
How can a float design achieve this table-like result?

Hello guys, I'm usually a Web technologies enthusiast, and I'm all for the no-tables-design thing, but right now, it's somewhat pissing me off. :/ I'm trying to achieve something that would have been extremely easy with tables, but that seems overly complex/impossible using floating elements. Look at the following: +-----------------+...

height:100%; float:left, is there a way?

Hi, I'm having a hard time finding the resources to solve my particular dilemma. I'd like to make a simple horizontal type scroll bar site. This site would contain nothing but images stacked up side by side and each image would have a 100% browser screen height. No text, menu buttons, etc. Here is my code: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3...

my first iPhone app and i'm stuck.

hello all. i've decided to give this iPhone App development a kick. to help add perspective to this i've never programmed in any form of C or for any anything on the Mac other than Applescript. i've created plenty of solutions using blends of Applescript, Classic ASP, Perl, even PostScript. i'm home brewed so i don't understand all the m...

How to check whether string might be type-cast to float in Python?

Is there some function like str.isnumeric but applicable to float? '13.37'.isnumeric() #False I still use this: def isFloat(string): try: float(string) return True except ValueError: return False ...

CSS display: inline; float: left, but div blocks don't stay one close to the other.

Does anyone know how to make Block 3 not to go under Block2. I would like Block3 to show under Block 1, and Block 4 then would go on the right of Block 3. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"&gt; <html><head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; chars...

ie6 weird h3 /div behavior - no right margin bug (?) in ff

Help, please. The code - just a styled pre and a styled div (using float and clear) : <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"&gt; <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <title>Ie bug</title> <style type="text/css"> <!-- pre { ba...

Positioning images outside of main content

I'm having various problems with positioning divs both inside and outside of the main content area in the following example: http://unclemort.com/wp/ I've got a big letter "S" to the top left of the header, but in Firefox this pushes down the large image (with the red sorrounding box) in the main content area. Funny thing is that in I...

Deterministic floating point and .NET

How can I guarantee that floating point calculations in a .NET application (say in C#) always produce the same bit-exact result? Especially when using different versions of .NET and running on different platforms (x86 vs x86_64). Inaccuracies of floating point operations do not matter. In Java I'd use strictfp. In C/C++ and other low le...

Difference between float and double

I know, i've read about the difference between double precision and single precision etc. But they should give the same results on most cases right ? I was solving a problem on a programming contest and there were calculations with floating point numbers that were not really big so i decided to use float instead of double, and i checked...

"f" after number/float in Objective-C/C

I cannot find this in the Apple docs so: what does the "f" after the numbers here indicate? Is this from C or Objective-C? Is there any difference in not adding this to a constant number? CGRect frame = CGRectMake(0.0f, 0.0f, 320.0f, 50.0f); Can you explain why I wouldn't just write: CGRect frame = CGRectMake(0, 0, 320, 50); ...

clear:both on div inside a 2 column liquid layout breaks everything in FFX.

Use Firefox for this example. (Works fine in IE7) I have narrowed down an example at: (Where you can do -> view source) http://www.handbooster.com/example/tricky.html The problem is that the clear:both attribute on the red div forces it below the left floated blue div. This might well be correct and expected behaviour as that is how F...

Declare float or cast float?

Hey I've started to learn c++ using "C++ Primer by Stephen Prate" and I'm currently trying to complete one of the exercises. I am wondering if I should declare arc_to_minute & arc_to_degree as float or cast them as float as I've done already. Any tips welcome! #include <iostream> int main() { using namespace std; cout.setf(ios...

Containing Div Not Behaving Correctly When Child Divs are Floating

Hi Guys This question is related to another question I asked Basically, I have 2 horizontally aligned divs. Both sit inside a div called ".Parent", so the structure is like this: <div class="Parent"> <div style="float:right"> <span>source list</span> <select size="10"> <option /> <option />...

make flash movie float to the right and have an html side menu on the left

hey, i have a website built mostly in flash. the flash movie is on an html page. i want the flash movie to be in the same line with a side menu (list of links to other pages on my site). this is my website: http://www.arielajewellery.com/gallery.html i tried this html code: .center{float: center;} .left{float: left;} .clear{clear: both...

CSS horizontal menu links issue

I've got a simple (horizontal) CSS menu list with a problem. The links in the list are only active up to a certain point, for example menu item four in my list doesn't work, 1, 2, and 3 are fine. By not working I mean both 'hover' and hyperlinking actions are gone. It's got something to do with the 'float' and 'overflow' attributes, if...

Floating an inline element to the right of a div

I want to right-align an inline element to the right of a div. I have seen float="right" applied on a span to right align it but it seems semantically incorrect to me as floats are supposed to move "boxes" or block elements to the right or left of a container element. Is my understanding of Float wrong or is there another way of right-a...

Formatting floats in Python without superfluous zeros

How to format a float so it does not containt the remaing zeros? In other words, I want the resulting string to be as short as possible..? Like: 3 -> "3" 3. -> "3" 3.1 -> "3.1" 3.14 -> "3.14" 3.140 -> "3.14" ...

Container div ignores height of floated elements

Ok, so this seems like a really silly problem but I can't get my container div to inherit the height of the floated elements inside of it. Since I need to center the container div, I can't use float to fix this problem. Here is my css: #container { margin: 0 auto; width: 1000px; border-left: 1px solid #f1f1f1; border-right: 1px solid #f...

Implicit casting Integer calculation to float in C++

Is there any compiler that has a directive or a parameter to cast integer calculation to float implicitly. For example: float f = (1/3)*5; cout << f; the "f" is "0", because calculation's constants(1, 3, 10) are integer. I want to convert integer calculation with a compiler directive or parameter. I mean, I won't use explicit casting ...

Turning Floats into Their Closest (UTF-8 Character) Fraction.

I want to take any real number, and return the closest number, with the closest fraction as available in the UTF-8 character set, appropriate. 0/4 = 0.00 = # < .125 1/4 = 0.25 = ¼ # > .125 & < .375 2/4 = 0.50 = ½ # > .375 & < .625 3/4 = 0.75 = ¾ # > .625 & < .875 4/4 = 1.00 = # > .875 I made this function to do that task: functio...