filesystemwatcher Response.Redirect on FileSystemWatcher event

I don't manage to use a Response.Redirect (or Response.Write) on a new FileSystemWatcher event. protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { RunFolderListener(); } private void RunFolderListener() { FileSystemWatcher fsw = new FileSystemWatcher(); fsw.Path = Server.MapPath("~/uploaded_images/"); fs...

How to filter system files in C#

I am using FileSystemWatcher for tracking file system for any changes. But my customer does not want any system file change records. He just wants "changed by user" records. How can I do this? ...

filesystemwatcher.filter appears to be case sensitive (but only on our 2003 servers)

This is utterly baffling to me. I have a service with an array of file system watchers, the path and filter of each set at runtime. Protected Overrides Sub OnStart(ByVal args() As String) Dim l As String = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("dirs") Dim x As String = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("extensions") Dim locs() As...

Windows Service works when testing but not as Service

I created a Windows Service that watches a directory using FileSystemWatcher and when a file is put into the folder it zips it. All the functionality is in a class I created named FileProcessor. When I create a Console app that uses FileProcessor the automated zipping works great. However, when I run the class in the Windows Service i...

FileSystemWatcher for notification

Hi, everyone. I'm creating a Windows application which use FileSystemWatcher. FileSystemWatcher watches some catalog for changes. And every time some file is added to this catalog FileSystemWatcher must add information about this file to an XML file. All works fine, but, when I add, for example, 100 files at same time (say that some appl...

Filesystem watcher and large files

var fsw = new FileSystemWatcher(sPath, "*.PPF"); fsw.NotifyFilter = NotifyFilters.FileName; fsw.IncludeSubdirectories = true; fsw.Created += FswCreated; fsw.EnableRaisingEvents = true; static void FswCreated(object sender, FileSystemEventArgs e) { string sFile = e.FullPath; string[] arrLines = File.ReadAllLines(sFile); } this fail...

using FileSystemWatcher to fire event, then delete the newly created file?

I have a windows service using a FileSystemWatcher to monitor a folder, print added images, then delete the image after printing. private void bw_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { FileSystemWatcher Watcher = new FileSystemWatcher(); Watcher.Path = @"C:\Images"; Watcher.Created += new...

Events occuring multiple times in OpenNETCF.IO.FileSystemWatcher

Whenever I am subscribing to FileSystemWatcher notification, multiple events are occuring when I create new file or change existing file. Events are occuring in following sequence: New File Created Changed Changed Changed Changed Changed Changed Change Changed Deleted Changed Rename Renamed Delete Deleted Rename and Dele...

C#: How to check if a open file has been updated

You know the feature for example, you opened C:\test.txt if you also have the same file in another editor, and you edit it there, when you return, the app will prompt that the file has changed, whether you want to update it. How do I check if the file has been updated? UPDATE Asked a sister question "Using FileSystemWatcher to watch fo...

C#: Using FileSystemWatcher to watch for changes to files

Ok, so I learnt from How to check if a open file has been updated that I should use a FileSystemWatcher to watch for changes to files. Then now, the question is if I must keep track of many files, do I create 1 watcher for each file? Also, I must somehow dispose of the watcher once the file is closed. Is having a Dictionary<string, File...

How to monitor process' IO activity using C#?

Using FileSystemWatcher we can monitor the IO activity of a particular file system, but is there anyway to know that which one of the running processes is causing that IO? More specifically, suppose a running process viz. abc.exe is creating a file text.txt on drive D. We can monitor that a file named text.txt has been created in drive ...

FileSystemWatcher - minimum permissions needed on target directories ?

Hi - Using the .NET FileSystemWatcher to monitor a directory full of files for : Changed; Created; Deleted; Renamed events . What's the minimum the rights the Account running the FileSystemWatcher needs over the directory it's watching ? It seems like it would be ...

filesystemwatcher as windows service?

hello, I am setting out to create an app that will watch a directory for any files created. pretty straightforward time to use a filesystemwatcher. My question relates to how to utilize it. Is it common practice to use a windows service to ensure the application is always running? i have been trying to get away from building windows ...

Moving files from watched folder in C#

Hi, I am using a FileSystemWatcher which uses the Created event to listen for when I copy files into this directory. this method is below: private void fileSystemWatcher1_Created(object sender, System.IO.FileSystemEventArgs e) { System.IO.Directory.Move(fileSystemWatcher1.Path+@"\"+e.Name, fileSystemWatcher1.Path + @"\Processing\"+e....

Capturing and storing file meta data in a database when created, updated, deleted

There's a legacy tool that tracks the number of specific document types, date created, last updated by, etc... so reports can be run on the different types of items created such as videos, research docs, etc... unfortunately it relies on end users to enter this information manually into a webform. - I believe there must be a better way o...