
Flex Combobox preChange event

Hi, I have a project in which i need to pop up an alert to the user before a combobox value is changed. This feature is to allow the user to stay in current state if modifications were not saved. Meaning that the user will be able to cancel the change. I have sub classed ComboBox and tried to hook on ITEM_CLICK of ComboBox.dropdown but ...

Disable Flex CSS type selector warning?

I'm building a somewhat large Flex project that includes several modules (a single Flex project that produces multiple SWFs) Right now, I have a single css file, being loaded in the main SWF tag: <s:Application ... > <fx:Style source="css/main.css" /> ... </s:Application> In the CSS file: /* CSS file */ @namespace s "library://n...

Adobe Flex - LinkBar font size does not appear to change!

I have a LinkBar which is linked to a viewstack. However, as I change the fontsize of my LinkBar, when I run it, the font size does not change at all! I've tried changing the font using CSS and it doesnt change the font size! Any ideas? Here is the code: <mx:Canvas x="0" y="0" width="30%" height="100%"> <mx:Label x="10" y="10" text...

Selecting a column in a flex datagrid

In a flex datagrid, by default clicking on column headers does sorting. I want it such that if a user clicks a column header the entire column is selected. I have the datagrid listening for the HEADER_RELEASE event so I know when the column header is clicked. How can I have the column and header appear highlighted similar to how a ro...

How do I make sure the text of an ActionScript TextInput is updated when the Object property defining that text is updated?

Not an easy question to decipher, so let me boil it down. I'm trying to convert an MXML component to an ActionScript Class. The component consists of a Form with a TextInput, TextArea, and two buttons - Save and Cancel, and a Validator for the TextInput, and other logic to handle events that occur. This component is currently extended by...

Persist row order in Flex AdvancedDataGrid

I have an AdvancedDataGrid that I allow the user to drag/drog the rows to reorder them and also allow them to sort on columns. I want to save the row ordering so that the next time I load up the data, the row ordering is preserved. I have a bindable array collection to the data grid. The array is a collection of a custom AS object. I...

Is there a way to use a fingerprint scanner with Flex?

I was curious if it's posible to integrate a fingerprint scanner to a Flash/Flex/AIR application, I can't seem to find anything on the web. ...

Flex Newbee pondering workflow and best practice

I'm a seasoned PHP developer and have spent quite a few years building AS2 and timeline Flash projects as well. And, I'm extremely anxious to start working in Flex as well. - I have the perfect project for it too. However, while reviewing the tutorials and example Flex projects, they seem to focus mainly on form elements and data grids, ...

Flex RemoteObject Synchronous call

In the code below when I call chkAuthentication function from another function the remoteObj.login (login function in my service file (.php)) is called after the remaining code in that function. i.e., the loginStatus is returned from the function before the result-handler function loginResult is called. but my loginStatus is supposed to...

Change Titlewindow close button

I'm working with Flex 3.4 SDK. I need to change the default close button image from a TitleWindow. So what I'm doing is defining a CSS selector, like this: TitleWindow{ close-button-skin: Embed('assets/close.png'); border-color: #FFFFFF; corner-radius: 10; closeButtonDisabledSkin: ClassReference(null); closeButto...

Adobe Flex App page file usage going through the roof!

I have been working on an Adobe Flex application for some months now, and the application is meant to run 24/7 for days (weeks!) continuously. However, I'm now seeing that after a few days of running nonstop the computer it runs on tells me that the system is low on virtual memory and gives me an error about Page File usage. Once I clo...

AS3: How to convert ascii code to character actionscript

Hi! I want to create a board class from canvas, which will allow to track click position on it in coordinates like A2, where A...D is Y coordinate in some scale and 1...3 is X coordinate For example see image http://img.skitch.com/20091001-k6ybfehid6y8irad36tbsiif15.jpg What I want to create is a kind of convertor from canvas localX ...

make cairngorm commands ALWAYS work synchronously

I see the benefit of asynchronous commands (waiting for server responses...) but in my flex app it creates me more problem than anything. Here's what I want: EVERY command executes only after the previous one returned (to result or fault function) And I'd like to do this as easily as possible.. by the way the GUI must become irresponsi...

How can I programmatically show the toolTip on a TextInput when a validator returns "invalid"?

I have a form with a TextInput that has a custom Validator. I call the Validator logic and handle the result programmatically. This all works fine, except for one problem. The TextInput gets highlighted when it is invalid, but the toolTip that contains the errorMsg does not display until I roll the mouse cursor over the TextInput. Is the...

Why can't I import mx.controls into a Flex ActionScript project

I'm trying to do a simple import into an ActionScript Project that I've created in Flex Builder: import mx.controls.Label; It won't let me. Code hinting shows no 'controls' after mx. Any idea what's going on? Thanks. ...

EventListener to watch for number of itens in DataGrid

Hello everybody. I'm new to Flex, but I've been exploring it with Flex Builder, and its pretty good. Indeed the best for fast building of Web based Apps... I'm trying to do something with eventListeners, but i still do a lot of messy code, so wanted help of those who already know flex. I'm have a DataGrid, and its itens are added b...

Is there a test to see if an Object is an associative Array?

Is there a test to see if an Object is an associative array? Thanks. ...

How to halt execution in ActionScript

Is there any way to halt execution in ActionScript, such as a sleep() method? I know that there is a setTimeout() method, but setTimeout() just sets up an event for deferred execution. ...

Is there anything like Project Sprouts but implemented in Python?

Hi all Since our entire build system is written in Python, I'm wondering if there is anything like Sprouts that I could leverage to integrate Flex builds / development into our codebase? Sprouts looks nice and all, but I don't want to introduce another build-time dependency to our projects (namely Ruby). Thanks ...

Flex style name conflict

Hi, I am building custom as3 flex component with Flex3. My component has a style: [Style(name="rollOverColor", type="uint", format="Color", inherit="no")] Everything works fine until I include both my component and a LinkButton into MXML application. Flex builder tells that there is an error in the application when I try to compile it...