
Is there an event for completing data-rendering in a <s:List> component ?

Say I have a component pulling remote data into its dataGroup. I'd like to call ensureIndexIsVisible as soon as the dataGroup finishes on-screen rendering. But if I do that right after the dataGroup initialization, it throws out an runtime exception. However when I put the ensureIndexIsVisible into a callLater() function then it works...

Accessing Flex’s objects by id

I have a datagrid which has id="myGrid" in my application, from it I call a component. Now from the component I can call parentDocument.myGrid.selectedIndex = 0; and it works fine. But I want to make the component reusable, and I would like to pass the ID to the component each time, so myGrid will change, how to properly send the ID to ...

only when including custom namespace: Could not resolve <mx:LineChart> to a component implementation

I'm getting an error when trying to build a flex4 project with Ant. This code works when i don't have a custom namespace for exporting CustomComponent (aka: it builds just fine normally) - but as soon as i add the namespace and include-namespaces, i get the following error: [compc] CustomComponent.mxml(235): Error: Could not resolve <m...

flex 4: swfloader as2 game, can i catch a customevent that was sent using mx.events.EventDispatcher ?

Hiya. I'm building a flex 4 container for action script 2 flash applications. I use <mx:SWFLoader> component to load the game. I know that i can catch events or even custom events from an action script 3 application. working example for action script 3 (not 2): <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns....

Security Errors using Youtube AS3 Chromeless Player

I'm trying to use the Youtube Chromeless Player (the new AS3 version) in a Flex 4-based project. I'm using the examples provided by Google, but I'm not having any luck. The player loads, but it can't be interacted with. I'm receiving repeated security errors just from mousing over the player: *** Security Sandbox Violation *** SecurityD...

Flex 4 transition not playing first time

Hello everyone, the first time I change from state A to B it doesn't play the transition. After the first transition, the same state change does play the transition. Before I let state B load, it parses an xml file and maps it to objects. When this is done, the state changes. Maybe it has to do with the parsing of the xml. But I can co...

Flex4 get height and width of an mx:Image

I want to find out what the original height and width is for an uploaded image. 1) I want to control the height and width of the image manually relative to it's original dimensions. 2) I want to measure the DPI of the image as it is being scaled. 3) I'm having difficulty populating spark List containers without manually adding heig...

Adobe Flex: hiding tab bar in tabNavigator

Hi All, Does anyone know how to hide the tab bar up top on a flex tabnavigator component? I don't want to see the tab bar at all and I don't need to click on it (I have an automated iterator through the tabs). I have tried .removeChildren, hideElementAt() with no success. Thanks for any input! Regards, Joseph ...

How to use flex with java to develope an application

I just passed out from Bcs. I dont know anything in flex,but i wish to work with it as challange And more important and worst thing is i dont know how i can work with java and flex ...

flex 4: catch all events from a specific object

hiya. is there a way to catch all events from a specific object ? When I use addEventListener() I must provide event type, is there a way to catch them all? thanks! ...

TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.

I get this error when i launch the application(flash type with dismiss all and continue) and i'm out of ideas: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at Magazin/xmlService_resultHandler()[D:\Documents and Settings\chechu\Adobe Flash Builder 4\Magazin\src\Magazin.mxml:41] a...

Flex open window behind active window

In Flex Air app, how do you open a window behind an active one? I tried following and i can't seem to get it to work <s:WindowedApplication xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009" xmlns:s="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark" xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx" ...

How should an element get references to elements further down the tree without hardcoding in Flex?

I have a custom Flex Container component written in AS3, called StatisticsContainer. When used in the application, it contains various custom Label components called StatisticsBoxes. So there might be a StatisticsContainer containing 3 StatisticsBoxes: "averageAge", "divorceRate" and "infantMortalityRate". The StatisticsContainer needs ...

Flex 4 - 9scalling is not working at runtime (although working in Flash)

Hi I created a 9-scalled background in Flash CS5 which is working fine in Flash CS5 But when i imported it as embeded graphic in Flex, and change dimensions in runtime, 9-scalling doesnt work. Here is my code. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009" xmlns:s="librar...

Flex 4 compatible with Flash Player 9?

Could you confirm me that: Flex 4 is compatible and only compatible with Flash 10 Flex 3 is compatible and only compatible with Flash 9 & 10 ...

Setting compiler.theme option for Halo/Flex 4 in FlashDevelop

Here's what works with ant build.xml: <mxmlc file="${module.main.dir}/main.mxml" keep-generated-actionscript="false" output="${module.output.dir}/main.swf" fork="${flex.fork}"> <load-config filename="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks/flex-config.xml"/> <source-path path-element="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks"/> <compiler.the...

Selecting One Particular Data Item from XML

Hi, I've followed the Flex in a week example, with the drop down menu that pairs the XML data to the XML node set. For the project I am creating, I am just pulling through ONE XML file containing just one node into my application. So my question is, How do I achieve this? I am using HTTPService and pulling the data through, but at ...

adobe air 2, sharepoint ntlm webservice authentication

Hi, Is it possible to connect to a Sharepoint 2007 web service, using Adobe Air 2.0 / Flex 4? Does anyone know if this is possible, ideally with some examples? Thank you, Bob [EDIT] Connect using NTLM authentication on the webservice ...

Type was not found Error...

Hi, Working on importing some XML into my app. Been following the Flex in a week Video tutorial. But have hit an error. The error is : "Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant : Videoinfo." The line it is complaining about in the debugger is line 36 var video:Videoinfo; My code is as follows... videoList.mxml <fx:Sc...

Can I skin Flex 4 Spark UI components with runtime CSS?

Can I skin Flex 4 Spark UI components with runtime CSS? ...