
Flex 4.1 BitmapImage with layoutDirection="rtl" results in wrong scale effect's point of origin

Hi, we are having issues with displaying the Images in our Flex application correctly when using the new layoutdirection feature of Flex 4.1. It seems to work correctly but when we use scaling on the image it doesn't because the scale effect's point of origin still is in the upper left corner and not the upper right as it should be. This...

adobe startus text chat broken @ connection setup

Hello the problem i'm experiencing is when I attempt to call javascript function. Using Jquery @ $("#flashtxtchat").get(0).startTxtChat() ArgumentError: Error #2126: NetConnection object must be connected. at flash.net::NetConnection/get nearID() at textchat/startChat() at Function/http://adobe.com/AS3/2006...

Changing Flex 4 theme (CSS+Skin) at run-time?

I have a Flex 4/Blaze/Java application and would like to provide my users with a way to switch between several pre-determined skins. Does anyone have a good example of how to do this? Ideally, the list of themes would be provided by the server -- where the themes are stored. Or do I have to compile in all possible themes into the sw...

Air Application runtime problem on a Macbook

Hi, I developed this Air application which tests fine on Windows. At a certain time when i click a button, it is supposed to open a popup which does not work in mac. Is this a problem with multiple children getting added programatically? Also double click works fine at times and doesn't at other. Since this is a Mac only problem, are t...

Curved Text in flex

Hello Everybody I was looking for text curved(arc- upper semicircle ) similar to the link below http://www.housesign.co.uk/design-a-sign/ If you select circle shape and the text gets curved along upper semicircle. I could not figure out the concepts to achieve the same.Below is my code implemented partially . Will need your suggestio...

How to vertically align all HGroups in application to "middle"?

In my application all HGroups should be vertically aligned to middle. As this is a property of HorizontalLayout which is exposed via HGroup's verticalAlign property (not style) I can't set it in CSS. Also, while Groups are not skinnable I can't assign a custom skin. Is creating a subclass like VerticallyAlignedHGroup my only option or i...

Long Image links of Facebook is not working in Flex4 mx.image.souce

I am creating one desktop application of facebook. So here I am getting streams from facebook post. So when any facebook application's long image link I am getting that I can't display in Image container, this is not displaying image. One also fact is that, When I am giving this link directly then it is working..... I am full confused...

[Flex 4] I need an object that get an image from FileReference and then you are able to: move, resize, rotate

[Flex 4] I need an object that get an image from FileReference and then you are able to: move, resize, rotate how i would do that? thanks ...

flex 4.1 mx:Image: how can i configure a fallback image that will be shown if link is broken

Hello. I'm using flex 4.1 to write an application and I was wondering how can I configure that whenever I try to load an image and the link is broken it will show a different image that i have embedded into my application. I'm loading an Image using mx:Image. thanks ...

Flex 4.1: <mx:List> had rowCount properly for the limit the displayed items. <s:List> doesn't.

Hi I'm using flex 4.1 to write an application. i read in the documents that has the rowCount property to set how many items to display. the does not have that property. how can I limit the list to display 3 items ? ...

Copy a file included with an Adobe Air application out of the Application so that it can be modified.

Is it possible to provide an existing SQLite file with an Air installer, and have the Air application copy it out to local storage upon first execution so that it can be modified? Or do I need to take my pre-made db and recreate it on the fly with Air on execution (store all the queries required to create the tables/data in the applicat...

How to remove undesirable text/HTML tags from FLEX LineChart's custom dataTips?

Hello, I wrote a function to override my FLEX LineChart's datatips because the default datatips were ugly and rather boring. I finally set the style I wanted but am now having some problems removing un-necessary tags from being displayed in the custom datatips. For example, the datatips now display things like this: "<b>Humidity</b></...

[Flex 4] Drag and drop a component in the same parent, just to change it's position.

[Flex 4] Drag and drop a component in the same parent, just to change it's position. . how to do it? i have a group component, and in it i have some custom components and i want to change their position by dragging and dropping. thanks ...

Using IFrames in Flex 4

We presently have one big swf in flex 4. I would like to embed an IFrame in it. I've found some info on doing it in flex 3 but am hoping for some direction on where to start for flex 4. Any links would be very helpful. Thanks EDIT: I found this one http://code.google.com/p/flex-iframe/ Which I'll be checking out but I am very open to su...

Flex 4: Descending vertical DataGroup?

I am currently working on a Photoshop-like transformer application to work with DisplayObjects as layers. I have an ArrayCollection which serves as my data provider for my List of values, but the problem is that the items are appearing in ascending order in the List: 0 - Item 1 1 - Item 2 2 - Item 3 3 - Item 4 Since it's a layer manag...

Can a Flex 3 app launch and pass data back and forth to a Flex 4 app?

We have a large Flex 3 app that we do not have time to convert over to Flex 4 at this point. However, we want to use a component set that is currently implemented in Flex 4. The idea is for us to have our main Flex 3 app launch a Flex 4 app. We need to be able to pass data from the Flex 3 app to the Flex 4 app and back again. Is this ...

Flash Builder 4 and Zend Studio 7

I'm working with Flash Builder 4 and I'm planning to work with the Zend Framework for the PHP. Anyone tried to get an environnement for developping with Flash Builder 4 and Zend Studio 7 ? If you tried, let me know how you install it and give me feedback on this method of developping. Thanks in advance. ...

Flex 4 syntax in actionscript ... ?

Hi! One (dumb) question: Is it possible to use flex 4 syntax declaration inside of a actionscript method? For example, something like that: private function buildContent() : void { <s:Label id="aLabel"> } Thanks. P.S. I couldn't find any reference about this, so i think it is not possible :). ...

Flash Builder 4 debug opens in flash player instead of browser

title says it all ... I have to run my project in a .shtml page, so I changed the run/debug settings > URL or path tho launch to the correct index.shtml page. But now instead of opening it in the browser, FlashPlayer.exe is opened ... Where can I change settings for this? ...

How to centre an image horizontaly and vertically in an Image Control?

Hi, How can I center a loaded photo [lets say 200x300] in an image control [lets say 400x600]? My image control has fixed dimensions while my contents have different dimensions and I want them to get centered automatically. Thanks in advance ...