
Flex Builder Debugger doesn't display local variables

Hi all, I am using the Flex Builder 3 debugger almost every day and it's starting to be a real pain that the 'Variables' tab in the 'Flex Debugging' view doesn't show local variables, only 'this' is displayed. Also I can not add Watch Expressions for local variables. Am I forgetting something here or is the debugger just very limited...

edited HTML wrapper template in Flash Builder 4 but my changes do not appear

I edited the index.template.html file, adding a script block to the HEAD section, but my changes are not there when running the project in Debug mode or in Run mode. I'm using SDK 4.0 with the public release of beta 2 (not using nightlies yet) and modified the only template found in this folder: \Adobe\Adobe Flash Builder Beta 2\sdks\...

Could Facebook have been implemented in Adobe Flex?

I am considering creating a website with the complexity of Facebook that should be able to scale into the millions of users. My question is: Is there any reason not to use Adobe Flex for such large project apart from the obvious point of requiring everyone to have Flash installed and not having to rely on Adobe? In my view Adobe Flex wou...

Flex XMLListCollection Iteration Concatenating Collected Values...

I am working in flex builder 3 with an XMLListCollection and have run into this (should be simple) parsing snag... The XMLListCollection Data: <data> <term name="NUMBERS"> <alt_form name="1"/> </term> <term name="LETTERS"> <alt_form name="A"/> <alt_form name="B"/> <alt_form name="C"/> </t...

Passing flashVars when testing in Flex Builder

I can pass values from HTML to a SWF when running my own HTML file, but I cannot see the way to do this within Flex Builder. Creating my own HTML file with an extra param in the object tag works fine: <param name="flashVars" value="greeting=Hello"/> Then I can use this ActionScript to get the value in Flex: blah = Application.applic...

Compile a Flex CSS file into a SWF using the command line

I understand that in Flex builder we can right click on a CSS file and choose 'compile to swf' and our CSS SWFs will automatically be compiled along with the main app. Is possible to compile the CSS file only (not with the main app) from the command line? I want to : Give clients a Flex CSS file to hand edit Allow them to upload the ...

Flex Compile Time Constants - Timestamp

I'm trying to use Flex Compile Time Constants to include the date and time the SWF was built (source control revision/timestamp such as SVN:Keywords is not sufficient for our needs, we need to know the actual build time, not the commit time). I've tried using actionscript (like the documentation suggests you should be able to): -define...

Custom project in Adobe Flex Builder 3?

Is it possible to create a custom project type using Adobe Flex Builder 3? I'd like to create my own custom project template that creates certain directories, sets Source Path and Library Path values, etc. so that I don't have to do it manually. I'm using the standalone version of Flex Builder, which is running on Eclipse 3.3. Thanks!...

What is the error :a conflict exists with inherited definition flash.display:DisplayObject.mouseX in namespace public ?

This appeared as I was trying to use a mouseEvent to move an object. I placed the variables for mouseX and mouseY in the public class. I did the same for direction X and Y but there was no error message for those. ...

Using one data source for multiple datagrids in Flex3

Hi there! I want to use one data source (e.g. an Array) for multiple Datagrids that have different filterFunctions attached and show different columns. First, I thought I use a very straight forward apporach: create the Array create an ArrayCollection for every DataGrid and set the "source" property to the Array create the DataGrids an...

Flex builder3 is not generating html wrapper when targeting flex 4 sdk

In Flex builder 3 when I create a new flex application targeting the flex 4 sdk, it wont generate a html wrapper file. I have hunted around the web for answers, but no success. I have made sure the box is checked in the project properties to generate html wrapper. The only workaround is to target an older version of the sdk (i.e. 3.2),...

Flex Keeps compiling old files

Hi, I'm working on a project on Flex AS3.0 project in Flex Builder. It was working fine, I changed the name of one of my classes and all the related process. Now when I compile dubug the thing, it keeps on compiling an older version even if I comment all the code in main. It still compiles the old files. I have cleaned the project , but...

Flex profiler doesn't do anything

My Flex application has some memory problems which I'd like to find using the profiler. However, when I run the profiler from Flex Builder, nothing happens. The appication is run the regular way, but nothing is profiled. The Profiling perspective doesn't event open, and when I open the Profiling perspective, no memory usage is displayed....

How to create modules in Flex Builder with AS3

Hi, How can I make different modules and a main project in FlexBuilder for a pure AS3 project. There is documentation for MXML modules but could not find anything for AS3. ...

Desktop Icon does not call app when minimized to the tray

I have an AIR app, that has funcionality so that when close button is pressed, the app gets minimized to the tray. The problem I have is that when the users tries to invoke the app a second time from the desktop icon, nothing happends. The app is written using Adobe Flex Builder and as 3.0 ...

Why does flex builder insist on a Main class in the root of the source folder?

Why does FlexBuilder insist on a main class in the root of the source folder? By insist I mean that if I create an Actionscript project called MainTest. A file called MainTest.as will be placed in the root of the src folder. if I now create a package/folder called some/package and place the MainTest.as in it (and adjust the package s...

Unit testing a library with AsUnit in Flex Builder

I've been trying to setup a working method for unit testing flex libraries using Flex Builder. I have tried setting up a standard flex lib project and using Ant to compile and run the units tests. But this means that when something does go wrong and I want to use the flex builder debugger I cannot do so. So my next plan is to setup the...

Adding Tomcat Plugin to Flex Builder

Is there anyway we can add the tomcat eclipse plugin to Adobe Flex Builder 3? In other words can we add all eclipse plugins to Flex Builder also? ...

Integrate flex 3.5 projects in flash builder 4 beta 2

Hi I'm currently using Flex Builder 3 and Flex SDK 3.5 for my projects. But I'd like to try out the new Flash Builder 4. So I downloaded and installed the new software, configured all the additional software like subversion, server adapter .. and finally a importet my 2 projects. 1) Main Project (includes a swc generated by the Libra...

as3 / flex builder - is it possible to change the color of a trace statement ?

howdy all - i suspect the answer here is "no", but i'm wondering if it's possible to set the color of trace statements which appear in flex's console pane. ie, i have a few "levels" of log statements, and i'd like the warnings and errors to really stand out. tia, Orion ...