
FluentNhibernate and References

Hi everyone, I was trying to change a convention so that my IDs follow this simple rule: ProductCode, CustomerCode, OrderCode etc etc. I've found a simple way to do that adding a convention: public class PrimaryKeyNameConvention : IIdConvention { public void Apply(FluentNHibernate.Conventions.Instances.IIdentityInst...

Read-Only Joined Collection in NHibernate

Here is the basic situation. In our application, we have Roles and Permissions. There is a many-to-many relationship between roles and permission. The catch is, that a user can be assigned roles directly, or they can have a role that they have acquired by paying for a service. To make things more interesting, if the user cancels the ...

How to create a XML Schema Collection and use it in Fluent nHibernate?

I'm looking forward to generate our database script by using the script generated by nHibernate. We use Fluent nHibernate to create our mapping. In our original database design, there is a few xml columns that use the following schema: CREATE XML SCHEMA COLLECTION LocalizedValue AS N'<xs:schema attributeFormDefault="unqualified" eleme...

Fluent Mappings

If you have a PK Column that is not generated in any way how is it mapped? I assumed it would be something like: Id(x => x.PKId).Column("PKId"); But I keep getting a: Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'PKId', table 'X.dbo.DBTable; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails. ...

How can I stop Fluent NHibernate from creating foreign keys

I got a polymorphic relationship like the following example: public class A { public virtual Guid Id { get; set; } public virtual string Name { get; set; } } Class B & C contining a List of A's: public class B/C { public virtual Guid Id { get; set; } public virtual string Name { get; set; } public virtual IList<A>...

Runtime error when trying to run Fluent NHibernate tutorial example.

Hello, I worked through the Fluent NHibernate tutorial at http://wiki.fluentnhibernate.org/Getting_started and the project compiles fine. However, I am getting a runtime error and I can't seem to resolve it. The error is happening in the CreateSessionFactory method you can see in the tutorial. Here it is: private static ISession...

Perform MySql Fulltext Search using NHibernate

Is it possible to execute a statement like this in NHibernate? SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE field2 = "word" OR MATCH (field1) AGAINTS ('wordA' IN BOOLEAN MODE) ...

Nhibernate - How to Design DomainObjects and Mappings with CompositeId

Hi, at first i'm really new to ORM, nhibernate and FHN. i look into this stuff for a few days now. i have an existing database with 4 tables: so i tried first to get the Auswahl and RefAuswahlFilter to work. here are my DomainObjects: pls let me know when i can do this better [Serializable] public class Auswahl { public Auswahl...

How do I make a Primary Key read-only in Fluent NHibernate?

When using Fluent NHinbernate How do I make a PK Read only I tried to make it internal on the setter but I get this: ----> NHibernate.InvalidProxyTypeException : The following types may not be used as proxies: Domain.Address: method set_AddressId should be 'public/protected virtual' or 'protected internal virtual' my ma...

Where should I put my NHibernate SchemaExport method?

Where should I put my NHibernate SchemaExport method and how should I call it when I decide to recreate the database? Should I leave this in my startup project (an asp.net mvc project)? Should I create a seperate console project just for exporting my schema? I think these questions all originate from the fact that I don't want schema...

Method 'Generate' in type xxx does not have an implementation - S#arp - UPDATED

I've been using S#arp and have updated the Generate method in AutoPersistenceModelGenerator to work with Fluent NHibernate 1.1. I also changed its assembly name from MyProject.Data to MyProject.Infrastructure and I'm not sure which has caused the problem: public AutoPersistenceModel Generate() { return AutoMap.Assemblies...

Ignore property mapping by accessbility in Fluent NHibernate AutoMapper

I have the following class which I am mapping using Fluent NHibernate's AutoMapper. I do not want the list items publically modifiable so have a public IEnumerable backed by an IList which can be populated internally or by NHibernate. I want NHibernate to map teamMembers to a column named TeamMembers. I also want FNH to ignore the TeamM...

Nhibernate mapping conditional

I have the following tables and i have no control on the table schema DocumentText { NoteId OutputType Note_Text } OrderCoordinator { AuthoriserCode Value } DocumentText joined to OrderCoordinator on (Note_Text = AuthoriserCode) only when Outputtype='PRTYPE' How do i map this using fluent nhibernate i am currently mapping ...

Configuring "no-proxy" in Fluent Nhibernate

Hi everybody. Just a short question: How do I configure the many-to-one attribute "lazy" to the value "no-proxy" (as mentioned here here ) in Fluent Nhibernate? ...

Issue with Casting proxies when using NHibernate table per subclass inheritance strategy

Hi guys, I have got an abstract base class and inherited poco entities. I am using table per subclass inheritance with fluent nhibernate 1.1 automapping. The class inheritance looks like follows Node (abstract class) Place : Node Asset : Node Node class is basically a tree structure. public abstract class Node { publi...

EF4 for an nHibernate developer?

I'm needing to foray into EF4 for the first time since experiencing the disappointment that was v1. Since then I've been a happy nHibernate user but I'm needing to pick EF back up now for a new project due to client preference. Has anyone created a quick guide of analogies between ORM concepts for the two? If I had a translation of nH...

NHibernate mapping many child entities to one entity

I currently have a bookings model such as: public class RoomBooking : Entity, IBooking { public virtual Client Client { get; set; } public virtual Address Address { get; set; } public virtual IList<BookingPeriod> BookingPeriods{get;set;}... public class BookingPeriod : Entity { public virtual IEnumerable<IBooking> Book...

Where can I get Linq for NHibernate?

Where can I get the current Linq provider for NHibernate? I am also using the current release of Fluent NHibernate (1.1). Will the current Linq provider (once I find it) play nicely with fluent? ...

Enum to integer mapping causing updates on every flush

I am trying to map an enum property (instance of System.DayOfWeek) in my model to an integer database field. Other enum properties in the model should be mapped to strings, so I don't wish to define a convention. I understand that this should be possible using a fluent mapping like: Map(x => x.DayOfWeek).CustomType<int>(); and indeed...

Fluent nHibernate automapping property as nvarchar(max)

using fluent nhibernate, and automappings (nhibernate creates my db schema), how can i get nhibernate to create a nvarchar(max) column in the database based on the following class public class VirtualPage : BaseEntity { public virtual int ParentId { get; set; } public virtual string PageName { get; set; } public virtual stri...