
Floating Tables Problem Unwanted Space XHTML Strict

Hi I have two floating tables side by side. One is set to float left, the other one is set to float right. The problem is when two table are floating, they both are out of flow so next table comes without any spacing. So I add a width attribute clear:both. But now it gave me a lot of unwanted space! it's height set to:0 (the div's) and...

Why can't I multiply a float?

Possible Duplicate: Dealing with accuracy problems in floating-point numbers I was quite surprised why I tried to multiply a float in C (with GCC 3.2) and that it did not do as I expected.. As a sample: int main() { float nb = 3.11f; nb *= 10; printf("%f\n", nb); } Displays: 31.099998 I am curious regarding the way f...

How to insert a float into a SQL table in the right locale

I have to insert float values into different SQL Servers. Each one can have different locales so in one it the representation could be "42,2" and at another one "42.2" or whatever. How should i construct the query so it works in any SQL Server? Do i need to detect the locale of the server before constructing the query or what? ...

floating point equality in Python and in general

I have a piece of code that behaves differently depending on whether I go through a dictionary to get conversion factors or whether I use them directly. The following piece of code will print 1.0 == 1.0 -> False But if you replace factors[units_from] with 10.0 and factors[units_to ] with 1.0 / 2.54 it will print 1.0 == 1.0 -> True #!...

CSS: How to get two DIVs side by side with automatic height, to the height of their container?

I am designing a website for a client, and I am trying to get two side-by-side DIVs to adjust to 100% of their container. I've got the side-by-side done, but I can't get the right DIV to be the same height as the left one. You can view the problem here: http://campusmomlaundry.petroules.com/ The "challenges" and "benefits" DIVs should ...

defining precision in python(2.6) division

Hi, I am using: from __future__ import division To perform a division in which I need some percision. However, it gives a long number, like: 1.876543820098765 I only need the the first two numbers after "." => 1.87 How can I do that? ...

Right column content overflowing over my footer

Hi All, I know this has got something to do with a float, but I cannot seem to figure out where I am going wrong with this. Please check this page for me, the content in the right column is flowing over my footer. http://sun-eng.sixfoot.co.za/index.php?option=com_weblinks&view=categories&Itemid=48 Thanks! James ...

Center floated div items

I have: #content { width: 100%;text-align:center; } .item { float:left;} And then ... <div id="content"> <div class="item"><img /><br />wordsn</div> <div class="item"><img /><br />stuff</div> <div class="item"><img /><br />asdasdasdn</div> <div class="item"><img /><br />Dhdfrhwon</div> <div class="item"><img /><...

CSS: problems with a floating element in IE6

i have this page. login: [email protected] pass: m As you can see in FF the filter is on the right of the list, but in IE6 not.. How do I fix this problem? ...

Windows Forms Designer Float overflow

I'm not sure what's changed, but for some reason I'm getting a problem with Visual Studio 2008 Windows Forms Designer: C++ CodeDOM parser error: Line: 1978, Column: 80 --- Float overflow The call stack doesn't seem to point to any of my code either: at Microsoft.VisualC.CppCodeParser.OnMethodPopulateStatements(Object sender, Even...

flex 4: while in a vgroup, how can i add a moveable element that won't be part of the vgroup?

Hiya. I created several components that are placed inside a VGroup. in one of the components code, i want to add an image and to move it. i don't want the image to be part of the vgroup and to be bound to the vgroup area, i want it to be like float in css. how can I do that? update I want to be able to move the element in the entire a...

Comparing floats using bitwise operators

how to do comparisons of float values using bitwise operator? ...

tricks for floating elements inside list elements

I'm trying to create a instruction list using ordered lists (ol). Inside I want the text for the instruction to be floated left and the image showing the step floated right. I've tried wrapping the content inside the list item (li) like so: <ol> <li><p style="float:left">Follow these instructions</p><img style="float:right" s...

multiple float lefts will not float under each leaving ugly white space

When using the following html example: <div style="width:50%;float:left;"> test1<br/> test1<br/> test1<br/> </div> <div style="width:50%;float:left"> test2<br/> test2<br/> test2<br/> test2<br/> test2<br/> test2<br/> </div> <div style="width:50%;float:left"> test3<br/> test3<br/> ...

CSS float wont work?

Check this picture: Now explanation: the RED circle is how i want the menu to be.. horizontal to the logo, but mine turns out like the green marked, the menu is "under". And i think float function is the only way to do something like this(?) but it doesnt work, it wont float.. #top_menu { height: 20px; color: #333; position: relativ...

How to change the order floated elements?

I hardly use float:right in my css and now I did and came across a annoying problem. I am floating my menu items to the right my HTMl <ul id="extMenu"> <li> <a href="#">Home</a> </li> <li> <a href="#">Feedback</a> </li> <li> <a href="#">Contact</a> ...

align left and right with float: works in FF/IE but not in Chrome?

I'm using this .align-left { float: left; width: 49%; } .align-right { float: right; width: 49%; text-align: right; /* depends on element width */ } With this html: <span class="align-left">this shows to the left<span><span class="align-right">this to the right<span> And it works fine in IE/FF but not in Chrome...

How to number floats in LaTeX consistently?

Hello I have a LaTeX document where I'd like the numbering of floats (tables and figures) to be in one numeric sequence from 1 to x rather than two sequences according to their type. I'm not using lists of figures or tables either and do nort need to. My documentclass is report and typically my floats have captions like this: \caption...

Align a DIV to the right of a fixed width left bar

With a fluid layout, trying to have a 200px left bar and the right div should expand width wise. When some wide content goes in (say a table with a few columns), if the browser isn't wide enough, the right div gets pushed down below the left bar. How can I sort this? #container{ min-height:300px; } #leftBar{ width:200px; fl...

How to convert a hex float to a float in C/C++ using _mm_extract_ps SSE GCC instrinc function

Hi, I'm writing a SSE code to 2D convolution but SSE documentation is very sparse. I'm calculating dot product with _mm_dp_ps and using _mm_extract_ps to get the dot product result, but _mm_extract_ps returns a hex that represents a float and I can't figure out how to convert this hex float to a regular float. I could use __builtin_ia3...