
Can I use a different ItemRenderer for different list items?

I have a Flex list and a custom ItemRenderer. I'd like to be able to have some items in the list use a different ItemRenderer (say, depending on the class of the item). Is this possible? E.g.: <s:List dataProvider="{_systems}" itemRenderer="myItemRenderer"/> Most items in _systems use myItemRenderer. But if element 3 of _systems is "...

How to prevent the other looking to your SWC library?

Hi, everyone Thank you for your interesting in my question. I hope I would not waste your time too much. I am going to publish my Adobe Flex library to sell in commercial, but I don't need anyone can open my SWC file and study the code in there. I see Adobe Flex library can prevent this activity. How could I do this too? ...

How can I make an mx.controls.Alert centered on a <s:Window/> component

I have an mxml component "PresentationWindow" that is for brevity's sake, simply: <fx:Script> //... functions here will be explained below </fx:Script> <s:Window> <mx:Canvas id="presentationCanvas" width="100%" height="100%"> <mx:Button label="Test" width="100" height="25" left="0" top="100" /> </mx:Canvas> </s:Windo...

Why does the FLEX 4 LineChart Legend stop displaying colors when LineSeries's lineStroke attribute changes?

Hello, I am implementing a LineChart in FLEX 4. I have the chart working well except I do not like the default colors and cannot use them, as they do not relate to my data very well. For instance, Orange is not a great default color for my data column "Outdoor temperature". I would rather override it and use a green color if possible. ...

how to create/draw dynamic shapes in flex 4

hello, Im a new bee in flex , I want to draw different dynamic shapes.. a sample url is given below. Any suggestion would be appreciated.. http://www.onlinelabels.com/maestro-label-design-software.htm ...

Why is not permited to access a member function from my local event handler in ActionScript (Flex4)?

Hello My code looks like : private function createExportButton() : void { var exportButton : Button = new Button(); exportButton.label = "Export"; exportButton.x = 600; exportButton.y = 10; exportButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function clickH...

Scroll Bar doesn't appear when using nested group

Hi all. I can't apply Scroller when I have a nested group with persentage width. <s:Scroller id="scroller" width="100%" height="100%"> <s:VGroup id="vg1" width="100%" height="100%"> <s:VGroup id="vg2" **width="100%" height="100%"**> <s:Button label="Loooooooooooooooooong text"/> </s:VGroup> </s:VGrou...

Flex 4:Capturing mouse events with spark.primitive.path objects

I am trying to capture mouse events whenever the mouse does something over top of a spark.primitive.path (the 'L' shape below). Everything I have read states that I need to put the path inside of a Group object and attach mouse handlers to that. So the code would look something like this.. <s:Group left="10" right="10" top="10" bott...

Why does FLEX LineChart render before HTTPService object request supplies data

Hello, I am having trouble binding a LineChart to XML data via HTTPService object. Here is my code: <mx:Panel xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" xmlns:ui="flex.utils.ui.*" xmlns:charts="flex.utils.ui.charts.*" layout="vertical" horizontalAlign="center" verticalGap="2" paddingBottom="0" paddingTop="10" xmlns:...

Flex 3 to Flex 4 Conversion and Undefined Methods

I have an application I am attempting to convert from a flex 3 air application to a flex 4 air application. I am running into an issue in my main class. When calling the Instance method on the class I am getting an error: Access of possibly undefined property Instance through a reference with static type Class. My main class is pretty...

Adobe Flex - MouseDown Event On Label Values

Hello everyone, I just would like to know how can I dynamically change a label's values while on mousedown. I basically have a mousedown event and I also have two labels in my application. What I would like to happen is to get the current x and y position of my mouse pointer as I move my mouse through the screen and changing the values ...

Flex 4 ItemRenderer Question

I have a DataGroup with a Custom ItemRenderer. Within the itemrenderer, there are 2 states. normal and hovered. I have a <s:Group> within the itemrenderer that shows a bunch of data but i only want to be shown when hovered so I can do includeIn="hovered" which is good. the problem is the x,y position of this group needs to be outside th...

Flex 4 data management - how do I approach this?

Hi guys, quite an explanation here, hope someone has the patience to read it through I'm building an application in Flex 4 that handles an ordering system. I have a small mySql database and I've written a few services in php to handle the database. Basically the logic goes like this: I have tables for customers, products, productGroup...

How can I check if a Flex 4 component belogs to a stategroup from actionscript?

I have a component with various states. From mxml, the includeIn and exclueFrom properties takes state groups as an argument. How can I check if the current state belongs to a state group? ...

Reading CSV/xlsx file in FLEX AIR

HI, I have a requirement to read CSV/Xlsx file in my FLEX AIR. var strFilePath :String = File.applicationDirectory.nativePath + "\Test.xlsx"; var recurFile :File = new File(strFilePath); var stream :FileStream = new FileStream(); stream.open(recurFile, FileMode.READ); var content :String = String(stream.readUTFBytes(stream.bytesAva...

Save as SVG with Flex 4

Hi, How do I save as SVG or other vector format using Flex 4? ...

Strategy to keep string constants in sync between java/flex?

Say you have a web application that has a lot of business rules built around if-then comparison of String constants. These are used on both client-side and backend code, and at the moment are hard-coded badly throughout both places with lots of duplication and sometimes errors. What's a sensible way to refactor them out? Unfortunately...

Is it possible to treat Flex' events in a synchronous way?

Hi! I'm using flex4 and actionscript, and need to treat an event in a synchronous mode. Is it possible that? More exactly, i want to execute some queries in a database, and need to be synchronously. Any suggestions? ...

flex 4.1 NumberFormatter: configure to show precision of one only if the number is float

Hello. Currently I use the following NumberFormatter: <mx:NumberFormatter id="numberFormatter" precision="1" useThousandsSeparator="true" /> so it changes 5.43234234 so 5.4. I want the NumberFormatter to not show any precision if there isn't one. which means that if the number is 5.0, i want it to format it to 5, and not t...

Global style selector not supported for module style inheritance?

I've got an application that loads multiple modules and according to this document, styles should be inherited (possibly only if they are in the same ApplicationDomain which they are in my case.) This seems to hold true, except for embedded fonts. It seems as though I'm unable to use embedded fonts in my modules, when those fonts have b...