
Float and Height

Hi, I have a div named footerWrap, which contains 3 unordered lists. I floated left, all the unordered lists. My intention was to make the footerWrap grow in height according to the height of the unordered lists. However... in all browsers (exept IE6) the unordered lists pass over the div... like they had z-index atribute! I tried to ...

Python convert hex to float

How to convert the following hex string to float (single precision 32-bit) in python? "41973333" -> 1.88999996185302734375E1 "41995C29" -> 1.91700000762939453125E1 "470FC614" -> 3.6806078125E4 Thanks ...

Is there anything wrong with having positioning & float?

I have: .event { float:left; position:relative; top: 50px; width: 100%; height: 100px; background-color: #FFFFFF; border-top: 1px solid #D6D6D6; border-bottom: 1px solid #D6D6D6; } It works to my liking in firefox & safari. Mainly float against another element, but be offset against it. I know I can use...

Layout using mainly Floats - the centre div extends with content but is now hidden underneath the rest of the page?

I have a site layout, that uses floats to achieve the desired columns/rows. On the main page, the main content div has a min-height of 200px, which is perfect for the content on that page. However, the pages after the home page require the content in this div to be considerably longer. It works fine in firefox, but not so much in IE - w...

php float calculation 2 decimal point

Hi everyone, Got another math calculation problem again. $a = 34.56 $b = 34.55 $a do some calculation to get this figure $b is doing rounding nearest 0.05 to get this figure what happen is $c = $b - $a supposedly I should be -0.01, but I echo out the $c is show -0.00988888888888 I try to use number_format($c, 2), but the output i...

Why do floats having trailing .0 when it is exactly an integer?

Read this question carefully because I am not asking how to get rid of trailing zeros, that's easy. What I am asking is why does 123d become "123.0"? A IEEE 64-bit float can represent integers from 0 to 2^52 exactly, so this isn't a loss in precision but a decision during the implementation of Double.toString(). My question is why did...

Need CSS sidebar height to expand with content.

I have a two column layout, with a gray sidebar on the right. I need the sidebar's height to expand when the height of the left column is increased (due to content being dynamically expanded). I can make the sidebar fit a static page, but I cannot get it to increase in size with the rest of the page. Did some Googling, but couldn't find ...

CSS: What does clearing INSIDE a floated div do?

Quick question! Does putting a "clear" element INSIDE a floated div do anything? Like: <div style="float: right"> blah blah <div style="clear: right"></div> </div> Somewhere somehow I got the impression that this helps the div expand to contain the content inside of it. What does it actually do? Anything? Thanks! ...

define float as center in css

Hi, How can I define a define float as center in css? actually i need a layout between right and left and also i tried "text-align" but it doesn't work and the "float" property just working. Thank you ...

Fastest way to zero out low values in array?

So, lets say I have 100,000 float arrays with 100 elements each. I need the highest X number of values, BUT only if they are greater than Y. Any element not matching this should be set to 0. What would be the fastest way to do this in Python? Order must be maintained. Most of the elements are already set to 0. sample variables: a...

First entry not easy to click issue in firefox,a bug?

Pay attention to the part in blue in the first table. Can check out the problem here EDIT reproduce by double click at the upper part of first entry. ...

Python Class with integer emulation

Given is the following example: class Foo(object): def __init__(self, value=0): self.value=value def __int__(self): return self.value I want to have a class Foo, which acts as an integer (or float). So I want to do the followng things: f=Foo(3) print int(f)+5 # is working print f+5 # TypeError: unsupported op...

Internet Explorer: overflow and float

Hi folks, I have an img inside a div. I have set the img to "float: right", and the div to "overflow: hidden". Because the div is narrower than the img, I expect the left portion of the img to be cut off and hidden, which is indeed the case in Firefox. However, IE refuses to acknowledge the "float: right" property of the img, always ...

What is the inclusive range of float and double in Java?

What is the inclusive range of float and double in Java? Why are you not recommended to use float or double for anything where precision is critical? ...

Menu Positioning in CSS

I'm working on simple HTML/CSS site, using a horizontal floated CSS menu. The problem i have is i cant figure out how to alter the positioning of the menu. Its currently at the top, i know that the function top: x px or bottom: x px are used to move anything up and down from top or bottom, but when i use either the menu still stays at th...

setting height of DIV with CSS in relative positioning

I have some HTML+CSS code that wants to layout several DIVs. The layout is like this: all DIVs stay in a parent DIV whose size is fixed. Then each child DIV should stay on its own line, and use the minimum height for drawing its content. The last DIV should consume all remaining height, so that the parent DIV is entirely filled. This co...

parsing float into string

Hi I have a number like so: 4.47778E+11 Can anyone give me a way of converting that into its number representation easily in c#? Thanks ...

HTML/CSS: Floating element in H2 element

This is the HTML: <h2> Log in <a onclick="doSomething()" href="#" class="float-right">&nbsp;</a> </h2> This is the CSS: .float-right { float: right; background: url(img.png); width: 10px; height: 10px; text-decoration: none; } So this should make the .float-right element float to the right of the text in the...

Center wrapped text around float

Hi, I have a site with a parent element that contains a right-floated image and a content div that wraps along and below it. I'm trying to center certain elements in the content div, but am having trouble getting non-IE browsers to recognize the available width. In other words, if I give the object a percentage width like "70%", non-IE ...

Float over two elements

My problem is rather complex to explain, so I'll show you an example: http://ewolf.bplaced.de/misc/float.htm I want to have a floated element (the blue box) to be be placed over two other elements (red and green) and I want the whole thing to be fixed-width and centered (done by the box with the black border) while the background of the...