I'm trying to scatter movie clips around the stage using Actionscript 3 in a way that looks as though they were randomly placed there, like photographs spread out on a table top.
I tried using a spiral type arrangement, but found it too uniform, and also a circular distribution, but found that too random.
The other factor is that i'd l...
Is there a way where I can save and debug a file in flash cs3 with combo keystrokes??
I'm running cs3 on a windows computer and I usually do ctrl+s to save and then do ctrl+shift+enter to debug... and I was just wondering if I can combine these 2 actions with one combination of keystrokes.
Hi there,
I am setting a string variable to the value of a input box in my movie but Flash also seems to be adding a \r (Carrage Return) to the end of it's value. This is not something i am typing.
Is this normal or am i doing something wrong, i can't seem to find where it is coming from.
If this is normal, what is the best way to pre...
I want to detach a movieclip and attach it elsewhere, but it doesn't seem possible in AS2.
I'm looking for an AS2 equivalent of Cocoa's addSubview/removeFromSuperview.
Is there alternatives routes to go, such as duplicating a movie with a new parent.. is that possible?
Google have added Extensions API for Chrome. Now it's possible to write extensions using HTML/CSS/JS. I was trying to embed SWF in html page and communicate with this page, but I got:
SecurityError: Error #2060: Security sandbox violation:
ExternalInterface caller
my date of string like (2009-12-03 21:05:00) date with time . so i used to store
var newdate:Date=new Date(Date.parse(startdate)); but shows some errors.
and also i tried to split string(date) used date function like
var datenumber:Number= (new Date(Date.parse(startdate))).getDate();
not get the date how can i split particular date ...
In regular html I can put a simple text input with name q and when I double click I get the internet explorer past searches...I like to do this in flash as3, any 1 know how? The html sample is as follows:
<input type="text" name="q" size="30" />
I have a Flash object that sends an URL request with URLLoader. However, how do I make it follow those Location: redirections in headers?
I've been using SiteClip from seetheface.com to allow users to record video directly to my site but it no longer seems to be working.
Does anyone know of something similar?
Basically SiteClip handles all the recording via a flash plug in and uploads the resulting video to my site.
Many thanks.
I want to build a community website with videoconferencing functionality integrated. I would prefer to provide this from within the browser, so I'm looking for a Java- or Flash-based solution.
Also, it would be nice to spare bandwidth by having the clients stream their audio and video data without using a central server (like the way Sk...
Hi,I want to get the sample of any mp3 sound file in AS3? How can I get that?
As per my understanding of the Adobe docs for a cross domain request by an swf, two types of policy files are required on the server:
URL policy file: this is named "crossdomain.xml" and stored in the root of the server and is generally an http request to the server.
I am using an array to poulate a flash 8 datagrid, simple enough. I am also pre sorting the array by one of the fields, also simple enough.
I would like the sort arrow to be present when the grid is first populated, but it isn't!!
The user must click a header cell for the arrow to become visible. Is there any way to override this behav...
Hi all,
i am new in flash development, i heard that Greensock lib is the best one. But when am trying to download its really confusing. there are a lot of names like
* TweenNano
* TweenLite
* TweenMax
* TimelineLite
* TimelineMax
* Tweening Platform v11
Which is the best or full featured lib.. where do i get the download link for th...
I'm working on an entirely flash-based site for a client who has already been using Blogspot for his News/Homepage updates. He wants to continue updating through Blogspot, but wants the blog to automatically fill in the text box on the flash site Homepage. I'm not sure if this is possible, or how I would go about doing it.
Here is the b...
When looking for encryption related classes/functions in action script / air / flash, I saw the as3crypto project.
This one provides a v. nice set of options, but I am a bit concerned on what the numbers presented means when these are used to decrypt a local media file when its selected about to be played.
I am looking for security vs...
is it somehow possible to open a HTML popup window from within Flash and have it receive text data from Flash which should be printed ... and this all only in AS3 and Javascript (since no server-side scripting is available)?
I'm trying to embed the Chalet font to some dynamic text fields and it is causing the vertical position of the text to jump up above the actual textfield. (see screenshot) Is Chalet a messed up font? (or more likely, Flash is sooo screwed up in handling fonts) This font displays absolutely fine in Photoshop and Illustrator.
Anyone have ...
I'm developing a little game. I use the following code to detect the keys pressed by the player:
private function onKeyDown(event:KeyboardEvent):void {
//moviment keys
if (event.keyCode == 37 || event.keyCode == 65) {
this.leftKeyPressed = true;
if (event.keyCode == 39 || event.keyCode == 68...
I've got a demo page up here; you can view source to see what I'm trying to do.
As you can see, everything about it seems to be working except for colors. I'm trying to set the color to blue (#0000ff), but it stays as black. I created a custom SWF file for my font, embedding four different variations of a single font in order to accommo...