The Flex compiler can compile "pure AS3" SWF files that don't contain any Flex Component bytecode. So,
Would it be possible to create a custom component framework (used in place of the Flex Framework), that can still be visually laid out using MXML (read: markup), and compiled down to a SWF without any dependencies on the Flex Framework...
I've been developing with XHTML, CSS and Javascript for about 4 years now.
I love it a lot and hate it a little. I've looked into Flash and Silverlight a bit, but as a developer, I'm not too keen on them.
One reason is that they lock you into a vendor and generally, into using that vendor's tools. E.g. Adobe Flash or Microsoft Visual S...
please help me how to update the externl xml file from actionscript.first i have load the xml file and the i have to update the xml file please help me,
thanks in advance
I am not able to restrict this code to scroll only the front_mc and back_mc, in the front_mc are nested buttons that work and showing content on click - but the mouse-movement gets captured all the time so also content of the menu gets scrolled, when mouse is moved. please help me guys, I am not fit enough to deal with it.
How do i pass three arguments using external interface in flash to a java script function and get back output and display it in flash?
I'd like a transition effect between 2 or more images. I know that simple transitions can be easily done in JQuery, especially with the Cycle plugin, but I want something more complex. Like this, although it's a poor example. A 'blinds' style effect where you can see one image through the other as it changes. I hope I'm clear.
I really...
import flash.external.ExternalInterface; ExternalInterface.addCallback("asFunc", this, asFunc); function asFunc(str:String):Void { out.text = "JS > Hello " + str; }
send_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickListener); function clickListener(eventObj:Object):Void { trace("click > " + mean.text);"calc", mean...
How can I control the audio & pan levels of an external FLV or MP4 video that I am playing through a Video object?
In AS 2, the way to do this was to create an empty movieclip and then use the attachAudio function, which has been deprecated. Should I go about doing this the same way or is there a better way to control the audio without ...
I'm completely new to Actionscript and I'm trying to figure out if it's possible to save variable state in Flash. I figure I could use XML but is there a way to store it in the Flash file itself? Thank you!
Hi all. I'm looking to handle image uploads on a site I'm building. All the behind the scenes stuff is fine, but creating an intuitive front-end is causing me head pains.
The problem with handling photos in a world where most people have asynchronous internet connections is the photos' size. I want each user to upload (at least) 10-20 i...
I'd like to allow users of a web-based CMS to upload Flash files and include them in the content. I'll probably use SWFObject to render the flash , but I need the width and height. Is this possible to determine these via C# when I do the upload?
I am creating a webpage in html with php.
I want the user to be able to click on a small icon image. When the icon is clicked a preview of a larger image appears.
Guessing the solution probably involves javascript or flash. Can you point me to the right direction. Thanks in advance.
I have an XML object that I want to send to my player via HTTP POST. This is all good when using XML.sendAndLoad.
The problem is that when the XML object I generate contains CDATA, the CDATA is stripped out before the POST occurs.
so if I have:
var xml:XML = new XML("<root><tag><![CDATA[hello]]></tag></root>")
when I do a sendAndL...
I have a calc function in java script that takes three integer parameters,
following is the AS3 code
import flash.external.ExternalInterface;
var para:Array = new Array();
send_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickListener);
function clickListener(eventObj:Object ):void {
When embedding a flash object, is there a way to determine when it's fully loaded?
That's my basic question, but for anyone interested in the details behind it:
I am using the (DOMWindow) jQuery plugin. For those not familiar, it's a basic overlay the appears centered on the page, above all other content which is dimmed.
Inside of the...
Im wondering if anyone has any input on this subject? Im building a flash video player, and I have added a mute volume icon, but Im wondering what everyone's thoughts are on adding a volume control too?
I've heard that the components in the upcoming Flex 4 framework will be more loosely coupled possibly allowing for smaller filesizes for projects that use relatively few components. It this true? Or will the entire Flex framework still get bundled into each SWF that uses a single Flex 4 component?
If it is true, and we could compile fai...
I would like to create a spinning menu akin to the one done in flash here. Are there any relevant links you know about to help with this endeavor?
Thank you kindly.
I am having a problem with SWF File. I have a SWF File on my HTML page and i need to link it to another HTML i used but the anchor is not working. Any one can help me. How to link a SWF file.
Since Flash 10 was introduced, many of the popular 'copy to clipboard' scripts out there have stopped working due to new security restrictions. There is a Flash-only solution here:
...though I'm looking for the ability to trigger the copy function via JS, rathe...