
Different framerate for loaded SWF file in Flex?

Using The loader class of Adobe Flex, I load an external SWF file. However, the loaded SWF file has a different frameRate than my application. Is it possible to have both the parent app and the loaded child app playing at different framerates? If so, how? ...

Using Flash Component SWC file in Flex

I am accessing custom UIComponent via SWC file from Flex 3. This component works OK in Flash CS3, but using it from Flex gives A weird error in draw(). I have added swc component inside Sprite (with addchild) and its in LIB path. TypeError: Error #1010: A term is undefined and has no properties. at com.xxxx.highscores::HighScores/dr...

Good Resource Loading System

I'm currently looking for a resource management system for actionscript3. More specifically in this case, I'm looking for opinions on off-the-shelf resource loaders/managers from people who have used them, are they clean/simple to use? are they designed to be extended? I plan on using this with an MVC like system, Mate is next on the...

How does versioning work with Flex remote objects and AMF?

Suppose I use the [RemoteClass] tag to endow a custom Flex class with serialization intelligence. What happens when I need to change my object (add a new field, remove a field, rename a field, etc)? Is there a design pattern for handling this in an elegant way? ...

What happens when a Flex App can't run at the specified framerate?

In our application (a game), in some cases it can't run fast enough. Obviously we'd like to speed it up, but in the mean-time when this happens it causes many problems (or if it's not causing them, the two are related). The one which is least related to our own functionality is that the built in Alert.show() method stops working. Typical...

Is it a bad idea to implement a timer loop in Flex?

In our game project we did have a timer loop set to fire about 20 times a second (the same as the application framerate). We use this to move some sprites around. I'm wondering if this could cause problems and we should instead do our updates using an EnterFrame event handler? I get the impression that having a timer loop run faster than...

Flex: Loading assets into externally loaded modules...

So, I have Flex project that loads a Module using the ModuleManager - not the module loader. The problem that I'm having is that to load an external asset (like a video or image) the path to load that asset has to be relative to the Module swf...not relative to the swf that loaded the module. The question is - How can I load an asset i...

Why should I use Flex?

In a recent conversation, I mentioned that I was using JavaScript for a web application. That comment prompted a response: "You should use Flex instead. It will cut your development time down and JavaScript is too hard to debug and maintain. You need to use the right tool for the right job." Now, I don't know too much about Flex, but I p...

How do I make a custom Flex component for a gap-fill exercise?

The purpose of this component is to test knowledge of a student on a given subject - in the example below it would be geography. The student is given a piece of text with missing words in it. He/she has to fill in (type in this case) the missing words - hence this kind of test/exercise is called gap-fill.There could be several sentences ...

Flex: Why can't I handle certain events?

In certain cases, I can't seem to get components to receive events. [edit] To clarify, the example code is just for demonstration sake, what I was really asking was if there was a central location that a listener could be added, to which one can reliably dispatch events to and from arbitrary objects. I ended up using parentApplicatio...

Converting string to uint in actionscript / Flex

I am creating a component and want to expose a color property as many flex controls do, lets say I have simple component like this, lets call it foo_label: <mx:Canvas> <mx:Script> [Bindable] public var color:uint; </mx:Script> <mx:Label text="foobar" color="{color}" /> </mx:Canvas> and then add the component in ...

Flex HttpService : appending to destination

I am using Flex to connect to a Rest service. To access order #32, for instance, I can call the URL http://[service]/orders/32. The URL must be configured as a destination - since the client will connect to different instances of the service. All of this is using the Blaze Proxy, since it involves GET, PUT, DELETE and POST calls. The pro...

Best Practices for Internationalizing a Flex Appliaction?

I am looking into internationalizing a Flex application I am working on and I am curious if there are any best practices or recommendations for doing so. Googling for such information results in a handful of small articles and blog posts, each about doing it differently, and the advantages and disadvantages are not exactly clear. Edite...

how do I get a handle to a custom component in Flex?

I have a custom login component in Flex that is a simple form that dispatches a custom LoginEvent when a user click the login button: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <mx:Form xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" defaultButton="{btnLogin}"> <mx:Metadata> [Event(name="login",tpye="events.LoginEvent")] </mx:Me...

Just how free is Adobe Flex exactly?

I hear conflicting comments about Flex being 'free'. What is the straight story on Flex? Is it proprietary? ...

Rails and Flex

Hi Any thoughts on using Flex to build an RIA for administering a complex rails app. We are starting to find it difficult using ajax to keep our admin section intuitive and easy for users to work with. Would welcome any advise or suggestions you all may have Thanks Dom ...

Flex - Avoid click event on container when enclosed component is clicked

I have a Flex application where I'm using a Canvas to contain several other components. On that Canvas there is a Button which is used to invoke a particular flow through the system. Clicking anywhere else on the Canvas should cause cause a details pane to appear showing more information about the record represented by this control. T...

Suggestions on using Flex with WCF and Linq to Entities.

So I am working on a project that uses a ASP.NET server and we have entities being passed over WCF from LINQ-to-Entity queries. I have already overcome the cyclic reference issue with WCF. Now that I am looking toward the next step, the Flex UI, I am wondering what things people have already faced either with dealing with WCF from Flex o...

Patch flex framework to show preloader instantly?

In the Flex framework a custom preloader can be used while the site is loading. In the Adobe docs it specifies that 'the progress bar [preloader] is displayed if less than half of the application is downloaded after 700 milliseconds of downloading.' However I ALWAYS want the preloader to appear instantly since I know that 95% of our us...

merge custom skin & custom class into SWC

If I have an *.as file that is my custom component, a SWC class that contains the custom components skins and a css file that tells the custom class how it should look (references the SWC skin file), how do I set up a library project (using flexbuilder 3) to generate a single SWC file that will contain everything? ...