
Flex: Cannot tab between controls on a modal popup.

Steps to reproduce: Create a modal popup to popup with popupmanager (mine is a group with a skinnable container inside of it) Put field components (textinputs) on the modal popup Attempt to tab between controls. Tab switches to controls behind the modal-popup and ignores the fact that the modal is there. The tab loop only contains ...

Best way to remove all elements from an ActionScript Array?

I'm writing an application in Flex / ActionScript and have a number of class member variables of type Array storing data. My question is: what's the "best" way to clear out an Array object? I noticed the ArrayCollection class has a function removeAll() which does this, but the basic Array class does not. Some possibilities I've consid...

Any good Wizard libraries in Flex?

I'm looking for a good "Wizard" library in Flex before rolling my own. The important features are: Multiple custom input panels in sequence. Ability to prepopulate the data fields using an object, but cancelling at any point leaves original data unmodified. Ability to move to back and forth in panel sequence without loosing data. ...

Is there support for Glassfish in BlazeDS?

Duplicate http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1365026/blazeds-on-glassfish I have a question about BlazeDS and Glassfish. Is it true that there is no support for Blaze in GlassFish?? The following blog has a "hack" solution, but I can't find an 'official' solution. ...

Use the framework RSL within an RSL

I have a rather large Flex SWF and am breaking it up into separate Modules. There is some overlap between the modules and I want to put all of this into one shared RSL. The problem is that this RSL gets really large as soon as I use any Flex code because it has to include the Flex Library. Flex Builder doesn't seem to give me the option...

Actionscript PNGEncoder performance and UI blocking.

I'm trying to use PNGEncoder to encode a bitmapData object into a png ByteArray so I can send the data to the server. Everything would be peachy except the bitmapData is 4000x4000px and when I run the PNGEncoder.encode function on it the whole app stops (UI is blocked) for 5-8 seconds while it runs. Does anybody have any suggestions on...

How to serialize objects in flex for a c# backend

We are developing an app with a Flex frontend and a C# backend, connected through web services. We are using the FLex Builder 3's Web Service Manager to autogenerate the webservice classes. The problem araise when Flex serialize our objects, for example, when we have a Number property with no value, this is serialized as NaN, and our bac...

stateless mvc using parsley: is there a good pattern for race conditions/communicating state?

Hi there, my first question here, so go easy if I've not got the subject/detail ratio quite right ;) Ok. So I'm using parsley 2 in flex because I'm very much liking it's messaging architecture for decoupling the view from the model and controller via it's messaging dispatcher and presentation models (read view mediator's). what I'm wo...

Spring-Flex BlazeDs Multi-User + Global Chat Messaging

I'm working on an application that allows users to send internal message to one-another. I'll tell you what the current setup is and please help me figure out how to make it work or perhaps suggest another angle to take. We're using BlazeDS with Spring. User A listens for messages on message topic Chat.A User B listens for messages on...

Are Flex/Flash Based applications susceptible to XSS attacks? what are the various ways in which such attacks can happen?

Are Flex/Flash based applications susceptible to XSS attacks,what are the different ways in which the attack can happen and how to prevent/detect such attacks. ...

AS3: Export a MovieClip or Canves to swf

Hi All. Im having an app where the user can edit a simple greeting card and should be able to send it to another user. We currently doing it by exporting to graphic file and sending with some server script. Now - we found a need to export that card to swf. This card is basically a (Flex) Canvas holding some images and labels. What do...

flex newbie: can MXML be generated on the fly

Flex newbie question: can MXML be generated on the fly, like HTML is generated by a server? If yes, is it ok to do so or am I missing an important Flex architectural principle. ...

Complex Maven2 with Flex4 Setup

Hi. I have been struggling to get Maven2 to cooperate with me, and was wondering if anyone out there had any ideas on how to get this working.... I am working on a Flash project, and we are considering switching from our hybrid Flex4/FlashCS4 to a pure Flex4 solution. We would like to use the Maven2 build system, so that our developers d...

Triggering item renderers on hover with Datagrids

I've got a client who has a list of items on a Datagrid. When the row is clicked, it sends the user to another page with details of that item. The client wants the rows to act like HTML links, where the color is purple when the link has been previously visited and its normal color if the row hasnt been clicked in the past. I've accomp...

Flex 3 error: "Can not resolve a multiname reference unambiguously"

Hello, I'm quite new at flex and have been following a game tutorial. I've created a class named Bounce (Bounce.as) but when I try to compile, I get the above error. I've been searching forums and help, but the only people who seem to get this error is with HTTPServer. How can I specify to actionscript 3.0 that I want to use a created cl...

Calling a Flex/AS3 Callback from Javascript

Hi, I have a Javascript API, which should be usable with GWT and Flex. Using the FABridge it is really easy to call Javascript methods from AS3 and vice versa. But when I try to register a callback to an AS3 method in my Javascript API I get stuck. Here is a short code sample: public function initApp():void { if (ExternalInterface.a...

Flex project migration to 3.4 SDK

Hello I migrate from 3.0 to 3.4 SDK and see the following bug in my flex project VerifyError: Error #1053: Illegal override of FlexModuleFactory in mx.core.FlexModuleFactory. How can I fix it best Vladimir ...

Flex text field do not work under MacOS X

Hello. Strange problem. Text fields in my flex simply do not work under Mac. Inputted characters do not appear within it. I do not have any specific font set (just _serif), so I don't thing it's font issue. In what direction should I dig? Have anyone similar experience? ...

Does flex not support hashmaps?

I have a Flex object which collects a DTO from the server. All the fields arrive filled in correctly except for the one that is a HashMap. It arrives as null. I've tried giving it a type of both ArrayCollection and Dictionary, but that hasn't fixed it. Does anyone know if there's an inherent incomaptability between Java HashMap and Flex...

Adobe AIR Security Error loading .swf with RSS

Hello, I'm trying to load an swf file using SWFLoader in Adobe AIR app. The problem is that after the swf loads, Adobe AIR shows me the following error. I know that this swf tries to download an RSS file from the web. SecurityError: Error #2028: Local-with-filesystem SWF file file:///xfile.swf cannot access Internet How can i fix ...