
Flex in IntelliJ: Embeded fonts not showing after compile

I'm trying to set up an old Flex project in IntelliJ IDEA but are having a problem with all embeded fonts. The font is installed on my Windows 7 PC and are also located in the folder fonts in the directory where my ActionScript sources are located. I'm using the SDK compiler config from flex_sdk_4.1 with additional option of -static-link...

changing component properties of SkinnableComponent in Actionscript

Flex 4 separates the visual components into the skins. So how do we access those visual elements from Skinnable component? Here is my code: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <s:SkinnableComponent xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009" xmlns:s="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark" skinClass="skins.brushedSkin" xmlns:mx="library:/...

most rational way to drag popup menu in flex

In my app I currently have a popup menu implemented as a BorderContainer with a lot of buttons, textfields, date pickers, etc. PopUpManager handles its appearing and disappearing based on some UI events. I'd like to be able to drag the container by clicking on any part of it minus all the components on it. In other words, when I click o...

Having the content of a s:Scroller viewport at 100% height

Is there a way to get the content of a component inside a scroller to be at 100% height. here is a simple example: <s:Scroller width="100%" height="100%"> <s:viewport> <s:Group height="100%"> <s:Rect width="10" height="500"> <s:fill> <s:SolidColor color="0xFF0000"/> </s:fill> </s:Rect> <s:Rect width="10" x="10...

Actionscript, BorderContainer.addElement(...) doesn't work !?

i have this: public class AditionalPane extends BorderContainer { //..... private function storeRetrievedData(e : Event) : void { var titleLabel : Label = new Label(); titleLabel.text = "Members: "; titleLabel.height = 100; titleLabel.x = 1; titleLabel.y = 1; //titleLabel.vis...

Flex 4 cursor (special hit area)

How I can make a cursor with an image, but the mouse click area must be at the center of the image In addition, if any way to change the img size this will be great ...

Give me resources for mastering Flex?

Possible Duplicate: A road map to learning Flex for dummies. Want material Links, books,etc.. for mastering Flex? ...

Events dispatched by setFormatofRange

I have a text area on which I would like to listen to change events when I change the text formatting using setFormatOfRange(). So far all other events I have tried, such as Event.CHANGE or TextOperationEvent.CHANGE are only dispatched when the actual text is changed. Anyone know what I should be listening for ? ...

How to change url endpoint in flex mxml

hi, I will like to set the endpoint url in my main mxml. This will be linked to a xml file on the server. The reason for this is that I would like to dynamically change it based on the user selection. Thanks. ...

flex sdk version problem.

Well i am using following tools flex builder 3.2 sdk 4.1 Flash Player 10 and i get this error. Verify Error: Error #1053: Illegal override of isRelatedObjectInaccessible in RemappedMouseEvent. when I clean the project and run it and get the same error.. i tried all the things expect updating the Flex builder plugin as it was mentione...

Transparent background in Flash Builder 4 Application ?

Hi, I'm trying to create a Flash Builder 4 - Application with transparent background. Tried with wmode="transparent"/wmode="opaque" + backgroundAlpha set 0 & 0.1, but still no luck. Also, looked at the following http://blog.dannypatterson.com/?p=211 >> I dint find backgroundImage http://blog.go4flash.com/articles/flex-articles/trans...

Updating a bindable value in the Application Skin in Flex 4

I've created a skin for my Flex 4 application. It has a header section, where I have a Label component with the text value being assigned to a Bindable string defined in the skin file itself. <fx:Script> <![CDATA[ [Bindable] public var loginName:String = "Test"; ]]> </fx:Script> How can I change this string val...

Migrating Flex 3 to Flex 4 (Web service related)

In Flex 3 when adding a web-service, for each function a tailored event handler was made (e.g. for function GetCustomer there was a WebService.addGetCustomerEventListener) - How can something like this be implemented on Flex 4? ...

Adding components to Flex 4 app makes screen go blank?

I've been adding some components to a Flex 4 app (it was originally Flex 3 but has been ported). Some of these components make the app go blank when it loads. I'm not even able to see the loading progress bar. Just white. For example, adding <s:controlBarContent> <s:Button label="Admin" /> </s:controlBarContent> To the root ...

spark.components.VideoDisplay and the DoubleClick-Event

Hey, I stumbled upon and interesting problem concerning spark's VideoDisplay-Component. It seems that it doesn't dispatch DoubleClick-Events. For better understanding look at the following code: <s:VideoDisplay [..] doubleClickEnabled="true" doubleClick="{trace('VideoDisplay_DoubleClick')}" click="{trace('VideoDisplay_Click')}" /> <s:...

Skinning Spark List Component

How to skin spark List component so that every adjacent itemRenderer has different color (something like mx DataGrid)? ...

Using a button within flash movie in flex/flash builder

Is it possible to build a UI with Flash CS5 that contains multiple buttons, and then have flex listen to those button events? My current plan is to load the SWF with SWFLoader and attaching listeners to the buttons in a onComplete event would be the proper way to set it up, however i cannot seem to find a way to access the buttons thems...

Flex 4 Panel Border Skin

I'm trying to create a skin for a Flex 4 spark Panel that will create a border on the left/right side of the panel that matches the header of the Panel. Basically a silver frame all the way around the edge of the Panel similar to the old Flex 3 mx:Panel. I've been experimenting with a skin file all day and can't get anything to work. ...

Error #2025: The supplied DisplayObject must be a child of the caller.

Hello, I am very new to programming in FLEX. I have inherited a FLEX 4 project that invokes web services to display data to the end user. My default package has one .MXML file, that has the component references to the Login screen (another .MXML file) and the Main screen (yes, another .MXML file). The login process works fine. I have...

Flex 4, compile a class package for runtime class instantiation.

Hi, I'm looking for a way to ensure classes are compiled for dynamic run time instantiation using getDefinitionByName() in Flex4. I've looked at using the -include-libraries compiler argument but I would rather not have to pre-compile my classes in an swc. There appears to be another compiler argument -includes, but whenever I try thi...