
How do I get emacs to fill sentences, but not paragraphs?

I've seen at least two recommendations on StackOverflow to insert newlines between sentences when editing LaTeX documents. The reason being that the practice facilitates source control, diffing, and collaborative editing. I'm basically convinced, but I'm lazy, and I don't want to have to think about it. So I'm searching for some emacs ...

SqlDataAdapter.Fill() Timeout - Underlying Sproc Returns Quickly

Hello, I have a SqlDataAdapter that is being populated with 21 rows of data (4 columns). The sproc that drives it returns in a couple seconds in SQL Mgmt Studio, but the .Fill() takes 5 minutes. ArrayList ret = new ArrayList(); SqlDataAdapter da = null; SqlCommand cmd = null; cmd = base.GetStoredProc("usp_dsp_Stuf...

Changing fill color of MovieClip Actionscript 3

Hi, i want to ask, how to change only fill color of an instance on the stage - i can do it by using ColorTransform object, but it changes color of the whole instance, not just the fill. I want to change only the fill color, not the stroke color. can anybody help me? this is my code: function paint(){ var myColorTransform:ColorTrans...

C# Containers -- Filling a Space Vertically on Resize

I'm new to C# and I've been working on a small project to get the feel with Visual Studio 2008. I'm designing the GUI in C#, and I have a TabControl with three GroupBoxes. These three GroupBoxes are anchored to the left and right of the screen and work perfectly when resized horizontally. I would like these three boxes to take up 33% of...

Android - Fill bitmap with colour

Hey all! I'm working with Android and I really need a fast way to get a bitmap of a predetermined size to be filled with a predetermined colour. The following code is not working for me however; Bitmap input is a mutable bitmap int old = input.getPixel(0, 0); Canvas c = new Canvas(input); Rect rect = c.getClipBounds(); // The dime...

2d Array in Spiral Order

I'm trying to fill an array in spiral order. So far, I can print the array in spiral order, but is there a way to modify the array so that i can fill it in spiral order and then just print the array? I'd like it to go in decreasing order like a countdown. Please help! public class Spiral { public static void main(int m, int n) { ...

Coloring Image in iPhone SDK.......

i am developing a iphone app. i have a background image lets say an airplane with black color out lines and from color palette user can pick a color and fill the region of airplane....any help, code , suggestion will highly be appriciated ...

How to make a div to fill a remaining horizontal space (a very simple but annoying problem for CSS experts)

I have 2 divs: one in the left side and one in the right side of my page. The one in the left side has fixed width and I want the one of the right side to fill the remaining space. The one on the right side is the navigation and I want it to to fill the remaining space on it right side: My CSS: #search { width: 160px; height: ...

Possible to fill a table cell with a bg color?

I have a table cell that isn't entirely filled with text so the bg color doesnt cover the entire cell. I still wish to have the entire table cell filled with the same color without using a background color on the whole table. So is it possible to fill the entire cell with a color without using background color on the whole table? ...

Scaling a fill pattern in raphael.js

paper=Raphael('previewBody',480,480); paper.path({"stroke-width":1},'M0,0 L480,240 L480,480 L240,480 z') .attr('fill','url(bg.png)')) .scale(.5,.5,0,0); My problem is the fill is not scaled with the svg canvas, so proportionally, it ends up as twice the size it was before the scale of the path. Is there any easy way to scale the fi...

Path2D fill and draw algorithm

Hi, Does somebody know the algorithm that is been used to fill or draw a Path2D (GraphicsPath in .NET) object with a Graphics2D-object (Graphics in .NET). The algorithm isn't public in the Java-sources and .NET isn't public at all. I want to use it for some fast image-operations. Thnx ...

OpenGL glColorPointer repeat colors?

Imagine that you've got one of these guys: Aka GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP. If you wanna color it using different colors, you could use: glColorPointer(4, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, 0, colorArray); glEnableClientState(GL_COLOR_ARRAY); Where each "item" in the color array matches a vertex point in the strip. But what if the colors just alternate betwe...

Problem with centering my WPF control

Hi i have a window where i add a new usercontrol to with an image, i simply want to center the image (thus the control) in the middle of the screen (both vertically and horzontally) can only get the vertical on e to work. Im gonna swap content in the dockpanel from my codebehind and want to show this startupd screen before i start doing ...

How bad is opening and closing a SQL connection for several times? What is the exact effect?

For example, I need to fill lots of DataTables with SQLDataAdapter's Fill() method: DataAdapter1.Fill(DataTable1); DataAdapter2.Fill(DataTable2); DataAdapter3.Fill(DataTable3); DataAdapter4.Fill(DataTable4); DataAdapter5.Fill(DataTable5); .... .... Even all the dataadapter objects use the same SQLConnection, each Fill method will open...

zerofill a interger php

Hay, how would i go about 'zero filling' an integer? ie 1 becomes 0001 40 becomes 0040 174 becomes 0174 Thanks ...

How do I do a iPhone button-like fill

I'd like to spruce up some of the user controls I use and thought some attractive fills should do the job (part of it perhaps). Like the fill in the background of iPhone buttons or the Office 2007 ribbon bar (perhaps you know a few more). Edit: To clear things up, I don't need a simple gradient fill - there is a Windows API call for tha...

How can I fill an actionscript 3 polygon with a solid color?

I'm building a map editor for a project and need to draw a hexagon and fill it with a solid color. I have the shape correct but for the life of me can't figure out how to fill it. I suspect it may be due to whether the thing is a Shape, Sprite or UIComponent. Here is what I have for the polygon itself: import com.Polygon; import mx.c...

iphone change fill color of a shape drawn in context

I have drawn an enclosed shape using CGContext and filled a default color. I want to change the fill color on some event, how can I do that. There is only one enclosed shape in the context. ...

Fill a select/menu object using jQuery

Hi guys I need to fill a object using jQuery I have a dialog (jQueryUI) that shows. Once dialog closes, the object should be filled with items taken from a mySQL table I have a function fill_select() located in my JS code... and I should place code there, because I call this JS function frequently. PS: I should remove all the item...

Animating the filling of a mask

Hi, I have taken the popular colorizeImage procedure and modified it to display incremental section fills for an image using a mask. Now I am trying to give a look of the image filling up gradually, I have tried to use Basic Animation to do this but I get a fade between the two images, and if I try and add it to an animationgroup and a...