
Flex/AS3 easy (I hope) drag and drop question - prevent dragging to other controls

I searched but couldn't find my answer, I'm sure it's easy for anyone with a little experience. I have multiple datagrids on a page, each one I want sortable with drag and drop, but I don't want items drug from one control to the other. How can I prevent a user from dragging an item out of a conrol. I would prefer to have it just stop mo...

how to get rid of spacing between several DataGrids ? (flex3)

I've got a Grid whose GridItems contain another DataGrids. (= the DataGrid are nested in the Grid). Now I changed the Grid's horizontalGap-StyleProperty to zero. But because there are several DataGrids in one GridItem, there is still about 5-10px spacing in between those DataGrids. How to get rid of these spacings ? Thx ...

tumblr as a backend-solution for a flex/actionscript app?

I love tumblr because it is so easy to use and you can generate xml's of all or parts of the content. Does anybody have experience in using tumblr or similar platforms as a backend for flex/actionscript projects ? Advantages/Disantvantages? Are there some minimalistic examples out there ? Thanks a lot ...

Advanced DataGrid Vs DataGrid

Hi, Can any one explain the difference between Advanced DataGrid and DataGrid? Thanks, Ravi ...

Flex 3 give DataGrid Data to function

Hey Guys, i have a Problem to send a value from the DataGrid to a function- this is my function: private function browseLoc( location:String ):void { Alert.show(location,'Information'); } Now i have my DataGrid which receives Information from an XML File. Everything works fine. All Information is shown correctly with that Ta...

Flex Series Item Color in Linechart

Hi I was trying to draw a Linechart with two series items simultaneously one series containing values and other series containing the average for the values , its more or less like two line drawn simultenously and I need to have the color of both the series item color to be same , in this case Iam dragging and dropping an item from the...

I need a data model for a Flex Datagrid list inclusion/exclusion widget

I'm working on a flex UI that has to create an inclusion list from dynamic data. Rather than belabor things with an analogy, here's a quick sample of what my inputs are and what my expected outputs are. First, the data grid will be populated with something like this: {id="1", v1="Value1.1", v2="Value1.2"}, {id="2", v1="Value2.1", v2="V...

How to get an XML value from FLEX

Hey Guys, i have the following Problem - first of all i'm totally new to Flex. I was search through about 20 Websites but haven't found a Solution: I have xml file like that: <xml> <settings> <mainurl>http://localhost/website/&lt;/mainurl&gt; <adminurl>http://localhost/website/admin&lt;/adminurl&gt; </settings> </xml...

Drag and drop in dataGrid, custom cursor during drag not working (self answered, new question for the bounty)

EDIT 12/21/09, End of the day: I have managed to answer my own question so my bounty rep is lost to me :-( Anyway since my answer solves my problem I will award the bounty to anyone that can answer this. My solution uses AS to remove the the rollOut/rollOver while a user is dragging. In a dataGrid. How can you get the same result withou...

To retreive Date in the same format as stored

Hi Friends, I am facing an issue in my Flex application. I am creating some array collections and storing date objects in it.In the later part of the application I will create 'advanceddatagridcolumns' with these array collections as the data sources. Initially while creating the Array Col , I do have the 'formats' given by user, for ea...

Using Flex to keep local SQLite database in sync with live server database

I want to create a Flex 3 application running in Adobe Air that accesses an SQLite database and I need to keep this database in sync with an SQL server 2005 database running a website. Is this something that Flex supports or is it going to be a custom script? Also, has anybody done anything like this? Edit: The synchronisation can be d...

Ability to click on axis (Axis Interactivity)

Hi, I need to have interactive axis where user can click on it and I can return the clicked data points. Please provide suggestions in this regard. Thanks in advance. ...

Integrate fiddler with Flex technology

Hi, How can I integrate fiddler with Flex 3? Flex uses - AMF protocol to exchange messages. Can someone please help me in integrating Fiddler with Flex technology? ...

Flex Alert control: Activating the "default" button on enter/space key-press

No matter what I try, I can't seem to fire the click event on the "default" button in an Alert control in a Flex 3.4 application. Alert.show( 'Are you sure you want to delete the selected link?', 'Confirm Delete', Alert.YES | Alert.CANCEL, null, confirmDelete, null, Alert.YES ); In the above code sample,...

Tilelist, maxrows problem.

I am having an issue using the maxrows property of tilelist. My code looks like: <mx:TileList borderStyle="none" backgroundAlpha="0" id="wallpaper_image_list" rowHeight="108" columnWidth="123" showDataTips="true" itemRenderer="control_panel.wallpaper_thumbnail_tem...

Flex: How to create area chart with only one element in dataProvider?

Hi, When I try to create a Flex Area Chart (I am using Flex SDK 3.4), It does not show any thing if there is only One Element in the dataProvider. Something like - <?xml version="1.0"?> <!-- charts/BasicArea.mxml --> <mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"&gt; <mx:Script><![CDATA[ import mx.collections.Arr...

Inherit a component in flashbuilder 4 can make the property editable like the parent component?

See, I want make a custom component inherited from DataGrid, I make a new component and choose it parent as default DataGrid. Everything works fine except I can not edit the column property like the way DataGrid did. The original DataGrid column property can be designed visually. Even more I can not add more columns in mxml, can only ac...

flash swf inside a swf creates a problem?

i've made a personal portfolio, link text ,the frames overlap when viewed? i've used transition states, when i'm in other page, other frames just flickers, what is major problem here? actually i've used swf inside swf as finally when i export from flex builder, is this the problem? how to overcome this problem? ...

Returning different sub-classes from a function?

Say I have four sub-classes of 'Car'. One for each color. I want to have one function that can build and return a 'color-car' sub-class based on the passed value. This is a dumb example, I know, but it is precisely what I am trying to do only on a smaller scale. public class Car { } public class BlueCar extends Car { } You get it. T...

saving an image locally on computer in flex

How to save an image locally on my computer if the flex 3.0 compiler is showing an error for the following code: var img:Image=new Image(); img.source=ImageSnapShot.captureImage(can);//can is already declared as a canvas var f1:fileReference=new fileReference(); f1.save(img,"abc.png");/Here Error is given that this save method is not de...