Ok I have a TabNavigator component that keeps added a hash (#) to the URL. I need to prevent this. I have it set to historyManagementEnabled="false" but it is still adding the # to the URL when it initializes.
The reason why adding this hash is such a problem is because, I am using .htaccess to give my URL a pretty URL like domain.com/d...
I have a flex app under construction that makes use of a lot of . I have a main module that has child modules. Ugh, I know. in one of these sub-modules, i want to know if i click a button. The handler for that button-click resides "higher" up in the app. I added an eventlistener looking for the event that I dispatch down in the sub-modul...
I have an Air application that has in it:
<mx:ViewStack id="vs">
<mycomp:Elist id="elist"/>
<mycomp:Achart id="achart"/>
<mycomp:Txy id="txy"/>
<mx:Text id="info" htmlText="{compinfo}"/>
Where each "mycomp" is a MXML component I created. Each component is d...
I shall be working with my classmates over a Flex project, and we would need to collaborate for this.
Each of us will be developing modules, and we would like to use version controlling.
We've never done this for a Flex project, those who have done so before, can you please give us a few leads. Thanks
I am new to Flex and have written code in PHP before, but not used any PHP framework like Zend, CakePHP etc...
I plan to use Flex with PHP, for that do I need to use any MVC PHP framework? Do any of the frameworks integrate with Flex for the View?
I have a simple DataGrid in Flex 3:
<mx:DataGrid width="{indexW - 20}" height="100%"
headerHeight="0" resizableColumns="false"
<mx:DataGridColumn id="col1" dataField="title" showDataTips="true"/>
Sometimes my Flex app, freezes on the preloader, and never reaches the main app. Refreshing the page usually fixes this. But I have no idea what would cause this. I am being told that this is happening in different browsers.
Any ideas?
I have noticed this on other Flex apps as well, so I don't really think its something specific with ...
Is there a way I can programmatically determine the filename of the .swf my class is running in?
I would like to customize the shape of the button to different shapes like circle, star, square or of any shape. How would i achieve so?
i want to snapshot of the flex scene and save it as a image. It likes printscreen button and paste it to paint and save
there will a button save it to desktop and when pressed it, flex will save the screenshot of scene to the desktop, i searched on the net but couldn't find a working code
In ACE Flex 3 , there is a topic
"Handle Framework Events"
Could you please point me to some document which lists all the 'required' framework events for ACE test?
So i could know what are "framework" events and will focus on them.
I have a DataGrid populated via an Array. The last column in the DataGrid uses an ItemRenderer (Button). I want to show the Button in certain rows but not in others (leave those empty). I've looked everywhere for an example or even a clue how to do this (tried labelFunction on DG, etc.) but can't find anything about it. Any help woul...
Hi All,
Just want to clear a very basic doubt am having for quite some time.
Is LCDS and FDS the same
I am confused with both these terms. This might be a simple doubt, but still I would like to clear this. Please help.
I need to filter log messages based on the log level and a text appearing in the log message. These messages are in the following form:
12/23/2009 17:33:26.379 [INFO] TMSNG.Main Channelset configured with url []
12/23/2009 17:33:26.380 [DEBUG] org.springextensions....
Hi Guys.
I have this datagrid which dataProvider is a ArrayCollection of 2 different types of objects (FolderVO and FileVO).
I have a size column which in the case of the FolderVO is populated by an attribute called contentSize and in the case of the FileVO it is populated by the size attribute (the difference is handled by a itemrender...
I know this is somehow trivial, but I couldn't find appropriate solution so please help me :)
I am using bulkLoader to load dozens of SWFs into my Flex app, and all of SWFs are static (1 frame only). 'Everything' works fine, however, I'm not sure how to handle data from bulkLoader... I am getting MovieClip types for all of my SWF...
What is the Difference between ItemRenderer and ItemEditor?
And When ItemRenderer is initializing and loading?
i want to know if i can use threading model like posix or any else in flex, i am a beginer of flex and i want to know if i can use threads in it for multitasking, tahnks
How can i outsource performance critical stuff to C++.
Is there any example ?
I would like to make an ImageBrowser into my ImageViewer application.
So i thought an Widget overlay is an nice looking!
http://bernetblog.ch/wp-content/uploads/2008/03/widget.png is a nice looking.
but i don't know what is the best way to do such a thing.
How should i start ?
Maybe , a Canvas with alpha?