
CSS: float:left with a margin-right doesn't push all elements away

I'd like all my content to flow around an image. To do this, I simply did img#me { width: 300px; float: left; margin-right: 30px; } This works for text wraping, but other elements go behind it. For example <style> h2 { background: black; color: white; } </style> <img id="me" src="http://paultarjan.com/paul.jpg" /> <...

Octave datatypes - float & double

I'm writing a framework for writing HDF files with JAVA (Using some existing framework). I need to keep compatibility with octave. That is, octave should be able to read the files my framework writes and vice versa. My question is, does Octave have two data types - float and double or it uses only double? thanks ...

What's up with IE this time? - Floats the entire content to the left and adds a gap in the menu.

You build it for FF, then you hack it for IE. Take a look here: http://jbhstad.se/NicklasSandell/ Anyone knows what's up with IE? The menu seems to have a gap between for some reason, and the entire site is floated left? Thanks in advance, -Nike ...

Floating point vs integer calculations on modern hardware

I am doing some performance critical work in C++, and we are currently using integer calculations for problems that are inherently floating point because "its faster". This causes a whole lot of annoying problems and adds a lot of annoying code. Now, I remember reading about how floating point calculations were so slow approximately cir...

Why does a float divided by a larger float result in zero, and how can I avoid this in C#?

I was trying to divide (float)200 / (float)500 but the result is 0.0. Why is this so and how can we have 0.4 as the result? Thanks a lot. ...

Force float left with no line break no matter what

I'm guessing this isn't possible, but here goes. I have two tables, and I'm trying to get them to sit side-by-side so that they look like one table. The reason for this, instead of using one larger table, is that the data in the second table needs to be handled on a column basis, not row basis, for performance reasons like caching and A...

How to compare string with float? in Objective C

How would you? I'm having problems. Thanks. I'm currently using if (myString == myfloat) { // do something but this won't work } OR if ([myString == myFloat]) { // do something but this won't work } Thanks! ...

floated div, height 100, container fluid height

I have this design which I cannot seem to get right, I would like .sidebar (float:left) to fill the entire height of .page-container which has a fluid height due to the content. How do I go about this? ...

CSS issue with multi-accordion

Alright, I got some help earlier with this, but it never truly got resolved. I'm pretty sure I'm having a CSS issue, but I just can't figure out how to correct it. Currently, I have these accordions working perfectly, they collapse, expand, expand again when told to etc. The problem I'm having is aligning the content within these accord...

Problem with floating divs in IE8

I want to make two block stand side by side. In Opera, Chrome and Firefox I get the expected result with the code I use. But IE8 refuses to display it correctly. Here's IE8 screenshot: http://ipicture.ru/upload/100405/RCFnQI7yZo.png And Chrome screenshot (how it should look like): http://ipicture.ru/upload/100405/4x95HC33zK.png Here's m...

How to get a float value the pointer points to?

Hello, In my app, i've created the TList type list where i store the pointers to 1 string and 2 float(real) values for every 3 items. aList.Add(@sName); //string aList.Add(@x1); //float aList.Add(@x2); //float Then, i want to get the values out from the list, but i could only do that for string sStr := string(lList.items[i]); But ...

Text over floated images

I need to put some text over a series of images in a gallery. I found many tutorials about the text part however the images need to be floated. Whenever I add float:left though the trick no longer works. My code (css inline for sack of brevity): <a href="/photos/photo1.php" title="photo1"> <span style="position: relative; width: 100%;">...

XHtml Strict, Float: Center ?

Hi everyone. I'm having hard time with Xhtml Strict 1.0 and Css. And I'm almost out of solutions. My Site Url: http://www.pro-turk.net/beta/ I made a jquery multilevel dropdown menu for my site. It looks like OK, but I have used inline-block property of css display attribute on navigation menu which is a part of css 2.1 and isn't supp...

Floating point operations in GCC

Hello! Anyone knows where can I find the floating functions for non FPU processor (SH-3) called __mulsf3, __divsf3, __addsf3, __subsf3, __ltsf2 and __floatsisf. I read that those functions are in libgcc but linking against libgcc does not work. Also I read that SH3 devs moved those functions to another lib (maybe libfloat or libgcc_os)....

erroneous Visual C float / double conversion?

In Visual C++ i wrote the following sample in a C++ program: float f1 = 42.48f; double d1 = 42.48; double d2 = f1; I compiled the program with Visual Studio 2005. In the debugger i see the following values: f1 42.480000 float d1 42.479999999999997 double d2 42.479999542236328 double d1 by my knowledege is OK, but d2 is wron...

C# float to decimal conversion

Any smart way to convert a float like this: float f = 711989.98f; into a decimal (or double) without loosing precision? I've tried: decimal d = (decimal)f; decimal d1 = (decimal)(Math.Round(f,2)); decimal d2 = Convert.ToDecimal(f); ...

Float an image in Design mode = On

I'm using a WYSIWYG editor. It's nice, but it can't float images, so the text starts at the bottom of the pictures. I'd like to implement a float left / right function. So i'm reading about Design mode = On I followed this good tutorial: http://www.quirksmode.org/dom/range_intro.html And now i can make an alert with text (for every br...

Overriding previously set float using javascript in ie

I've read this question to figure out how to set float:none on an element which already has float:right set with class. I used element.style.cssFloat = "none", but this just added a new style property cssFloat which didn't over-ride the existing float:right. I've now fixed it using the adding/removing classes method. But is there a way...

IE7 div boxes with clear: right and float: left - float to top

Hey, lately i've been slamming my head against my desk to solve this Problem. Didn't work out. I know it can be solved by editing the contents with some clearing elements. Sadly there is some javascript sorting beeing used and the Sourcode is being generated by CMS Components so that would be my last shot. I'm having a few boxes beein...

OleDB Jet - Float issues in reading excel data

When I read a sheet into a DataTable using the OleDbDataReader, floating point numbers loose their precision. I tried forcing OleDb to read the excel data as string, but although the data is now contained in a DataRow with each Column defined as System.String it looses precision (18.125 -> 18.124962832). Any idea how to avoid this beh...