I've looked at http://www.adobe.com/devnet/flex/samples/fig_panzoom/ for pan & zoom, and it does a very good job of it. However, it only works with raster images. Does anyone know how to modify this for vector images (SVG converted to SWF).
My limited attempts have not gone well, as the Imageviewer.as class is clearly designed around ...
I'm looking for a jsfl function that can select all items on a frame and delete all strokes that match a specific color such as #0000ff
Basically I make a lot of notes with the pencil tool using red pencil strokes. But when Im done I just want to tell flash to delete all my red stokes from the screen and leave everything else intact. An...
Here is the code I used to post the bitmapdata to server side(PHP):
private function savePicToServer(bmpData:BitmapData):void
trace("in savePicToServer");
var jpgEncoder:JPGEncoder = new JPGEncoder(85);
var jpgStream:ByteArray = jpgEncoder.encode(bmpData);
var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
I am trying to split up my code in classes. but there is a issue what really bothers me. when i create a class for functions i am giving its own stage. like this
dragf:Dragfunctions = new Dragfunctions(this)
and in the class i use this
var stage:Object;
public function Dragfunctions(stage:Object)
I have imported a lot of paths from an Adobe Illustrator document right into a flash file. The paths exists as Drawing Objects inside the scene. Using pure actionscript, how can I move a symbol following each of the lines, without using predefined Motion Guides.
EDIT: I've attached the Flash file, full of drawing objects.
I have a text box that receives data from XML. Has activated the service. Everything works fine if i use "taurus" instead myVar in {}.
Now I want to change the field and depending on the button is pressed to receive different data. But nothing comes out.
public var myVar:String = "taurus";
Is there any way in django to store cookies which is independent to browser ?
is there any technique just like what flash SharedObject does ..?
Hi folks,
I'm wordering how apps such as Video DownloadHelper work.
Any ideas?
I have a AS3 Flash file with some animations during the timeline. On the timeline I also have a stop() in the middle (on a keyframe). When I run this SWF file it does stop. But if I load if from another Flash file using a Loader object it does not stops (nor runs any other action script - i.e.: trace("hi"))
I'm also including the context...
Is it possible to use a mobile phone flash app to access the bluetooth and connect to another phone?
I'd like to change certain color in an image on a webpage based on user selected color, it this possible using php or javascript.
if it not possible or will be difficult, how do i do it using flash?
please help me with sample code or website.
I'd like to see what your thoughts are regarding Flash and it's purpose in the future.
We all know what some of the pros and cons are for using Flash but with HTML5 growing rapidly, I can see Flash becoming less useful (perhaps even obsolete) unless new features are added to it.
Take for example complex animation, fancy fonts, dynamic ...
this piece of code is being placed inside a swf which is then being placed inside a mxml swfloader. The ProductDesigner is the name of the application and the selectRed is a HSlider mxml component. The error that I receive is that "Access of undefined property ProductDesigner" in the Flash CS5 when testing the swf. Yes I am able to pick ...
I am designing a website with flash video content. If I pass in the URL to a .flv file as a flash parameter to the embedded video player someone can easily extract the URL and download the flv video file. How to do I prevent this? Can someone refer me to anti-leeching techniques being used my websites like youtube.
Froyo and Flash Player are coming to our phones.
In the Adobe PreRelease programs we can find AIR beta for Froyo and Eclair. With that, I can develop a Flash app and export it to my phone.
So, is AIR player the Flash player? o_O
I can't understand what differences are between AIR and Flash on Android.
Can you help me? Thank you!
I have a flex component like this:
<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
<components:NavigationBar id="nagivationBar"
left="0" bottom="0" />
This is supp...
At the moment I'm using Selenium-Flex to write functional tests for a video playback app.
At the moment, I need to test that the app behaves appropriately when switched to fullscreen mode - make sure that the control bar is in a reasonable spot, the video resizes appropriately, etc., and of course to do that I need an automated way to m...
Hi I have a datagrid.
I want to know which header the user clicked on to give the currently sorted view.
Is there an API in flex framework that I can use to achieve this? Hopefully I can get back a column index so I know how it is currently sorted.
setInterval(func, 1000)
What if the func takes longer than 1000 ms, will the next call wait for 1000 ms or execute right away?
I'm using Flash CS4 and AS 3.0
I'm trying to add a login for running my flash movie.
When the user clicks the login button, the text of the password field is authenticated, which allows gotoAndPlay(2) .
But the problem is both in my .swf and my projector .exe i can easily jump the login frame by pressing Ctrl+Enter .