
Floating window wpf

Hello I want to create floating child window in my application. It should be look like floating bin in internet market. Window.ShowDialog is not well because user hasnt access to main window. Window with topmost = true as well bad idea because i want to have floating window only in limited area of main window. ...

Float: left not showing up after a certain point.

http://test.jptgraphics.com/products?cat=APPAREL This works fine in Safari but shows incorrectly in the latest version of Firefox ( was fine in 3.5) and in some versions of IE. In the middle column the product thumbnails drop down below when the 'float: left;' parameter is used. It is as if it is being escaped by a tag from that point ...

Convert pre-IEEE-754 C++ floating-point numbers to/from C#

Before .Net, before math coprocessors, before IEEE-574, Microsoft defined a bit pattern for floating-point numbers. Old versions of the C++ compiler happily used that definition. I am writing a C# app that needs to read/write such floating-point numbers in a file. How can I do the conversions between the 2 bit formats? I need conversion...

how to write floating value accurately to a bin file.

Hi I am trying to dump the floating point values from my program to a bin file. Since I can't use any stdlib function, I am thinking of writting it char by char to a big char array which I am dumping in my test application to a file. It's like float a=3132.000001; I will be dumping this to a char array in 4 bytes. Code example woul...

floating exception using icc compiler

I'm compiling my code via the following command: icc -ltbb test.cxx -o test Then when I run the program: time ./mp6 100 > output.modified Floating exception 4.871u 0.405s 0:05.28 99.8% 0+0k 0+0io 0pf+0w I get a "Floating exception". This following is code in C++ that I had before the exception and after: // before if (j < E[i]...

C# winform: Floating toolstrip like visual studio toolbar

hi. how can i set the toolbar to floating toolbar. this functionality is implemented in Visual studio. when we click on grip area of toolstrip and drag it it becomes floating. how to do this using ToolStrip control of Winform ...

how to make javascript rearrangeable windows?

hi guys, I want to make a web page with several type of forms,each one on a different area that allows those areas to be rearranged and user will be able to change their position according to their preference.(X form to the left top, Y form to the right bottom etc.) i don't know what that type of windows are called, but think you can ge...

ui header is blocking a div

i have built jQuery drop-down menu which is having problems floating over the UI header. Flash and everything else is fine, menu has no problem floating over anything except UI headers, i have tried messing with z-index in css files but it seems that jQuery script is over writing all of my css. the JS files are minified so i can not edit...

How can I have a floating image (right aligned) with text that wraps around the image in Android Layout?

It's kind of hard to explain, but an example of what I'm wanting to accomplish is like this: Here is some text | image | that is printed | | out in a view and --------- it is wrapped around an image that is floating and right aligned. I thought about generating the layout in html and using a web view, but I need to be able to ...

In CSS, how to not float a 300px wide Div to the next line?

Say, there is a bar that is styled at the bottom of the viewport, using position: fixed; bottom: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height 50px; overflow: hidden and then there are 4 Divs inside it, each one floated to the left. Each Div is about 300px wide or can be more (depending on the content) Now, when the window is 1200 pixel wide, and...

Another floating point question

I have read most of the posts on here regarding floating point, and I understand the basic underlying issue that using IEEE 754 (and just by the nature of storing numbers in binary) certain fractions cannot be represented. I am trying to figure out the following: If both Python and JavaScript use the IEEE 754 standard, why is it that exe...

Show ticker as floating on webpage in asp.net

Hi, I have a .swf file, which I have to display as a ticker, but the issue is this that I don't want to display it on the webpage, I want it to be floating. Can you please guide me how can I do that. Thanks in advance. P.S.; I am using asp.net ...

in python, how do i split a number by the decimal point

So if i run a = b / c and get the result 1.2234 How do i separate it so that I have a = 1 b = 0.2234 ...

How to make an imitation of apple.com cart

I would really love to make a left menu like apples shopping-cart. What's unique is that it stays static while you scoll down but don't move over header, when you go back to top. And there is no easing (which take too much attention). I allready use mootools on the site, so if the solution is adaptable to mootools...I'll give a hug :-) ...

Why no unsigned floating point types?

Possible Duplicate: Why doesn't C have unsigned floats? The question is probably very basic and probably answered many time earlier, but I want to understand why C++ does not have unsigned floating point types, even though floating point literals can be signed or unsigned. $3.9.1/8- "There are three floating point types:...

How to make a block (or a region) float in Drupal?

I saw that there's a module called Floating block that should do what I'm searching for: but it duplicates the floating block, making it totally unusable. Can you please tell me some other ways to accomplish that? ...

File Input with a floating div not working

I have a div that I am floating as a dialog over my page. When I use try and use the , the file selector does not get shown. Any help would be appreciated. The function to create the floating div looks like function openFloat($html) { $floatDiv = $('<div id="mainFloater" class="floater" ></div>'); $center = $('<div id="floaterC...

Floating Menu in PrototypeJS

Hi, can someone please help me make a floating menu in prototypeJS? I found documentation to do it in jQuery, like here: net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/html-css-techniques/creating-a-floating-html-menu-using-jquery-and-css/ and here: manos.malihu.gr/jquery-floating-menu, but can't figure out where to start for prototypeJS. So I got it work...

Left content cuts into right floated content

In the screen shot you see a list of items on the left (not floated) and a display box on the right (floated). How can I prevent the left item's li element from cutting into the display box. The li content follows the flow and breaks to a new line before running into the display box, but the li element, as in the container, does not. ...

jQuery: Scrolling accordion effect

Hi, I'm trying to reproduce an accordion effect when scrolling up and down shown on Apples website here: http://store.apple.com/us/compare/mac?mco=MTg4Mjg5Nzk&amp;page=imac (click "Compare" on any mac then start scrolling down) This is what I have so far: http://jsfiddle.net/mackry/3KZky/15/ It's very complicated and a mess to look at....