
Advanced filtering on Google Analytics to grab referrals and convert them to external links

Hi all, I've been segmenting my full referral path to the user defined value using advanced filters. I would like that data, which obvious is the form of an URL to be clickable. Would even be better if it could open in a new window. Anyone knows what I should feed the user defined value to get that behavior? I've put up an image ...

Filter subform based on what is typed in a textbox on the subform

I'm trying to filter the records shown on a subform based on what is typed in a textbox on the subform. The subform is called Users, and it is on the Group form. On the Users subform there is a textbox called txtFilter. If I type "W" in txtFilter, I want to show only records in which the User's lastName or userName begins with a "W". As ...

Issue with scrollable filtering with jQuery.

For my portfolio section i've combined two scripts to be able to filter by category and be able to scroll horizontally through the images. The scrolling works (does some weird jumping but still works), the bigger issue arises when you filter by category. The thumbnail animates off the screen so it can't be seen (and if you scroll it nev...

gridview filtering via joined tables

I'm trying to display data which comes from a join on two tables (or more) in a gridview I want to be able to filter the result set via user given input (text boxes on page) I have tried the standard tutorials but cannot find something which goes beyond displaying one table result sets in the gridview. If I go through the configure gr...

jQuery Sorting and Filtering Multiple Columns

I want to be able to sort and filter multiple columns using a jquery plugin. Does anyone know of any that will do this? The following example is very close to what i want except it doesn't do multiple sorts Thanks! ...

Building query string links

I'm building a filters section for my search page and I was wondering what is the best way to go about doing the query strings. My problem is that these links function a lot like checkboxes, so some, all or none can be on. I'd have to loop through each of about 30 or so links, removing or adding that specific link's value depending on it...

NSArray as two dimensional array

Hi friends Can anybody suggest which is the best way for using NSArray as two-dimensional array to store data for filtering data based on field. Thanks in advance Regards, sathish ...

nsarray filtering

Possible Duplicate: removing duplicates in nsarray Hi friends, I am storing the value in nsarray and i have to remove the duplicate dates.i mean exactly like this (14/12/2010,paid,15/12/2010,pending,15/12/2010,pending,16/12/2010,paid) should be (14/12/2010,paid,15/12/2010,pending,16/12/2010,paid). can any one suggest me the b...

Reading large text files to datagridview a filtering

I need to read line by line from text file (log files from server) and they are big (about 150-200MB). I am using StreamReader and its great for "little" files like 12MB but not for so big. After sometime it is loaded and it shows in my DataGridView but its huge in memory. I am using bindingSource.Filter on this DataGridView (like textbo...

Java - Problem with filtering on a JTable

Well guys, here i am. In three days i couldn't resolve this problem. (I'm italian, sorry for my english). Shortly. I have a panel on which there is a JTable that show a mp3 list. Then another panel whith a JComboBox (with it i can choose the type of filter), a JTextField (where i write what i want to search/filter), and a JButton that ...

Color filter in MATLAB

For this picture: How do I make filter that returns true on brown color (insect) and false on background? ...

iphone & Objective C - Filtering an array using NSPredicate ???

I have an array of objects (Users) each user has an nsset named "devices" Is it possible to filter so the array returns all users who have a device with a specific name. NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"devices.category==%@", @"mobile"]; myArray = [allUsersArray filteredArrayUsingPredicate:predicate]; ...

Whats the right / best way to filter HierachalData in Actionscript that consists of varying filters, how they apply, and differing hierarchal datasets

I have been trying to decide what the best way to filter a set of data for a tree view is. The filters are in the following XML format: using periods instead of carots .Category. .FilterCategory(sometimes) FilterAgainstAttribute, FilterDataToCompare, FilterCategory. .Filter Attributes(FilterAgainstAttribute, FilterDataToCompare, Filter...

Using Javascript regular expression for filtering HTML

Good morning is there a clever way to use a javascript regular expression to clean up this string: var spans = "<SPAN><A href="javascript:sel.RemoveProductFromSelection('12372');"><IMG src="remove.gif" width=18> </A>Mirage - JOY</SPAN> <SPAN><A href="javascript:sel.RemoveProductFromSelection('12427');"><IMG src="remove.gif" width=18> <...

Maven: Use the filtering mechanism for text files not under 'resources'?

I need to customize a number of XML files which are not under resources (in particular, they are under an EAR's project src/main/application). The filtering mechanism would be perfect for this, but my understanding (correct?) is that it works for resources only. Is there a way to use filtering for files in other directories than src/m...

Javascript web content filtering

Hello, I am trying to build a filterable listing of Resumes for a Club website that I work on. My goal is to be able to a all the resumes (in PDF) in a folder on the web server. I would Then like to offer the option for a user to generate a listing of Names with associated Link to the PDF document Like "Name Resume Li...

Linq-to-sql logic pain

I've been trying to get the following method cleaned up using more sensible and lean syntax, but I'm striking serious headaches when it comes to aggregate clauses and filtering using L2S. Particularly, I feel I should be able to use a .Contains() method to filter out objects whose tags fit the string parameter passed in the method, but ...

Support for multi-line properties in Maven filtering?

Is there a way to support multi-line values in a used by Maven's filtering mechanism? I have several that are like this (they are the Base64-encoded version of a certificate, like the one below). Making it a single-line value is possible, but not that great when editing. MIICQDCCAakCBEeNB0swDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEEBQAwZzELMAkG...

jquery filtering has + not

Okay I have list items, some have a span, some not. On my event I want to add the span when they don't have any yet. has() works fine, but not() adds the span to both?? HTML: <ul> <li> <p>item</p> <span class="spn">empty span</span> </li> <li> <p>item 2</p> </li> <ul> <hr> <a class="add-span"hre...

Maven - resource filtering : implications of the @ symbol in resource files

I am using the Maven assembly plugin to prepare some configuration artifacts for different environments, and I am using resource filtering to substitute parameter values. I came across a weird behaviour where I had a property file with the contents as follows: ########################### # [email protected] # ################...