:/bada/1.0.0b3/include" -I -O0 -g3 -Wall -c -MMD -MP -MF"src/AnimationApp.d" -MT"src/AnimationApp.d" -o"src/AnimationAp...

Unable to write data to the transport connection: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host

i have an update server that sends client updates through TCP port 12000, the sending of a single file is successful only the first time, but after that i get an error message on the server "Unable to write data to the transport connection: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host", if i restart the update service on...

PHP: confused about file permissions, cannot unlink setup file?

I created a setup.php to handle MySQL table generation, and as an obvious precaution I added a way to delete it after it was finished. As using unlink(__FILE__) is impossible to do, I added deletion code to main.php?action=deleteconfig to unlink the file. setup.php has permissions 777, but it gives me a permission denied error when I un...

PHP upload_max_filesize

How can you set upload_max_filesize to no limit? Could you say upload_max_filesize = -1 (As you can with other things)? ...

PHP multiple file download

I've seen this example on the documentation for PHP readfile <?php $file = 'monkey.gif'; if (file_exists($file)) { header('Content-Description: File Transfer'); header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename='.basename($file)); header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binar...

CoreData or Individual Files (iOS)

Hi guys, I've got a little conundrum: would it be better to use direct file management, or a CoreData SQLite database? Here's my scenario: I have a bunch of 'user' objects, each with a list of 'post' objects. This is easily done in CoreData, and would be great - however, the 'post' objects are downloaded from a web server, and they ea...

How to insert multi files to a document when indexing using dtsearch

Hi, in the examples of dtsearch in "C:\Program Files\dtSearch Developer\examples\cs2\ado_demo" folder, each record has only one file. But I have a many files, and i don't know how to add these files to this document while indexing. Anybody know how ? thanks ...

Java login screen using a textfile

I am creating a java application and I need to get the user PINs from the text file. I used the following code below, but is it not working properly. Could anyone please help me out soon..... String typedPIN=""; Menus obj1=new Menus(); BufferedReader getIt=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; String u...

Creating a runnable JAR which includes .exe files via eclipse

Hey guys - I've looked through a plethora of forums online as well as asked many professional java developers but I was unable to find adequate assistance in creating a standalone runnable jar file of a financial application that I am currently finishing up. The application uses two external programs; an ImageMagick file conversion progr...

Without using database how Can I Search for a word and display it's related content in another field

So the question can be reformatted as "What can replace a database in an offline version?" The initial idea is inspired from wordweb where you just type the word and then you get the meaning of it displayed in a fraction. Of-course they are not saving all the words and there meanings in a database. What are they using? Are they storing...

Linux number of files in directory curiosity

Just out of curiosity, is there any method in Linux to know the number of files in a directory in O(1) (independently of the number of files) without having to list the directory first? I'm searching for an alternative to ls | wc -l. Thanks! ...

Is possible to upload large 400-800MB files using Rack Space Cloud site hosting?

I have had a hell of a time with this. Basically I think I loose the session due to a time out issue or tmp folder FULL issue. Not really sure. Uploading smaller files is not an issue with my scripts 25-75 MBs but anything over 200MB breaks. Weird thing is I use to be able to upload up to 400MB files but something change I think ov...

System.Diagnostics.Process: when I run a C++ program that creates an output file and writes something, the output file is not created

When I run a C++ program that creates an output file and writes something, the output file is not created, although the program works fine when I simply double click it from Windows Explorer. This is the C# code I use to run the program: try { Process p = StartProcess(ExecutableFileName); ...