
Top reasons why programmers are fired.

Have you ever been fired before, or one of your colleagues? What were the main reasons for him being fired? The objective of this question is to get a list/description of other peoples experiences too see if we can come up with a theme of why people are let go. For those that work for consulting companies, I would guess one of the mai...

As a programmer, what are some telltale signs that you're about to get fired or laid off?

If you have ever been fired from a job, did you notice anything different about the behavior of your peers or upper management just before your termination? What are some common signs to look for among your coworkers and project manager(s) that would indicate your position is severely at risk? EDIT: My instincts were right, and I opted ...

jquery js how to avoid massive onmouseover onmouseout firing

i have a table with some columns. in each of them is a picture where i have a onmouseover onmouseout event on it, which show a message in a div and hide the msg. my problem is - after a user goes quick from left to right (and moving) over a lot o images. all mouseover/out events of the images where executed, which looks stupid... is it ...

ObjectdataSource Inserting event not firing up ?

Hi I have an objectDataSource and i am trying to pass an object as parameter in its Inserting event. For some reason the "Inserting" is not getting fired up before Insert is called. It is not getting into ObjectDataSource1_Inserting(object sender, ObjectDataSourceMethodEventArgs e) Event block for some reason. Any idea ? Here is the...

Programatically firing an event in GTK (With Gtk2Hs).

I am using Gtk2Hs (EventM module) to handle GTK events within Haskell. Is it possible to manually (re-)fire an event? Upon detecting an event on one widget, I want to refire this event on another widget. I am using Gtk2Hs version 0.10.1 and GHC version 6.10.4. ...

jQuery: textbox keyup firing twice

hi, i'm having a textbox and assigned the following function (it's the only function assigned): txt.bind("keyup",function(event){ if(event.keyCode==13) { var nu = $("#debug").html(); nu+="<br>enter"; $("#debug").html(nu); } }); the strange thing is that it's actually firing twice, thus displaying "...

collision detection of cannon balls with wall and target

I am seeking a good algorithm detecting if a moving ball is touching either a static wall or a static target. A classic Firing game logic. Anyone seen a good algorithm other than just loop them all? EDIT: i have no idea which is the best solution, BSP tree or grid based calculation, but my implementation will be on javascript and contr...

input textbox onchange is not firing when data is assigned to input textbox

this is my html page <script> function set() { document.getElementById("txt").value++; } </script> <input id="txt" type="text" onchange="javascript:alert('txt changed');" value="0"> <br/> <input type="button" onclick="set()" value="Set Data"/> when i press the button, the text box value is changing, and onchange even is not firing but...