
Make floating element "maximally wide"

I have some floating elements on a page. What I want is the div that is floated left to be "maximally wide" so that it is as wide as it possibly can be without causing the red div ("I go at the right") to spill over onto the next line. An example is here: The width:100%; doesn't produce the desired effect! ** I don't want the green e...

Working with decimal numbers in PHP

I want to somehow round the numbers for a rating system in PHP like this: 4.6667 = 4.6 5.0001 = 5.0 Is there any way to do that? (BTW, I read the data from a database.) ...

Centralizing a floating element :(

Hi guys :| My "div" element have a relative width, it isn't absolute so I can't use exact numbers to centralize. A nice solution is to use "display: inline-block": body { text-align: center; } #myDiv { border: 1px solid black; display: inline-block; padding: 50px; } But this element NEEDS to float, I tried this: #my...

jRuby's Float to represent in JTable's cell

Hello. I need to represent floats in jTable formatted. When I do tbl.model.add_row [obj, 1.3524632478].to_java, obj is represented as it's to_s method's return value, but float do not. Overriding float's to_s method does nothing. I want floats to be formatted like this class Float def to_s sprintf("%.2f", self) end end in...

Preventing float wrapping without setting parent width

I would like to have several items stack horizontally infinitely (in one row), without setting the width of their parent container. I'm fully aware that setting the container div to width:1000px; will make them stack, but for various reasons I do not want to use this solution. Are there any alternatives? <html> <head> <style type="text/...

how to get output of a variable as float value

hi..i m having the follwing problem.. want to get the result in float suppose int a= convert.toint32(textbox1.text); int b= convert.toint32(textbox2.text); float ans= math.sqrt(a*b); label1.text= ans.tostring(); output.. a=7 b=3 ans should be= 4.582 but i get an error cannot implicitly convert type 'double' to 'float'. pls hel...

Python rounding problem

>>> num = 4.123456 >>> round(num, 3) # expecting 4.123 4.1230000000000002 I'm expecting 4.123 as a result, Am I wrong? ...

Time difference in seconds (as a floating point)

>>> from datetime import datetime >>> t1 = datetime.now() >>> t2 = datetime.now() >>> delta = t2 - t1 >>> delta.seconds 7 >>> delta.microseconds 631000 Is there any way to get that as 7.631000 ? I can use time module, but I also need that t1 and t2 variables as DateTime objects. So if there is an easy way to do it with datettime, that ...

how to place div next to centered div css

I have a search page that contains a textbox for the search and a link that says "advanced search" similar to google. I am having trouble centering the textbox AND having 'Advanced Search' to the right of the textbox. Basically I want the layout to look like googles See here This was my shot: <div style="width:650px; marg...

Floating point numbers in XML

what is the best way to handle floating point numbers in XML? If I have, for instance: double a = 123.456; and I would like to keep it as <A> 123.456 </A> simply using ... myDoc.createTextNode(a.ToString()); is fine? Or should it be done with some Globalization stuff to make it region-independent? ...

need help to float a header in a wordpress theme

i need help with a wordpress theme, i want to localize a theme but i have some problemes my new blog is in arabic (rtl) and i want to replace the theme logo in the right (float to right) and the banner ad to the left side in the header, also i tried to float the search bar to the left but i did not succeed in that, can you please help me...

Is there a way to display floats correctly in Dreamweaver CS5 Design View?

Hi there, I'm setting up templates and snippets for my design team, they don't want to fuss with this that and the other. I figure fair enough, and everything's mostly going well, except that I'm experiencing difficulties in displaying floats in Design view. It's important to note that Live Preview displays beautifully, as does my outp...

fixing IE7 float inside float bug

hi, in ie7 if you put a floated element inside a floated element to the same side the inside element just pushed far away outside the container element to the direction of the float. consider this code <div style="float: right"> <div style="float: right"> some text </div></div> any solution for this bug?? ...

I have a web page that has two divs moving down when resized in IE8. I have set a min width, to no avail... what do I do?

http://www.akben.com/The%20Winton%20Group/contact_us.php I have a set of five divs sitting side to side. The last two move down approximately 20px in IE8 when the page is made smaller from the right hand corner... can anyone point out what I am messing up? Thank you! ...

Performance: float to int cast and clipping result to range

I'm doing some audio processing with float. The result needs to be converted back to PCM samples, and I noticed that the cast from float to int is surprisingly expensive. Whats furthermore frustrating that I need to clip the result to the range of a short (-32768 to 32767). While I would normally instictively assume that this could be as...

Right floated div within a liquid-width div. How do I get this to work?

I have a div, within the div is a name in an <h4> tag (it's semantically correct with the layout) and a div with some values describing that <h4> value. I want the nested div to be on the right side, and the only way I can get this to work is a fixed-width container and float: right;. As you can guess, the object breaks when the value of...

how to align floats in IE6

Good day! I am having problems displaying floated paragraphs and images in IE6. There was no problem displaying those in Opera and Firefox,though. I have three divs inside a container. Each div has its own paragraph and image either floated to the left or right. In order for me to achieve a desired layout, I set negative margins on mos...

using CSS to center FLOATED input elements wrapped in a DIV

There's no shortage of questions and answers about centering but I've not been able to get it to work given my specific circumstances, which involve floating. I want to center a container DIV that contains three floated input elements (split-button, text, checkbox), so that when my page is resized wider, they go from this: ||.....[ ...

Help with float numbers in Java

Hi, Could anyone please me why the output of the following programme is not " different different"? public static void main(String[] args) { float f1=3.2f; float f2=6.5f; if(f1==3.2) System.out.println("same"); else System.out.println("different"); if(f2==6.5) System.out.println("same"); else System.out.println("different"); } o/p ...

Calling/selecting variables (float valued) with user input in Python

I've been working on a computational physics project (plotting related rates of chemical reactants with respect to eachother to show oscillatory behavior) with a fair amount of success. However, one of my simulations involves more than two active oscillating agents (five, in fact) which would obviously be unsuitable for any single visual...