
Server side alerts for client side app

Here's the scenario: User interacts with Adobe flex webpage to configure reports based on some data stored server side. They configure their view and have THAT view emailed to them daily. I've got the report builder, the part I'm trying to figure out is how to render the report server side and send it out as email (native flex functio...

Can we use Flex 3.0 for ASP 2.0

Hi All, I am a Java developer with knowledge and experience in classic ASP 2.0. In our organization we have couple of products in Classic ASP 2.0 built some 6 years ago. We want to have new functions & modules built in Flex 3.0 (making use of rich UI) with in the existing classic ASP 2.0 Application. such that we dont reenginre the ent...

How do I run Flash interactively in an MFC app ?

Hi all, I want to know if its possible to embed a flash movie inside an MFC app and let the user iteract with it. I know this is easily possible through embedding Flash activeX control. But I want the flash movie to be able to receive input from the MFC app (such as data and state update from the servers) and also should let the MFC app ...

Flex list-controls - maintain remote data

Hello. I have a TileList which represents some remote data. I also have a form which allows me to change the data. And the data may be changed by someone else too. What is the best way to maintain data in the list in an up-to-date state? The simplest option I see is the following: Select an item in the list Edit it in the form Save i...

Download a file in AIr,Flex

Hi , i need to download a file ex:pdf from a url and store in applicationsirectory or ApplicationStorage directory , i have a code to download but its opening save dialog box to get the userinput for where to save the downloadig file ,, this is the code iam using downloadURL.url = urlLocation; configureListeners(file); ...

Any body have a flex 4 new feature list?

Whats new in flex 4 and better than flex 3? ...

mac,windows,flex,air, alwaysontop

i setup alwaysOnTop="true" in mx:WindowedApplication alwaysOnTop="true" tag. but this does not work in MAC but works in windows. How can i solve this for MAC? ...

flex XMLSocket over ssl

i am writing a flash app that receives its data over a XMLSocket. On the testmachine that worked really fine, but now the data will be ssl secured. Is there any XMLSSLSocket or something similar available? If not XMLSocket a normal SSLSocket would be a great help as well. ...

Can I get the client's IP address in an LCDS service call?

I'm trying to find the IP address of a client when they make a particular LCDS service call. Understanding all the issues of getting a "real" IP address and privacy concerns and so on, it is possible to find the client's IP address? tj ...

Security for Flex app when ssl is not available

So I know the best practice would be to run my Flex app over ssl along with implementing other forms of security however that isn't an option at this point (for monetary reasons and the app simply doesn't need that much security otherwise my sponsors would pay for it). However, I would like to implement some form of security and I'm won...

Problems replicating drag-and-drop with mouse events

Hello, I want to replicate the standard startDrag/stopDrag events with my own routine to alter things a bit, and I run into some kind of event propagation or bubbling problem. Here is my code: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absolute" mouseDown="mo...

How do you install Flex SDK 4 to Flex Builder 3.0.2 ?

Hello, i am really going to be crayz. I did everything to install nightly compiled SDK 4 to FB. When i am going to design mode it says, Design mode: Cannot load textLayout.swc (reason: ERROR: Load Verify). It may require classes (such as Adobe AIR components) that are not supported by design mode. Check the Eclipse error log for more d...

Javascript to SWF on separated domains

Hi all , I have an application with embed swf thatis called from javascript using handleEvent, This was working fine when they were both on same domain but now when i seperated them it returns an error , any ideas ?? Thanks ...

Adobe Flex in an email?

Is it possible to host a very basic trust, Adobe Flex application in an email? ...

Need help in flex visualisation

I have an array of data which I need to display in a tree form. Birdeye seems to be a good tool but has poor documentation. Can you suggest some good flex visualisation tools? Or some birdeye tutorials to get the hang of it? (Google wasn't very helpful) ...

Flex Datagrid Item Renderer - issue with index

I have the following problem: My datagrid has a custom item renderer, showing a sparkline. Each row of the DG is displaying a sparkline based on the values found in the datprovider (arrayCollection). Now I have an index (to display a unique number for each value in the sparkline) counting up within the ItemRenderer. It seems to work, t...

Using ASDoc with Bindable metatag and mxml

I am creating the documentation of my flex project using ASDoc and having some issues with the bindable metatag. ASDoc doesn't document public Bindable values unless the Bindable tag has an event name associated with it. For example: //This is documented correctly [Bindable("someEvent")] /* * public bindable with event name * */ p...

How to create a dynamic flex datagrid

I'm trying to create a dynamic datagrid in Flex. The data is coming back fine and I can add the column headings. I need to do it this way as the column names are dynamic and coming from a mysql database. Can anyone help me get the values from re.result.resultSet.results[j].notes into the data fields? <mx:Script> <![CDATA[ ...

HTTP push examples in Flex

I am trying to create a simple board game (a kind of checkers), where users will be able to play online with each other using flex application as a client. I am using django application to process the game on the server side. And I come across the problem, if one user made a move, I can send it to a server, but how do I let the opponent...

flex core api hidden

is there any way to change file mode to hidden by flex? for example var myFile:File = new File(File.applicationDirectory.nativePath + File.seperator + "a.txt"); myFile.setHidden ...