I use a movieclip in flash that makes requests of an XML file through GET (port 80) each second. The file size is 2kB. How can I reduce the required bandwidth? The movieclip timeline is already adjusted for 1frame/s.
I exported a flash movie from Apple flash CS4 with one font and different styles like bold, bold it, regular and italic. I followed the steps on http://wiki.novemberborn.net/sifr3/How+to+use.
The export protocol says all fonts are embedded. But flash player does not show the four font styles - only the style of the first letter!
A ...
Hi, I'm trying to write a regular expression in flash that will find the word "ho" but not the words that contain this, like though, how, who, thought, etc...
I'm not asking for an explicit solution but a point in the right direction or an example would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Hello, using various tutorials I created the next quiz in AS3. It's dynamic and I use an important function to set up the entire thing, and a counter to manage the quiz and arrays.
After picking an answer you click on a check button and then on a "Next" button.
I'm getting no errors, however for some reason calling the setup() function ...
I have the following code in ActionScript3 for loading images:
// Create the image areas
var imageArea1 = new imageArea();
var imageArea2 = new imageArea();
var imageArea3 = new imageArea();
var imageArea4 = new imageArea();
var imageArea5 = new imageArea();
var image1;
var image2;
var image3;
var ...
I have 2 classes: Entity and Ship. Entity extends MovieClip and Ship extends Entity.
I have a MovieClip associated to the Ship.as class file.
The thing is that I'm able to show, rotate and move the Ship object. However, I cannot change the pointer to the place I want in its timeline; in short: I can NOT have a successful respo...
I am trying to output my Flash application's trace to the firebug console. After some Goggling I have found that other are doing something like this:
public static function debug(text: Dynamic):Void {
ExternalInterface.call("console.log", text.toString());
My Firebug console never out...
I've develop a chat server using Twisted framework in Python. It works fine with a Telnet client. But when I use my flash client problem appear...
(the flash client work find with my old php chat server, I rewrote the server in python to gain performance)
The connexion is establish between the flash client and the twisted server: ...
I am wondering about the image effect seen on this site
I'm referring to the dotted / grid-like effect on the images. Do you think it's a simple Photoshop treatment or is it an effect done in Flash, related to the fact that the images scale full screen. I've seen this on many other sites and would be very int...
When I publish a Flash file that contains any sound (such as a WAV file), I can choose the sound compression method (MP3, raw, ADPCM, etc.). My question is about the mp3 compression and it's licence.
Flash gives me the option to compress a WAV file as mp3, but is the licence to use the mp3 format included? I have paid for a Flash licenc...
This SO answer says "The Flash Player now looks for a policy file on port 843".. I have a policy server that is listening on port 843 which sends out an XML policy to Flash clients. Is this enough? What is the "xmlsocket://" protocol? Is it just a way to tell Flash player that we're talking about sockets when using the loadPolicyFile() m...
Is there an arcball implementation for Papervision3D?
There are many arcball implementations for Flash/ActionScript but none specifically for Papervision3D.
Here's an example of an arcball implementation for flash:
I have taken to writing my own...
Hi again guys, this should be a very simple trace out... but I have no idea why it's not working.
<col id1="Photography">
<vid flv="video1.flv" thumb="thumb1.jpg">This is test video 1.</vid>
<vid flv="video2.flv" thumb="thumb2.jpg">This is test video 2.</vid>
<vid flv="video3.flv" thumb="thumb3.jpg">This is test video 3.</vid...
Is there an unofficial spec anywhere that explains how to reverse engineer a Flash .FLA file?
I'm specifically interested in creating an application that can "auto-scene plan" a Flash document programmatically, pulling in content from other files, arranging that content into layers, without needing the Flash IDE open. Animators would t...
One of the thing that current Windows application does is that it writes out information to a hardware device via a UDP message. We are considering porting the application to web-based.
I checked Silverlight, and that doesn't allow UDP. We don't want to use ActiveX or Java Applets.
What are the other options?
Update - does an...
I'm using Flash CS4 and Flex 3.4.0. I'd like to create a vector-graphic button in Flash and use it in Flex.
I'd tried to install the Flex Component Kit, but it won't add me the 2 commands I need for the conversion as stated here.
Anyone has seen/dealt with this problem before?
Is there a way to do a projector fullscreen in flash but retain the proper size and tile a pattern background? Much like an HTML page with a pattern background and main content area.
The game will be on a school VLE (virtual learning environment) like 'Moodle'. Can you export to email? Spreasheet? Or can it only be done with php? Do not want to be spending weeks on it!
I have some javascript in a repeater item which calls AC_FL_RunContent to load and show a flash file (in each repeater item) when a link is clicked (link is part of repeater item).
I have a paged datasource showing the first page of video links. Five items on each page.
The show video links work fine on initial page when there hasn't b...
I've tried using wmode transparent codes on my SWF slideshow but the menus still seem to appear behind the Flash in IE8 and Firefox 3.5... In IE7 it works although the looks of the menus aren't as good.
Here's the Flash code:
AC_FL_RunContent( 'codebase','http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=9,0,...