in my flex application, I created a Tilelist. In this Tilelist, I am using an ItemRenderer to create a box consisting of an image and an VSlider in each tile.
The tile need to be dragable when you click on the image, but not dragable when you slide the slider. How can I achieve this ? I have been scratching my head searching on...
Is there a way to force the flash garbage collector to clean up freed memory? I've seen that it takes a lot of time for flash to clean up not referenced memory...
I have a Flash application that is hosted from within a Drupal page. Some parts of the Flash application should be available to all users, but some should only be available to a logged-in user. (The specific role doesn't matter, just that they are any authorized user of the site).
From within Flash, I can detect whether the user is lo...
I'm looking to setup video uploads for users on a site and want to have them viewed through a Flash player. The site is already partially built (by someone else) and I'm wondering what kind of technologies there are to deal with the video files, specifically in PHP.
I'm thinking the files need to be converted to an FLV. After that I thi...
In trying to learn how to create objects in ActionScript, I have had no success.
One thing that I have noticed is that there seems to be a billion different ways of doing it. Even if none of them have worked for me. This is really confusing me, and I don't know which approach to try to debug.
The approach that seems to come up most of...
Is there anything similar to getElementById in actionscript?
I'm trying to make a prototype of a flash page wich gets it's data from a xhtml file. I want to have both an accessible html version (for search engines, textreaders and people without flash) and a flash version (because the customer insists to use flash even though a html-cs...
I'm writing a Flash game, pretty intensive on CPU.
Besides optimizing it a lot, I would like to be able to play it as players on slow PC's will, because I have a good CPU and I would like to make it also playable on bad CPU's
First I thought that virtualization would help, but I've tried vmware player with an ubunto image and I can't f...
I havent used flash or action script much. I am planning a small project that i'd like to be online via flash but i'd like to reuse the code in my c/c++ projects
Is there a script language i can use? i am thinking lua or python. After googling i found flua which is incomplete and jython. Can i use java in flash? would it be a good idea ...
Is there any function like php's mb_convert_encoding which can convert an encoding to another?
I want to convert the utf-8 text, passed in a input field inside the flash, to iso-8859-7 encoding.
I'm looking for a library to read a SWF file and let me parse through its actionscript and header information. Is there anything out there that will work?
To be able to upload large files from a HTML page to a FTP server, I am looking for a Java/Flash FTP upload applet.
I really like the way dhtmlxVault works, but I need it to upload to a FTP server instead of a HTTP file upload.
It would be really nice if the applet has no GUI of it's own, but instead is fully scriptable using Javascrip...
How can I make cookies in my Flash application using ActionScript 2.0?
Actionscript 3.0 has decent native XML support so I'm not surprised to see a lot of people loading an external XML and then passing the object around to various modules/sections of code.
However my instinct is to create a class (i.e. with statically named/typed fields), populate it from the XML and pass THAT around instead. The advantag...
I'm working on a webcam video streaming application utilizing Flash 8 (AS2) and Flash Media Server 3. Streaming the video live is fairly trivial, but I want to give the publisher the ability to pause their stream, effectively giving the people watching a snapshot instead of realtime video.
NetStream has a pause() method, but the docume...
I have a swf file that's embedded in a html page, and I have a close button in the swf page, I want the swf to disappear when I click on the button, what is the best way to do that? Thanks.
I'm looking to develop a website that will be fairly database intensive and that will be playing quite a few videos. My question is this: I don't have any experience as a programmer and I'm trying to figure out whether or not I should learn Ruby on Rails or Flex...or both. I have several people that are working on this project with me th...
I was wondering if anyone can help me get started with creating a room in Sandy 3D. I know I can generate the planes, but I am unsure as to how to implement simple physics (i.e. the player cannot walk through a wall). Is there a simple way to do this, or should I look into something like WOW (3D physics engine for Flash)?
What is the best approach to play a sequence of flv video files in Flash (with actionscript)? My goal is to have the transitions occur as smoothly as possible.
Currently i'm using the netStream class and capturing the onStatus events to play the next video when the current video has reached it's end duration. Althought this approach wor...
Hi all,
I embedded a swf in my html page, but I would like it to swap to another swf when I clicked on a button in html. I used swfobject.js to embed the swf, and I use prototype to write the javascript. I thought I can just do this
$('movie').value = 'swf/bhts.swf';
the value did change to swf/bhts.swf, but ...
We are currently working with Flex creating a web application. We are having trouble taking Arabic text from the user and displaying correctly (like in a chat feature). While presumably Flash 10 will solve this problem, we don't want to force our users to upgrade.
Flash flips the order of the sentence's words. so if I wrote somet...