
Example of using embedded fonts loaded at runtime Flex 4 runtime loaded modules

Hi, am having quite alot of problems trying to use embeded fonts in flex 4. Here is the situation. I have a main application that fist load the fonts via a URL. This is the font file code: package{ import flash.display.Sprite; import flash.text.Font; public class FontLib extends Sprite { [Embed(source="MyriadPro-Regular.otf", fon...

Flex Air, static main window reference?

As I can get a reference to the main window of an Air Flex application within a component? (The component is not in the main MXML) ...

Can a Flex Air Window (NativeWindow) be modal? how?

Can a Flax Air Window (NativeWindow) be modal? how? ...

Compiling AIR application with Ant Task (WindowedApplication could not be found)

I'm trying to compile my AIR application with Ant, using the mxmlc Ant Task. It seems to compile fine, and I get a .swf, but when I try to run it with ADL, I get the message "Class mx.core::WindowedApplication could not be found." It looks like the AIR libraries aren't being included properly. Here's my mxmlc task: <mxmlc file="${...

How to do this XML declaration in Flex4

I have a dataProvider that's defined with mx:XML like this. <mx:dataProvider> <mx:XML format="e4x"> <root label="All Items"> <morning label="Evening" type="check" /> <evening label="Evening" type="check" /> <night label="Night" type="check" /> </root> </mx:XML> </mx:dataProvider> This do...

Showing XML Nodes from an Array Collection

Hi, I've got an XML Doc loaded in. I've created an Horizontal List and referenced the arraycollection as the Data Provider. But what I need to do now is then pull the data out from that. I have 3 nodes / variables. They are id, title, thumbnail. But when I go to pull through the data as : {videos.title} Flex Builder gives me the Error...

Using Ant tasks with Flash Builder 4

Can someone help me get started with using ant in Flash Builder 4. I have never used ant before so I'm a complete novice. I will need to know how to get it installed in the first place, and how to do the basics. Any help is appreciated. ...

Different vertical gaps between siblings in the same mx:Tree control

Does anyone know of a way to specify different vertical gaps between siblings in a Tree? I want to child nodes spaced tighter together (maybe 10px) while the top level parents remain spaced further apart (20px). Essentially, I need to change the gap dynamically based upon the depth of the node, but I'm not sure if the Tree class (or the ...

Custom Controls and States

Hi, I've got an <mx:Button> in my application, I have 10 items in an XML Node. What I'd like to do is when the button is clicked show the next 5 XML Nodes. How do I achieve this? My code is as follows at the mo : <mx:Button x="1380.65" y="582.65" styleName="rightButton"/> The style is just setting the up / over and down states of t...

[FLEX 4 / AS3] I load a new component in a as3 file and I want to pass to it some data, knowing only it's a IVisualElement.

[FLEX 4 / AS3] I load a new component in a as3 file and I want to pass to it some data, knowing only it's a UIComponent. ex: // class1 // ... _UIClass = getDefinitionByName(_basePath + _UIPath + '.' + _UIName) as Class; _UI = new _UIClass(); // UI is a IVisualElement // _UIClass is a Class, and in practice is a reference to the compone...

Counting the number in an Array

Hi, I'm using a PHP Script to create XML. Which pulls through the data from a Database. I have an video list, which pulls through X amount of videos. But I want to show them 5 at a time. I want to hide a button once it reaches the amount of videos in the XML. Hope there's enough detail in this question. My script is as follows..... ...

On Program Loading Event..?

Hi, Does anyone know what the onLoad() or similar Event is in Flex? I'm trying initialize, but no joy. protected function videoArea_initializeHandler(event:FlexEvent):void { var currentPosition:int = videoArea.verticalScrollPosition; if (currentPosition < 0) { left...

Visual Containers - Creating?

Hi, I've got a HorizontalList created with XML data pulling through. All I want to do is create an visual container, that now loads in the Videos Data. Code is as follows : <mx:HorizontalList id="videoArea" rowHeight="210" columnWidth="180" width="929" ...

Resize Image with Scroller causing 1502 exception

Description: I'm loading an image inside of a border container and when i zoom out, the scroll bars disappear as expected. Now when I resize the image to exceed the boundaries of the boarder container I receive the exception below. I believe the exception is thrown when the scroll bars are reactivating but i could be wrong. Has anyone se...

flex 4 states and using includein with actionscript

How do you handle states and the "includein" tag in actionscript? For example: var newState:State = new State(); var comp:Group = new Group(); comp.includeIn = newState; This is not valid code, but it's what I'd like to do. ...

Handling depth with Flex 4

I have a code in Flex 4 like this <!-- START >>> middle part: items --> <mx:Canvas id="itemContainer" width="100%" height="100%"> <!-- START >>> Items Display on the page --> <mx:Repeater id="richTextReapeater" dataProvider="{_model.current_day.richTextNotes}"> <components:RichText...

flex4 swfloader: how can i paste parameters to the loaded swf application ?

Hiya. When i load an swf application using SWFLoader in Flex 4, how can i paste parameters to that application ? thanks! ...

Flex 3 to Flex 4 Migration Problem: Instantiation attempted on a non-constructor.

Today I upgraded from Flex Builder 3 (Flex 3 SDK) to Flash Builder 4. I am new to Flex programming, and am still learning the Flex basics and Flex lifecycle. When I imported my project into Flash Builder 4, recompiled (without errors), and ran my project, I received the following error: TypeError: Error #1007: Instantiation attempted ...

Why is a Spark TextArea tiny, when a Height and Width are set?

Here is my problem, fairly obvious: [img at bottom] The problem, as you can see, is that the text (height and width) is nothing like the Height and Width of the compoent (Spark TextArea) that I have set via the Main.mxml file in Flex 4. This is pissing me off so much because nobody can tell me why this is happening, or how to fix it. ...

flex 4 swfloader: if loading a game played with mouse not on x=0,y=0 bad mouse coords

Hiya. I'm creating a container for flash games. When I load a game using SWFLoader component at x=0 y=0, the game runs properly, but when i load the game at x=500 and y=500 for example, the mouse coords that are returned to the game are false. instead of the mouse i see the game character properly in the right place, but the game itsel...