
Win32 ShellExecute and a UNC Path

I'm writing a little macro which will fire up a flash presentation. I'm using VBA to do this inside Powerpoint 2007. I am calling the Win32 ShellExecute() routine. Everything works GREAT but when I run this from a location whose path is a UNC path (\myserver\myfolder\sample.ppt) it does not work. The ShellExecute routine expects 6 argum...

Flex Framework - How to tell if user is using cached framework?

I have a public facing application deployed with Flex. I want to switch to using the cached framework (.swz) but need to know if for my user base this is an effective solution or not (most users will only visit the site once and its just not worth it). What I want to do is track whether or not a user has loaded the .swz/.swf file during...

How can you tell programmatically if a Flex App is running in debug mode?

Is it possible to write code in a Flex application that will only be run in a debug build, or when running through the debugger? Does Flex provide a way to actually remove code entirely from release builds, like C-style #defines? The app is not necessarily running in a web page. ...

How to extend default timeout period in flash application?

I have an application written in flash (actually it is written in haXe and run under SHWX but it doesn't matter here). I have a pretty complex task that consumes a lot of CPU power and sometimes executes for more that 15 seconds. If that happens, I've got an error saying 'A script has executed for longer than the default timeout period o...

Streaming audio with Flash / Actionscript 3 - Slow playback problem

I've written a simple Flash player for a Shoutcast stream. At first it seemed to work reliably, however about 5% of the time users experience slow playback where the stream plays at roughly half of normal speed. All files being streamed are MP3, encoded at 128kbps/44.1kHz, the same settings as used in the Shoutcast config files, so the ...

Flash editor.

What application should I use for creating Flash animations for a website? ...

How to read the value of a text input in a Flash SWF from a Flex App?

I have a Flex application, which loads a SWF from CS3. The loaded SWF contains a text input called "myText". I can see this in the SWFLoader.content with no problems, but I don't know what type I should be treating it as in my Flex App. I thought the flex docs covered this but I can only find how to interact with another Flex SWF. The F...

Arial Font doesn't display properly in Mac

I have a flash movie with a dynamic text that supposedly is Arial, and in my windows machine it displays as Arial. But when I tried it in a Mac, it shows as something like Times New Roman. I tried every property available and can't seem to get it to show as Arial on the Mac. I found another movie I had that didn't have this problem, so...

How do I get flash to reload the parent HTML page it is embedded in?

I have a flash app (SWF) running Flash 8 embedded in an HTML page. How do I get flash to reload the parent HTML page it is embedded in? I've tried using ExternalInterface to call a JS function to reload the page but that doesn't seem to work... ...

How do you decompile a swf file

I am the maintainer of a site that has allegedly 'lost' the source code to a flash swf file. How do I decompile this source? ...

What is the best tool to convert common video formats to FLV on a Linux CLI

Part of a new product I have been assigned to work on involves server-side conversion of the 'common' video formats to something that Flash can play. As far as I know, my only option is to convert to FLV. I have been giving ffmpeg a go around, but I'm finding a few WMV files that come out with garbled sound (I've tried playing with the ...

Grab a ProgressEvent from a POST upload in as3

Is there any way to track the status of a posted upload in AS3? There is a ProgressEvent, but it gives data back about the response, not the actual POST upload. I'm posting binary data for an image, so it's usually in the 50-100kb range. The image data was generated inside Flash itself, so I can't use the upload method - at least as fa...

What is the easiest FLV player for embedding video on a website?

I have video that I've converted to FLV format. I'd rather host it on my own site than use a service like YouTube. What is the easiest player to use? I'd like to just put the .swf file of the player somewhere on my server, and give it the video as a parameter. ...

How's the ActionScript2 -> ActionScript3 learning curve?

I knew ActionScript and ActionScript2 inside out, but I've been away from Flash for a couple years. What's the magnitude of becoming fluent in ActionScript3 and the new Flash functionality? From Colin Moock's blog, I heard that some of the fundamental movieclip methods have changed... ...

Flash should open window in new tab, but instead it opens a new pop up on mac

using target="_blank" in the navigateToUrl with firefox on windows it opens in new tab, with firefox on mac it opens a 'popup', anyway how to make the window popup in a new tab on ff on mac as well? ...

What's the best way to port an application from ActionScript2 to ActionScript3?

Our application is written in ActionScript2 and has about 50.000+ lines of code. We want to port it to ActionScript3 and we're trying to find out what our options are. Do we have to do it manually or can we use a converter, and what problems can we expect? ...

Multiple local connections in flash - what's the better architecture?

I'm using localConnection in AS3 to allow several flash applications to interact with a central application. (Some are AS2, some AS3). The central application must use a seperate localConnection variable for each receiving connection (otherwise the second app that tries to connect will be rejected). But what about sending messages back...

Actionscript 2: MovieClipLoader.onLoadProgress not firing in production

I'm working in Flash CS3, targeting Actionscript 2, and I'm writing an image preloader. When I test the movie with the download simulation turned on everything works just fine, and my preloader successfully updates the download progress bar I've made. When I upload the movie to my web server though, it almost behaves as though the Movie...

Can I get the old full screen scaling with FLVPlayback and flash 9.0.115+?

With previous versions of flash, entering the full screen mode increased the height and width of the stage to the dimensions of the screen. Now that hardware scaling has arrived, the height and width are set to the dimensions of the video (plus borders if the aspect ratio is different). That's fine, unless you have controls placed over...

AMFPHP service new service error

I am trying to add a new hello world service to amfphp, I am developing locally <?php /** * First tutorial class */ class HelloWorld { /** * first simple method * @returns a string saying 'Hello World!' */ function sayHello() { return "Hello World!"; } } ?> when exploring in the amfphp browser i ge...