
Is There a Windows SMB Client Opened Implement.

There was a smbmrx sample code using RDBSS in WDK Vista. But since WDK 7600 has been released, the sample was removed. -Do you know why? I'm finding a nice sample code to learn RDBSS. Is there a good open source better than smbmrx sample? ...

Copy a file on a network path without transfering it to my own machine

If my .NET client uses System.IO.File.Copy to copy a file from \server1\share1\file1.txt to \sever1\share2\file2.txt, the file's data get read down to the client and then written back up to the server. Is there an easy way to speed up things a bit by putting a process on the network-machine that realy does the copying? I dont look for ...

File system optimizations (ext3)

Hi Guys, I have a PHP application that for every request loads 1 ini file, and at least 10 PHP files. As these same files are loaded for every single request I thought about mounting them on a ram disk but I have been told that the linux filing system (ext3) will basically cache them in some way that a ram disk would not improve perfor...

How would I go about accessing the iPhone filesystem via Java?

I was wondering how such a thing is possible to do? I am aware Java isn't exactly the most hardware language available, but is there a way to access the devices filesystem? If so could you link me to some helpful information and how I would go about doing so? Thank you very much! ...

common place to store files on mac and windows.

hi. am writing a java code that needs to save a file. the below code is for mac. ImageIO.write(movie_image, "jpg",new File("/Users/sathyap/Desktop/movieimages/"+fileName+".jpg")); is there a way i can give the directory structure "/Users/sathyap/Desktop/movieimages/" hardcoded that works for both mac and windows. ...

Is there An Appllication For Testing Various File I/O In Windows?

I'm developing a network-redirector like SMB. I want to test various file I/O to compare NTFS or SMB implementation. What I want to test are, CreateFile Read, WriteFile DeleteFile RenameFile Set, GetFileInformationByHandle etc. And it' would be better if it can measure each I/Os duration. Is there a program I can use? ...

Mimic Context.getExternalFilesDir() prior to Android API Level 8?

Android API level 8 introduced the Context.getExternalFilesDir() method, providing a File object reference to an SD card path specific to your app. I am wondering how to mimic this as low as API level 5. I see there is a Context.getDir() method, but I can't tell from reading about it how this differs. ...

Getting an iOS application's "~/Library" path reliably

This Apple tech note: suggests storing "internal" user documents in a subdirectory off of ~/Library. But I can't find one of the pre-created search domains that would get me this. What's the best/most correct/least likely to ever break way of constructing this path? Thanks....

What if DirectoryInfo.GetFiles().Length exceeds Int32.MaxValue?

By another question about the maximum number of files in a folder, I noticed that DirectoryInfo.GetFiles().Length is returning a System.In32, but the Maximum value of a Int32 is 2.147.483.647 (Int32.MaxValue) while on NTFS (an many other filesystems) the maximum number of files can go far beyond that. on NTFS it is 4.294....

High-level Java filesystem content manipulation : old style vs. jcr ?

Hi, I was wondering, what is the best way to choose for managing text/binary content on filesystem? Typically when building web applications with a lot of multimedia binaries and other various text based content stored on filesystem, JDK 6 is still too much low level. It will change with java 7 as you can see here thanks to n...

How does one programmatically mount a drive in Windows?

We make and sell a device that our users will sometimes want to connect to their computer in large quantities with multiple USB hubs. It is a USB composite device that has both human interface (HID) and mass storage (MSD) interfaces. Windows automatically mounts the file-system of each device until it runs out of letters at 'Z:'. I can ...

Python os.walk and japanese filename crash.

Possible Duplicate: Python, Unicode, and the Windows console I have a folder with a filename "01 - ナナナン塊.txt" I open python at the interactive prompt in the same folder as the file and attempt to walk the folder hierachy: Python 3.1.2 (r312:79149, Mar 21 2010, 00:41:52) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] on win32 Type "help", "copy...

What's the most effective way to insert content into binary file, or join two files.

We want insert something into binary file, but want do I/O as less as possible. We don't want read the second part and write it back. Is there any way to do it. We know in theory, file are saved as blocks in file system. Could we just break the chain of blocks and insert a new one between it? The same idea could also be used in join two...

Is there a flat files JDO implementation?

I have a simple app I'd like to use JDO. But I don't want to use any DB back, just regular file system. Before jdo, I had this class it serializes it object to a file whereas file name is the "primary key". I'd like to be able to do the same thing with JDO. Is that possible? ...

Stop application to write on Registry and Filesystem

Suppose you have installed application X on your machine, not totally trustful. I would like to stop this application to make changes in my computer. My OS is Windows 7, but a solution on a neighbor like XP or Vista would be valid too. Thanks in advance. ...

How to display a list of files in drupal?

I am very green at Drupal and I would like to recreate a list of files like the table that is shown at any module page in [example]: it shows a table with the recommended releases and development releases. Each entry has a link to the file and some release notes. What I would like is to clarify how this should be done, since ...

How to check wether a directory is a sub directory of another directory

Hello, I like to write a template system in Python, which allows to include files. e.g. This is a template You can safely include files with safe_include`othertemplate.rst` As you know, including files might be dangerous. For example, if I use the template system in a web application which allows users to create their own t...

How to access iPhone Simulator's images

Is there any way to access the internal images that the iPhone simulator uses? For example, if I want to get the original image used for one of the default app icons (e.g. Contacts). This way I could get the highest possible resolution, and examine it for purposes of creating similar icons for my app. Another example of an image I migh...

PHP File existence check vs MySQL SELECT server load.

Hi guys, i'm implementing in a project of mine an ip banning functionality. First of all, i'd like to avoid .htaccess for this purpose 'cause the CMS probably would reset it upon modifications, so i have to use a PHP-send-header-and-die solution. Obviously every HTTP request will be checked. Considering an highly trafficated site, i hav...

Creating a new directory structure and moving files using APS.NET and C#

Can someone tell me what is going to happen in this code when an error is encountered? Ideally it should continue the foreach statement until it gets to the last record, but I suspect it's stopping in the middle of the operation because when I check the number of files moved it's off by 225. If it is in fact stopping because of an error,...