
Flash steals browser focus

I have a flash app in my page, and when a user interacts with the flash app, the browser/html/javascript stops receiving keyboard input. For example, in Firefox control-t no longer opens a new tab. However, if I click on part of the page that isn't flash, the browser starts receiving these events again. Is there anyway to programati...

Easiest implementation of onReleaseOutside in AS3?

I'm a long-time ActionScript 2 user, now getting started with ActionScript 3. The one thing I'm missing is an easy way to duplicate the functionality of AS2's MovieClip.onReleaseOutside. It is almost always necessary to implement this event, otherwise you get funny bugs like flash thinks your mouse is down when really it's up. Accordin...

Actionscript 3 outside of Flash / Flex

I've just finished a flash project where I did the entire project in "pure" AS3, without the use of the Flex framework. I found very little written about this on the web, so I'm not sure if this is a common way to develop RIA's, or if I've jumped off the shoulders of giants and done something stupid that will bite me later. It seemed...

FLV thumbnails

I'm looking for a .NET library or command line tool that would allow me to extract thumbnails from FLV files (AVI would be nice too, but not required). Something that would allow me to extract a frame maybe 15% into the movie would suffice. If it could extract a few frames, let's say one frame per minute, and make an animated GIF out of ...

API to broadcast live webcam

Hi! I would like to know if anyone here knows an API where it's possible for me to create a live webcam broadcast from inside my website? I was checking the uStream API and it seems that you can't create anything, just retrieve data... Does anyone knows anything like this? Thanks in advanced! ...

Create a weak reference to an object

Is it possible in Actionscript 3 to create a weak reference to an object, so that it can be garbage collected. I'm creating some classes to make debugging easier, so I don't want the objects to hang around in memory if they are only referenced here (and of course I don't want to fill the code with callbacks to remove the objects) ...

Flash 10 and HttpHandler serving swf file problems

Hi I display flash objects by pointing the Movie and Src params, as well as the embed-tag's src attribute to an HttpHandler with a filename as QueryString. <OBJECT codeBase="https://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=" classid=clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000 width="468" height="60"> ...

Display HTML in an Actionscript 3 project

Folks, I am pulling all my Flash (pure AS3 project, not Flash CS3) content from a Drupal back-end for SEO purposes. This works great, except the HTML rendering built into the TextField object leaves a lot to be desired. Could anyone recommend any libraries that would allow me to display HTML elements? At this stage, commercial or ope...

(C++) Game Server, (Flash) Client

I'm interested in putting together my first online game using Flash as the client and writing a back-end application in C++ where the actual game state is kept. I've done lots of games in C++ before using SDL, SFML, Allegro, etc etc but never gotten around to using the network libraries. I was just interested in some helpful direction f...

Is it possible to publish a FLA from the command line?

In our project we have a large number (hundreds) of FLA files created by the artists in CS3, from which we compile SWFs to use in our Flex/AS3 application. As part of a streamlined build/deploy system, it would be really handy to be able to automate publishing all these FLAs, and ideally deploying the SWFs too. I found some ways to do t...

GUI Framework for flash (as3)

I can't seem to find any GUI framework's for as3 that are as good as any the applications I already see out on the web; Is this something most people code themselves or am I missing something in flash itself? I'm looking for dialogs/windows, buttons, text boxes, combos, drop downs, menus, etc etc and the ability to extend the components...

Mac - Flash file not loaded in independent flash player

Hi, I am working on an independent application to play flash files on Mac. I have already done the same for Linux, and it works flawlessly but on mac for some reason flash is not drawing to my window. It is not throwing any kind of error too. I am using Flash player 10, that would mean that I am using the Core Graphics drawing model. I ...

AS2 Version of MovieClip.getChildByName()?

I'm trying to be responsible with my "DOM" references in this little Flash 8/AS2 project. What has become increasingly frustrating is obtaining references to other movie clips and objects. For example, currently my code to access the submit button of a form looks something like this var b:Button = _level0.instance4.submitBtn; I was ...

how to detect if a URL points to a SWF

Is there a way (preferrably using JavaScript) to determine whether a URL is to a SWF or a JPG? The obvious answer is to sniff the filename for ".jpg" or ".swf" but I'm dealing with banners that are dynamically decided by the server and usually have a lot of parameters and generally don't include an extension. so i'm wondering if I co...

Browser history for Flash (or AJAX)

What is the best tool / practice to enable browser history for Flash (or AJAX) websites? I guess the established practice is to set and read a hash-addition to the URL like http://example.com/#id=1 I am aware of the Flex History Manager, but was wondering if there are any good alternatives to consider. Would also be interested in a ge...

Can you recommend a good primer for writing flash games?

I wrote a simple asteroids clone prototype in the PopCap framework, and want to port it to flash. I am not looking for specifics but rather a good primer for writing games in flash. I have searched on google, but the documentation I have found so far has been rather scatter shot. Both in what it covers and who the target audience is. I a...

Can a Flash movie pass mouse events to the containing page?

One of our newer products is a walk-on video system, in which a character appears in an absolutely positioned DIV and gives a little presentation. We're using Flash 9, AS3. Unfortunately, in order to make him appear in front of the website content, we need to set his Z-index to a value higher than the page content. On some websites and ...

Save Java2D to SWF (flash)

I'm trying to save the output of an vector image drawin in Java2D to an SWF file. There are great libraries for saving java2D output as things like SVG (BATIK) and PDF(itext) but I can't find one for SWF. Any ideas? ...

What's the difference between String(value) and value as String?

Just to make this clear - what is the difference between: String(value) and value as String What are the cases where you would use one over the other? They seem interchangeable... ...

Accessing parent properties/methods in Actionscript 3.0

I'm trying to control the main timeline of my flash application from a MovieClip that is a child of the main stage. Apparently, in ActionScript 2, you could do that using _root, but using root (since _root no longer exists) now gives an error: root.play(); "1061: Call to a possibly undefined method play through a reference with static...