
Where do I put a FileSystemWatcher in my mvc application?

We have an mvc application that we would like to integrate a FileSystemWatcher with. I have seen many good examples on how to implement the FileSystemWatcher but I don't really know where to put it in my application. It seems like it should be started with the application. Any ideas? ...

Why does FileSystemWatcher reset our website sessions?

We have an ASP.NET 2.0 website with an advanced configuration that is not catered for by a standard Web.config. Instead we're storing the config in our own Xml schema in the /bin/ folder, and we have a singleton object which caches this config and uses a FileSystemWatcher to detect updates. This logic sits in a separate class library whi...

Monitor filesystem activity of a child process on OS X with normal user privileges

I spawn a child process and need to know what files it modifies, creates or deletes. I can't use dtrace because I cannot sudo. I can't use FSEvents because it reports modifications that occur for all processes on the system and I'm only interested in my child process. Thanks for your help. ...

FileSystemWatcher Priority

I am looking to monitor a folder for create events using the FileSystemWatcher in c#. The problem is that another 3rd party process is also watching that folder, I need (if possible) for my process to receive the create event before the 3rd party process. Is there a way in managed or unmanaged code that I can give my process a higher pr...

communicate between Firefox extension and .NET application

I am looking for a better way to pass information between my Firefox extension and .NET application. Currently, I am using text files to pass information one way to the .NET application by using the FileSystemWatcher class. The .NET application watches for new files in a specific directory when the Firefox extension writes to it and th...

Ignoring a certain file type in a .net "filter"

I made a program which uses a filesystemwatcher component, but it seems to record absolutely EVERY change made, and I want to set it to ignore some file types. How can I set the filter to ignore certain types? For example, .LOG files. I don't want it telling me that that file updates, cause it does it every second practically. Even bett...

FileSystemWatcher Changed event is raised twice

I have an application where I am looking for a text file and if there are any changes made to the file I am using the onchanged eventhandler to handle the event. I am using the notifyfilters.Lastwritetime but still the event is getting fired twice.Here is the code. public void Initialize() { FileSystemWatcher _fileWatcher = new FileS...

Will multiple FileSystemWatchers clash?

I have a FileSystemWatcher on machine A watching a folder on machine B over a network. I want to create another FileSystemWatcher in a program on machine B to monitor the same folder locally. Will the second FileSystemWatcher interfere with the first one? ...

File System Watcher Over Network

Hi All I am using standalone application and using filesysystem watcher class to find any new xml coming into that specified directory then application take that file and continue the process but the direcotry have been located in network machine, Now my problem is once the path is not available it mean the shared path se...

Why File System Watcher is almost blind?

I am using FileSystemWatcher in order renaming files within a Watched directory. The problem occurs if the number of files copied simultaneously to the watched directory exceeds the number of 50... The rename event is fired successfully for the first 50 files, but after that nothing happens Any suggestions please? ...

Does anyone have a FileSystemWatcher-like class in C++/WinAPI?

I need a .Net's FileSystemWatcher analog in raw C++/WinAPI. I almost started to code one myself using FindFirstChangeNotification/FindNextChangeNotification, but then it occurred to me that I am probably not the first one who needs this and maybe someone will be willing to share. Ideally what I need is a class which can be used as follo...

What is the role of InternalBuffer in .net FileWatcher

By doing some google, i came to know that 'it is used to keep track of file system actions'. But i don't undrstand it's utility, the watcher can directly trigger the event(s) without storing it in some intermediate buffer!! Is it there to convert asynchronous flow of events (copying/modifying files) into synchrounous event calls ? Also,... file watch returns an incorrect filename.

I am attempting to use the VB.Net FileSystemWatcher class to watch a folder for the creation of Excel files. I do get a response when a .xls file is created in the folder, but am having a problem with the below code: Private Sub AddWatch() Dim watch As New FileSystemWatcher AddHandler watch.Changed, AddressOf FileChange watc...

FileSystemWatcher remove event handler

For some reason I can not remove an event handler from the FileSystemWatcher. This is what I have void Start() { ivFileSystemWatcher = new FileSystemWatcher(); ivFileSystemWatcher.Changed += new FileSystemEventHandler(ivFileSystemWatcher_Changed); } void Stop() { ivFileSystemWatcher.Changed -= new File...

FileSystemWatcher triggers for filestream open.

Hi, I have a filesystemwatcher that will trigger an event when a file is modified. I want to read from that file once the lock has been removed. At the moment I am just trying to open the file once the event is triggered, when A large file is being copied the file lock stays on for a while after the events have been sent, preventing the ...

DeepZoom + FileSystemWatcher class

Hi, I am storing deepzoom tiles to a temporary folder using create function of collection creator class. I am setting FilesystemWatcher class on the temporary folder where DeepZoom tiles get created. When I Run the project in Debug Mode, and debug ucode using F10, i dont get any notification that the files are changes, but when i do...

FileSystemWatcher.SynchronizingObject without a form

I have an windows form application written in C# in which I use a FileSystemWatcher to monitor a folder for new files and then perform some processing on them. My application is designed to run in the system tray and therefore does not instantiate any forms at startup. The problem is that the Created event is firing on a separate threa...

After FileSystemWatcher fires - Thread Pool or Dedicated thread?

I am about to implement the archetypal FileSystemWatcher solution. I have a directory to monitor for file creations, and the task of sucking up created files and inserting the into a DB. Roughly this will involve reading and processing 6 or 7, 80 char text files that appear at a rate of 150mS in bursts that occur every couple of second...

Identifying Microsoft Office temporary files

I'm watching a directory using FileSystemWatcher. When a file is copied into that directory - my watcher grabs it and performs multiple actions with it. My problem is that when a Microsoft Office file is opened, a temporary file is created in the watched directory. I can't find a way to ignore these files. Though the temporary file na...


Hi, I need to write some code that will copy file from directory when the file will change. I know C/C++ (little bit :]) but I never used .net. Am I thinkig good? First I create new thread with FSW and then when change will occur create next thread that will copy file? ...