
XtraGrid. apply filter by enter key

Hello, guys I use devexpress XtraGrid and auto-row feature. At documentation I see: "You can also specify whether filtering should be applied immediately after changing a value or only when end-users press the ENTER key." I would like implement second behaviour, but I don't find any properties for this. So how can I achieve this behavio...

Problem with LINQ Filters in Telerik RadGrid

Hi all. I have a problem using Telerik RadGrid. When I apply a filter on a data column, I use the filter expression as a Linq expression. So (server side) I parse it with Dynamic Linq (from MIcrosoft LINQ examples) in NeedDataSource handler. The problem is that when I specify "Start With" as a filter, I receive the following as "Linq ex...

Django template filter - one line

I'm looking for a Django template filter that turns a multi-line construction into one big line. Has anyone implemented it? The reason is - I have a form, {{form.as_p}} creates a multi-line html fragment, I want to create a javascript variable which is an html fragment, but when I do like this: var new_div_text = '{{form.as_p}}'; ...

Problem with filtering DataGrid

I have bound my DataGrid to a DataTable and only few of the details are displayed in the grid. When I wanted to filter the DataGrid I created a View with my DataGrid's ItemsSource. Code: Dim myView As ICollectionView = CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(MyDGrid.ItemsSource) myView.Filter = New Predicate(Of Object)(AddressOf filte...

Direct Show graph - how to get the current fps?

Hello I have an instance of IFilterGraph - my own graph with video filters (source, transofrm and renderer). How can I obtain the current fps (video frame rate) of running graph? Regards Dominik ...

image Texture Feature using Gabor filter

I have the following gabor filter to extract image texture feature.. a=imread('image0001.jpg'); a=double(a); a=a-mean(a(:)); [r,c,l]=size(a); K=5; S=6; Uh=0.4; Ul=0.05; alpha=(Uh/Ul)^(1/(S-1)); sigmau=(alpha-1)*Uh/((alpha+1)*sqrt(2*log(2))); sigmav=tan(pi/(2*K))*(Uh-2*log(2)*((sigmau^2)/Uh))/sqrt((2*log(2))-(((2*log(2))^2)...

how to get the info which contains 'sss', not "= ",

this is my code: class Marker_latlng(db.Model): geo_pt = db.GeoPtProperty() class Marker_info(db.Model): info = db.StringProperty() marker_latlng =db.ReferenceProperty(Marker_latlng) q = Marker_info.all() q.filter("info =", "sss") but how to get the info which contains 'sss', not "=", has a method like "contains "? ...

filter with grep to print when text is NOT present in another file

I have a linux filter to extract all lines from an xcode project that contain localized strings and produce a sorted list of unique entries. The filter works fine and is shown below. grep NSLocalized *.m | perl -pe 's/.*NSLocalizedString\((.+?)\,.*/$1/' | sort | uniq The result is a list of strings looking like this @"string1" @"st...

How should I filter this data?

I have a several series of data points that need to be graphed. For each graph, some points may need to be thrown out due to error. An example is the following: The circled areas are errors in the data. What I need is an algorithm to filter this data so that it eliminates the error by replacing the bad points with flat lines, like so:...

Return 1 result per left join

Currently I am performing a left join on two tables. The first table has an id and a persons name, the second table has an id, the id of a person from table 1, and then a timestamp (of the last flight they had). People Flights id | name id | person_id | time ------------ -----...

Cross-browser blurred background?

I want to make a menu with semi-transparent blurred background. At the moment, I've only found a solution for IE: filter: blur(strength=50);. How can I do this cross-browser, without using images? ...

Got Problems with Tuckey UrlRewriteFilter and Spring 3 Web MVC

Hi, I have a Spring Web MVC application and I want to use RESTful URLs. Regrettably I haven't found any configuration that works for me with Tuckey's UrlRewriteFilter. I'm using the "DefaultAnnotationHandlerMapping" and I added "urlrewritefilter.jsp" to my classpath and copied "urlrewrite.xml" into "/WEB-INF/". I wan't to achieve that ...

Photoshop TWIRL filter php implementation

Hello. Does anybody know any php-implementaion of twirl effect? I know about ImageMagick, but would like to do the same with native php graphic libs. ps. for captcha of course ...

Is there a framework or pattern for applying filters to data?

The problem: I have some hierarchical data in a Django application that will be passed on through to javascript. Some of this data will need to be filtered out from javascript based on the state of several data classes in the javascript. I need a way of defining the filters in the backend (Django) that will then be applied in javascript...

How do I dynamically construct a predicate method from an expression tree?

Here's the scenario: Silverlight 4.0, DataGrid, PagedCollectionView itemssource. The objective is to apply a Filter to the PCV. The filter needs to be a Predicate<object>(Method) - where Method implements some logic against the object and returns true/false for inclusion. What I have is a need to optionally include 3 different criteria ...

Magento: Filter Configurable Product by their options

Hello. I want to filter some configurable products by attributes that are used to create more instances of that product (size, color etc.). This means those attributes are not directly assigned to the configurable product, but their childs. I already have a code that filters configurable products by some attributes, but these are all as...

PHP advanced graphics library

I'm developing a graphic manipulation web service in PHP, I want to accept images, apply filters and output them instantly. Is there any library out there to accomplish this task? (think of filters like the ones used in this app ...

JavaScript filtering an array of <input> values by character count

This should be a quickie, but I'm scratching my head as to why this bit of JavaScript isn't working for me. The goal is to take the value of an input box (string of words separated by spaces), list these words as items in an array, and remove those which are fewer than 3 characters: var typed = $('input').val(); var query = typed.split(...

How to know the colmn on which filtering is applied on telerik grid in MVC

Hi I have an MVC application and in that i am using telerik grid to display the list . I am also using filtering option on the column. Is is possible to know on which column the current filtering is applied i.e to get the column name and value or if possible to highlight thoes column. Thanks supriya ...

How to filter Child entities in LINQ Include query?

I'm working with ASP.NET 3.5 SP1 and I have a question that I've been stuck on. I have an ASPX page on which I have 2 repeater controls, 1 nested inside the other. From the code behind I have a simple LINQ To Entities query which retrieves the data and I then bind this data to the repeater controls. The ASPX page is shown below: <asp:Re...