
Flex: passing parameters to custom components

Hi I am trying to create a component which can receive an additional value from mxml code: public class Board extends Canvas { public var boardSize:Number; private var cellWidth:Number; public function Board() { super(); } } How can I pass boardSize value from the mxml code. e.g. <MyComp:Board x="22" y="25" width="600" heigh...

How to use Vector in Flex?

I am trying to use the new Vector class introduced in Flash 10. Tried compiling the code using mxmlc but am getting this error message: Error: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: Vector. public var selectedRoutes:Vector.<Route>; ^ What could be the problem? What is the general consensus abou...

Returning to Flex after PayPal Express Checkout payment

Hello Everyone, I have successfully integrated PayPal Express into a Flex application. In DoExpressCheckoutPayment.php, I have the following JavaScript line of code that will not execute: window.opener.window.document.getElementById('index').paymentComplete(); 'index' - http://mysite.com/index.html# contains index.swf 'paymentComple...

Where to get Flash/Flex coding examples, a timeline example in particular?

I'm in the process of learning Flex, but I learn best by example. Where can I find open source examples of Flex applets? In particular, I'm trying to reproduce the functionality of the JavaScript based Simile timeline, so a timeline example would be sweet. ...

Zooming effect on datagrid cell with an image in the itemrenderer

Hi all, I am not able to figure out how to zoom the image displayed with the help of an item renderer.If i apply the Zoom effect on rollover ,the particular cell zooms the image with the scroll bars.Is their any other way of doing this without showing the scrollbars. ...

problem wrapping resourcemanager in flex

I want to be able to highlight missing resource text. What I would like to see is [key]-locale if the given key is missing for the given locale. E.g. [panel.label]-fr_FR. The resourceManager currently returns nothing if a label is missing. This makes missing resources harder to find. I can wrap calls to ResourceManager.resourceManag...

Flex: swiz .6.2 undefined method loadbeans

I'm trying to set up the swiz framework in flex but cant seem to get it to compile. Im using swiz 0.6.2 and flex 3.0.2. The swc is in the libs directory of my flex project. Im following the tutorial here: http://code.google.com/p/swizframework/wiki/DefiningApplicationComponents and my code looks like: Swiz.mxml-- <mx:Application xml...

implicit conversion of Object to XML in flex 3

when I send an object through an HTTPService to an XML api run by a Rest ruby on rails server.. how does it get converted to XML? I mean, it just works fine for strings and numbers, but for example Date type conversion causes an "unprocessable entity" error on rails log.. Any Idea? ...

ArrayCollection Objects to String - Problems with "for each" loop.

Hi guys. This is related to other question. But never mind it. I've fixed part of it. I have a DataGrid, its data provider is a ArrayCollection, and i want it to parse all itens in it (Object Type) to a String. For that I've done a "for each" loop, it manages to get the Object and its values, but if i have more that one object it only...

How to use a string as an e4x expression?

Possible Duplicate: In Flash, how would I run an e4x statement when that statement is stored in a String? I know there is an existing question regarding this problem, but it got no replies. Ideally, I would like to stick an e4x expression in a string and run it. i.e. var tempXML:XML = someXML; var stringe4x:XML = "pictures.pi...

How do I build a flash/flex chart control frsom scratch ?

Hi, Im interested in creating a flash control for a graphing solution. I consider myself an absolute beginner in flash having done a few designs on flash and using scripts to run them ages ago. Im prepared to learn it all over again and get some cool flash charts done. Please tell me some resources, books and stuff that I could use to cr...

How to simplify adding multiple text inputs

i have an application in which i have around 100 textinputs all are numbers i want to simplify the addition ie. any other way than saying txt1.text+txt2.text..... that would increase my code a lot is it possible to have (n+=txt*.text) or some thing like that any help would be appreciated have to get the application done in two days ...

Multiple Windows in Adobe AIR

Is it possible to have multiple windows-"handles" open in one Adobe AIR application? You can ofcourse make a walkaround by letting the app be transparent, but I am interested in a better solution. ...

Flex 3 - Force all controls to render at start

When I try to access the hidden TABs of my tab navigator control in action script, it returns a null error. But it works OK if I just activate the control in the user interface once. Obviously the control is not created until I use it. How do I make all the tabs automatically created by default ? ...

A VBox with only one rounded corner and gradient background

I'm working with Flex 3.4 SDK. I'm trying to programmatically(yep, must be this way) style/skin a VBox so that its top right corner is rounded, and it gets a two colors gradient brackground. Modifying examples I found around I was able to accomplish both effects(corner and background) but only separately: VBox with not all rounded co...

Mapping Java ArrayList<CustomClass> and Flex ArrayCollection

Hello Community! I'm currently trying to map a java ArrayList with a Flex ArrayCollection, through LCDS. My Flex application does call the Java method that returns the ArrayList, but I haven't managed to retrieve the ArrayList to display it in a DataGrid, on Flex side. JavaSide: I have 2 classes: - Jco_test.java: it contains the meth...

Flex 3 : "&lt;1" yr from Xml list is not comming on Y Axis in bar chart

I have a xml source like this <TS val="2005"> <DP y="75-79 yr" l="-114.9" r="108.6" /> <DP y="&lt;1 yr" l="-13.9" r="11.8" /> <DP y="&gt;85 yr" l="-117.5" r="104.0" /> <DP y="70-74 yr" r="39.2" l="-33.1" /></TS> In FlexBuilder 3: the chart Y axis is not showing the value for "&lt;1 yr" where as others are coming like "&gt;85 yr". So ...

How to compile a SWC file with mulitple namespaces

Hi, I'm trying to compile an SWC file from a list of given ActionScript classes. I'm using the compc compiler. The problem is that there are so many classes grouped into multiple namespaces that I am finding it very tedious to specify each individual class to be included in the SWC. Is there any easier way of doing this like just simpl...

Flex 3 - How to read data dynamically from XML

Hi Everyone, I'm new at Flex and I wanted to know how to read an xml file to pull its data into a chart, using Flex Builder 3. Even though I've read and done some tutorials, I haven't seen any of them loading the data dynamically. For example, I'd like to have an xml like the following: <data> <result month="April-09"> <vi...

actionscript (flex): how to know whether a property of object exists (or defined)?

Hi; I am a Java developer who tries Flex. Here is my problem: I behave actionScript objects as hashmap but when the object do not have the property it gives exception: No such variable. Here I expect it gave me null, instead of giving exception. So do you know is there a way to handle it, namely check if the property is defined for o...