I'm attempting to create a Flex Project that will cause the Flash Player to cache the Flex framework. Flex Builder comes with Flex SDK and setting the Framework Linkage to use Runtime shared Library (RSL) under Project Properties -> Flex Build Path will separate the framework from my main application and I see that my project...
I have a flash video player which requests a flv file from a central server. That server might redirect the request to a server from the user's country if possible, a lot like a CDN.
This video player also reports usage stats. One thing I'd like to report is the true server/location from which the player is streaming the video from. So ...
The rich text editor in flex provides option for having a bullet list in the text but there is no option for a numbered list ( ordered list , that give 1,2,3... on each line) ?
Is there any good example of customising the RTE in flex , please share.
Also , the bullet list does not allow nesting. We cannot do nested lists like in work,...
Hi community,
I am hosting a java service and a flex application on the same server. The flex application accesses the java service. As the flex application loads I get a security error, how can this happen? I thought I do not need a crossdomain.xml when hosting on the same server.
My flex app gets the data via a http service that send...
I'm involved in writing a Flex/ActionScript library and in the future I will be involved in writing the same library in JavaScript. Rather than writing a library in each language and having to maintain them separately I was wondering if it was possible to:
1) Write the code in one language and share the code into the other e.g. Write th...
A web service return to my flex3 client this custom exception:
<SOAP-ENV:Fault xmlns:ro="urn:Gov2gLibrary" xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:HNS="http://tempuri.org/" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="http://schemas.xmlsoap.or...
We have a Flex application which has several 'pages' worth of content. Each time a page is opened by the user some of the information on the page needs to be refreshed (takes less than a second to do so). We currently display a 'loading' animation.
The idea is to replace it with some kind of transition effect for the whole page and load ...
Hi all,
I was just curious about the password mode display of the TextInput control in flex. The control displays asterisks instead of the characters themselves when the 'displayAsPassword' is set to true. Quoting the documentation,
If true, the field does not display entered text, instead, each text character en...
I have an Air Application in Flex designed for 1280x800 which I would like to stretch to work full screen on a 1920x1200 monitor.
I've read this article: http://blogs.adobe.com/aharui/2008/01/flex_and_scalemodes.html and tried it, but it only zooms the upper left corner (as mentioned in the article).
I work with a WindowedApplicat...
I have a an image, lets call it "StageSkin.png". This is an image which is really just a border, and the middle of the image is "windowed", meaning that it is meant to show other information inside of it. The information inside of it is in the form of a component (based on a canvas component, lets call it 'Gauge').
I want to create a ...
I want to create a folder structure through Flex or AIR... is it possible? I mean the Flex or AIR will receive the inputs on what the folders and file names will be and when i press create, it should create a directory structure...
It is possible in PHP through fileSystem, but i am not sure whether it is possible in FLex or AIR....
OK I am sorting an XMLListCollection in alphabetical order. I have one issue tho, If the value is "ALL" I want it to be first in the list. Most cases this happens already but values that are numbers are being sorted before "ALL" ...I want "ALL" to always be the first selection in my dataProvider and then the rest alphabetical.
So I am t...
I'm trying to use e4x to retrieve xml from the result event thrown when my Flex webservice is successful.
This is a snippet of the returned xml
<p430:getRoomsResponse xmlns:p430="http://impl.service.com">
<p430:getRoomReturn type="p888:Room" xmlns:p888="http://vo.room.com" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> ...
I want to load a swf into a Flex application and scale it down into a thumbnail-size.
I've looked at http://stackoverflow.com/questions/245420/dimensions-of-loaded-swfs-stage, but it does not really address my need: I want to size it and keep all the pieces inside a container.
I have many Flex objects like this one:
public class MyData {
public var time: Date;
public var label: String;
I am populating this object from a DB record retrieved via AMF that looks something like this:
label: "Label",
incident: "2009-08-15 11:12:14.12233"
I want to write a generic value mapper for these ob...
the easy part is to create the image and the mask for it:
// The jpg
var elementImage:Image = new Image();
elementImage.source = "/assets/materials/9/main-body.jpg";
elementImage.cacheAsBitmap = true;
// the mask
var elementImageMask:Image = new Image();
elementImageMask.source = "/assets/elements/4/main-body-mask.png";
I have an AIR application running on Mac OS X. The application sometimes pops up little toaster windows to indicate certain events.
The problem I have is that when a user "hides" the application (cmd-h on Mac), those toaster windows cause all windows in the application to come to the foreground. I'm opening the toaster window without ...
I'm scaling my application to fit the browser window. I'm also defining my own cursor using a bitmap and CursorManager.setCursor.
The problem: when my app scales, the cursor bitmap is jagged. Is there a way to smooth the bitmap that is use?
I have a ComboBox with a label function like this one:
private function fieldLabelFunction(item:Object):String {
return resourceManager.getString('dashboard',"SS." + item);
When I change locales, the labels display correctly in the ComboBox's dropdown list, or if I change a selection. However, the currently selected item's label...
I am trying to do the following in AIR:
browse to a text file
read the text file and store it in a string (ultimately in an array)
split the string by the delimiter \n and put the resulting strings in an array
manipulate that data before sending it to a website (mysql database)
The text files I am dealing with will be anywher...