
AS3Crypto RSA Signing

Hi All, I'm having some troubles matching the value returned from RSA signing a Base64 SHA1 hash in the actionscript as3crypto library with the result returned in c#. I'm passing in a Base64 hash decoded as a byte array to the sign() function provided in as3crypto and base64 encoding the result. However, this result never matches the r...

combobox dataprovider

I have the following: <mx:RemoteObject id="myCFC" destination="ColdFusion" source="components.myCFC" showBusyCursor="true"> <mx:method name="getStuff" result="UserHandler(event);"/> </mx:RemoteObject> ... <mx:ComboBox id="propertyCode" dataProvider="{qry_stuff}" labelField="name" /> Index.as has: [Bindable] public var qry_...

Flex date issue- Displaying wrong date

Hi, I am experiencing a very strange behavoiour of Flex Date object. My web service is written in .Net 3.5 and all object which I am retriving or updating have Creation Date (Date Type) in .Net code. But when I am calling .Net web service and displaying data in Flex, Flex displaying a different Date than what stored in web service. Whe...

JavaFX, Swing, or Flex for Java Desktop Applications

Most of the desktop application development I do is in Swing, and I'm curious to hear people's thoughts on using JavaFX and/or Adobe Flex for building desktop applications. Have you had success building desktop apps with these? Or would you stick with Swing for now and use tools to help make Swing development more productive? ...

ActionScript to alter the scale of horizontal axis of a LineChart

Hi guys, I've developed a Linechart in ActionScript.When it work with live data,horizontal axis become too much clustered.So i'd like to increase the scale of Xaxis with more values.Can anybody suggest me ,how i can implement it var lineChart:LineChart=new LineChart; tradesAC=new ArrayCollection; lineChart.dataProvider=tradesAC; lineCha...

Flex: HTTP request error #2032

In Flex 3 application I use HTTPService class to make requests to the server: var http:HTTPService = new HTTPService(); http.method = 'POST'; http.url = hostUrl; http.resultFormat = 'e4x'; http.addEventListener(ResultEvent.RESULT, ...); http.addEventListener(FaultEvent.FAULT, ...); http.send(params); The application has Comet-architec...

How do I fix an inconsistent linkage error in flex 3?

I was excited to find out that Adobe released the data visualization for free so I can use the fancy charts and all with my projects even though I don't have Flex Builder Professional. So I installed the new 3.4 sdk along with the data visualizations. Most all of my projects did fine except for one. This particular project uses localizat...

How to show progress messages in Flex from C# initiated Batch process

I have Flex call a C# dll which starts a long batch process (10 minutes). This process is actually a PERL program which periodically outputs progress messages. I want to be able to stream these messages back to a text area in Flex. Can someone point me to an example of such an arrangement? Mark. ...

Flex HTTPService going for timeout error as web service take more time to get response

Flex HTTPService giving timeout error as web service take more time to response. Due to large voueme Is there any work around to handle overcome the error ...

XML node value in the AS Script Block

Hello, okay I'm hoping this isn't to lame of question but I have honestly given up on searching the net for any clear example of how to do this. Here is the end result goal: I simply want to display the value of an xml node which is a url in the htmlText property. My approach is simple, get the mx:XML source and with a XMLListCollecti...

Google Analytics on Flex IFrames

So I would like to include pageTracker code in the iFrames that is being called. However the iFrames in this case are called from Flex. We are building a pop up and calling the iframes within the pop up. In this scenario, what is the best way to include the pageTracker code to track and trasnfer the visitor and campaign cookies from on...

Accessing JBoss conf file from Flex

I've got a Flex application running on a JBoss server, with dev/QA/production environments. The application needs to coordinate with some other services, also with QA/prod instances. Currently I'm sending the current URL in via javascript values, like this: index.template.html AC_FL_RunContent( "FlashVars", "myhost=" + location....

How create a Flash custom button and use it in Flex

I'm using Flash CS4 and Flex 3.4.0. I'd like to create a vector-graphic button in Flash and use it in Flex. I'd tried to install the Flex Component Kit, but it won't add me the 2 commands I need for the conversion as stated here. Anyone has seen/dealt with this problem before? ...

Adobe Air/Flex filtering large datasets

Hi I have an Air app that downloads a data set of around 100`000 objects and puts the objects in an ArrayCollection. I would like to apply various filters to the data set in numerous screens throughout the app. I am a little worried about possible performance issues if I make multiple copies of the collection. However, if I don't copy t...

httpservice result format

I use flex and php to retrieve information from my sql database. What i have been doing is formatting the result from the database query into xml and then putting the result into an arraycollection. It all works fine except one of my database fields contains a lot of text that website users enter and as xml doesn't like tags like <> so ...

Flex Application with Intuit IPP

Hi there, anyone already tried to build a Flex App, which would be run as a Federated Application on the Intuit IPP? From my understanding it is very easy to build a native Flex App which runs on the Intuit environment. They also allow the approach of "Federated Applications", which lets you host your app (they say written in any langua...

how to create a table like structure in Flex with rows as text inputs or can I have input fields in the datagrid column??

I want to create a table like structure in Flex, with labels as header. The rows entries might be a check box or a text input box,Like give below. select | task name | task id | task type (check box) | (text box) | (text box) | (text box) (check box) | (text box) | ...

AS3 Date not serializing to Java Date using BlazeDS

When I pass a Actionscript Value Object that contains a Date variable using BlazeDS it is not getting transferring as a java.util.Date object correctly. When the setBaseDatefunction gets called on the Java side the baseDate value is NULL. The weird thing is if I rename the variable on the Java side to private Date date; and create a pu...

Communicate between AIR(Flex) and C++ Applications

I need to be able to communicate between two applications that reside on the same machine. One is using Flex and the other is in C++. I would like to be able to call functions and pass arguments to each other. What is the best way to communicate between them? I was thinking about using sockets. ...

Flex: Display Alert object once only. Inheritance?

Hi! I am writing a simple application which communicates with web services a lot. So I am listening for success and fault events very often. When service returns a fault, I show an alert to a user saying something like: "Sorry there was a problem with a service, we will try to call it later" But there is a problem. When user didn't no...