
Inherit a component in flashbuilder 4 can make the property editable like the parent component?

See, I want make a custom component inherited from DataGrid, I make a new component and choose it parent as default DataGrid. Everything works fine except I can not edit the column property like the way DataGrid did. The original DataGrid column property can be designed visually. Even more I can not add more columns in mxml, can only ac...

How to collaborate on a Flex project?

Hi, I shall be working with my classmates over a Flex project, and we would need to collaborate for this. Each of us will be developing modules, and we would like to use version controlling. We've never done this for a Flex project, those who have done so before, can you please give us a few leads. Thanks ...

Where are these ant properties defined? (FlexBuilder/Eclipse)

In trying to build a ant script for my Flex project i've come across a couple of properties that seem to be available by default such as ${DOCUMENTS} and ${PROJECT_FRAMEWORKS}. Does anybody know where these variables are defined and are there any more that maybe useful to me? Is there a list of variables that are created by default? Th...

Disable printing in adobe Flex

I am building my website in adobe flex(i am n00b). I have some photographs which I would like to make sure that people cannot print. I do understand that it is not possible to completely stop users from printing. But atleast disable the context menu or just the print option and the copy option. Any and all things about this is helpful...

Selenium-Flex API sample problem

Hello, I'm trying the sample demo of selenium flex API. After following the instructions on the main page for compiling the project with sfpi.swc and taking the generated selben.swf in bin directory and trying to run some test(assertFlexText) using Selenium IDE, I get the following error: [error] Function getFlexText not found on the E...

How do i display error messages when i have many input fields by using Adobe Flex ?

Hi, I am a beginner to Flex development (so keep it in mind when answering) and i have a Adobe Flex form in which it has many input Field. I use VBox, HBox as container to layout the page. So the question is: How do i display error messages when i have many input fields by using Adobe Flex ? And what should i do to show error message ...

Module communication ….

I’m working on a single modular application which has several levels and on these levels I do have a module which I use as a ‘Main Carrier module *’ for other sub modules. Now one of these Sub modules has a component attached, and I do need to ‘CLICK’ a button in that component which in return activates a certain ‘Click of a Button’ in t...

Building charts in Flex Builder Professional

Hi I have Flex Builder Professional Ver 3 (Built with Eclipse) version. I need to build an application with charts. The problem is that there are no charting components to be seen. There is no datavisualization.swc file in the libs folder. What could be the problem? Any ideas? Regards, Vinayak ...

Flex Profiling (Flex Builder): comparing two results

Hi Friends, I am trying to use Flex Profiler to improve the application performance (loading time, etc). I have seen the profiler results for the current desgn. I want to compare these results with a new design for the same set of data. Is there some direct way to do it? I don't know any way to save the current profiling results in histo...

Make sure Flex components are loaded at the beginning

How can I make sure all the components, even those that are not going to be visible at the beginning, load right away when I start my application? I have an application with a ViewStack whose visible child is set via a sidebar menu. Say the ViewStack has two children, A and B. A is initially visible, whereas B is not. How can I make su...

Adding newer Flex SDK to Flex Builder 3 - how?

Hi, I have a Flex Builder 3.0.2. It was shipped with Flex SDK 2.0.1 and 3.2. I would like to add the new Flex SDK 3.5. I followed the documentation: http://livedocs.adobe.com/flex/3/html/help.html?content=build%5F6.html#162812: - extracted SDK 3.5 - added into my SDK list - set to default - restart Flex Builder - clean project But it's...

Remove slashes from sqlite

Hi I am creating an application in Flex that uses an embedded SQLite database. The data in the database contains quotes and other special characters which are escaped using a backslash or '\'. Before I retrieve the data and render it in a Flex text area control I want to remove the '\'. Is there any function in Flex which can help me d...

Flex List Component with Checkbox

I am trying to add a checkbox to a List component in my application and everything works seeming well until I scroll through my data. As I scroll vertically in my List, any checks I may have added start to get added to other items in my List, sometimes the original item I checked is not even checked anymore. For example, my List height ...

object disappears after move in flex 3

I am trying to prepare a simple animation of photos in flex. I got most of it done but when ever i do the following <mx:Sequence id="bird" target="{birdImage}"> <mx:Move xFrom="-100" yFrom="-100" xTo="100" yTo="100" duration="700" effectEnd="{bird2.play()}" easingFunction="mx.effects.easing.Quadratic.easeIn" /> </mx:Sequence> The ...

How can I reference only a portion of a TextArea's htmlText block?

I have a number of very poor-quality pdf documents that look like 80's photocopies, which I'm rebuilding in Flash (Flex Builder 3 MXML application), representing paragraphs of text in TextAreas so that selected portions can be bold or italic, or whatever I need. I need a way to apply toolTips or event listeners to individual words withi...

Flex Builder and CMS?

How can I implement Joomla in Flex Builder? Or is there any other CMS for Flex Builder? ...

How do I get the width and height of an image?

I'm constructing a book of sorts in Actionscript 3 (FlexBuilder) and am trying to size an image dynamically according to the dimensions of it's source file. But, I've found that if I don't explicitly state the width and height of an image, they trace as 0. So that I can scale down an image to fit within a given space, how do I get th...

IDE does not treat mx:Module descendants as Modules?

I'm playing with Modules and they work as advertised: the module swf's ares built and deployed in the output directories automatically. My problem is that if I use descendants of mx:Module, the IDE does NOT do all this nice work for me. I've listed the module in the Flex Modules section of the project properties, but still nothing. I'm...

Advanced DataGrid image renderer

hi, I need to develop Advanced Datagrid like the below attached image. So I had developed the Grid with some columns but do not know how to rendering the image in the result part of the grid. Any one please help me, how to rendering the images in the result part. c ...

Getting data into flex charts from csv

I am developing a flex charting web application which gets data from csv files. This application is supposed to be installed on the website of a client. The client uses a web server management system where the URLs generated are pretty long and contain non-alphanumeric characters. An example is given below: http://www.example.com/EXTERN...