
C# New form never gains focus.

I have been trying to write a small app with its own option windows. When I try to launch the window I can never seem to set focus on the new form. This is not a mdi form, but merely a new form that I create when a user selects an option from the menu. It should be noted that Form.Show is return false, which means that the new form is ne...

Emulate Windows 7 "Connect To" Dialog

In Windows 7, the Connect To dialog opens over the taskbar tray. When you go to any other application or the desktop, the window disappears. I would like to be able to do this in C#. Right now, I am capturing the Leaving event of the form, but this doesn't work in every case (i.e. switching from my application directly to the desktop)...

Delphi: TOleControl puts ActiveControl in wrong state?

In Mike Lischke's now defunct Virtual Treeview, there was workaround code added to fix a bug when using a TWebBrowser control on the same form. The problem was that if the user tries to interact with a TOleControl (from which TWebBrowser descends), the first mouse click is eaten. They have to then click again to give the control focus....

Get button focus - MFC

Hi, I have a VC++ MFC dialog application and in my OnTimer function I am just trying to determine which button in my dialog currently has focus. Here is some psuedocode of what I am trying to accomplish.... CDialog::OnTimer() { CButton *btn = GetButtonOnFocus(); int btnID = btn->GetDlgCtrlID(); } Any help would be great...

how to trigger a set commands when user setfocus on a text box in a website using c#.

i have a username textbox and a password textbox in the webpage. i want username textbox to read the following code once it has lost focused/ when the user clicks on the password textbox? so that the password is automatically displayed in the password text box. String cookiename = usernameTextBox.Text; //grab cookie HttpCo...

c# How to change window focus onMouseEnter event

Hi, i have a WPF application that i would like to become the current focused window whenever the mouse cursor moves over it. Currently i have a onMouseEnter event that changes the cursor when the mouse moves over it so i know the system is recognizing that, however what i actually want is for the application itself to become focused as i...

How track when any child control gets or loses the focus in WinForms?

I have a Windows Forms custom control which acts like a panel in that it can contain any number of children. The number and type of the child controls are determined at runtime and so I need to work in a generic manner without knowing the exact child controls that might or might not be present. I want to alter the background color of my...

Focus the controls in a Tabcontrol.

How can focus the controls when select a tabitem in a tabcontrol? ...

Is there anyway to give Flash focus in a browser without required the user to click it?

I have a flash (flex) web application and when it first loads the cursos is in the username field blinking. However, you can't start typing because Flash does not have focus. You have to first click on the flash app. Is there anyway to give Flash focus on load? Would this be in the html or in flash? Thanks. ...

how to get focus-follows-mouse over buffers in emacs?

Suppose I have a source file open and I launch a shell. I can hit C-x o to switch between the two buffers. But how can I get it so that when I move the mouse the buffer under the mouse gets focus, just like the "focus follows mouse" option common in window managers? ...

.NET Event for Application losing and gaining focus

Is there an easy way to detect when a .NET app gets or loses focus? ...

Windows CE textbox Focus problem

I have a problem setting the focus back to a textbox. I run the same application both on Windows Ce and Windows Mobile 5 and the issue is only on WinCE. On a form i have a custom control (let's say a custom DropDown) and a textbox, after an item is selected in the custom control i want to pass the focus back to the textbox. The code lo...

Keyboard focus being stolen by Flash

Performing a search, I noticed several questions dedicated to how to steal/trap the keyboard focus of the visitor. Considering this site is dedicated to programming that's not suprising. I was wondering if anyone can advise me on how to prevent this type of behavior. Losing keyboard focus to flash basically removes my browser's functiona...

After selecting item in NSPopUpButtonCell inside custom NSCell table view must be refocused

I have an NSPopUpButtonCell inside a custom NSCell which is being used in an NSTableView. I'm using - (BOOL)startTrackingAt:(NSPoint)startPoint inView:(NSView *)controlView to pop up the pop up menu when it is required. The problem is that after an item is selected from the menu the table view seems to lose focus, such that it must...

How to forward part of input from one control to another without losing focus?

Using WPF how can I do similar thing as done in Skype contacts window? I want to be able to press on any list item with mouse, be able to use Up/Down to navigate and filter contacts when I start typing. I also want to show what I'm typing in separated TextBox. So far I have all filtering set up through TextBox. I can navigate with arro...

When a Flash applet loses focus, how can I catch that event in JavaScript?

How do I get a JavaScript event when a Flash movie loses focus? eg. like when the user clicks the HTML page. ...

Show window in Qt without stealing focus

I'm using the Qt library to show a slideshow on the second monitor when the user isn't using the second monitor. An example is the user playing a game in the first monitor and showing the slideshow in the second monitor. The problem is that when I open a new window in Qt, it automatically steals the focus from the previous application. ...

Qt 4.5 Focus doesn't work on QLineEdit

Hi, I got an issue with a QLineEdit. Even if I set the tab order to start at this line edit, once the screen is loaded the LIne Edit won't get the focus automatically. I've also tried with this two lines : this->activateWindow(); this->lineEdit_password->setFocus(); But this has still no effect. So maybe someone experienced the sam...

Getting UI Element that has keyboardFocus from itemscontrol

Hi I have a itemscontrol that displays some textboxes dependning on the observable collection items in viewmodel. I need to determine the textbox that has keyboard focus on click of a button outside the itemscontrol. Problem: 1. When i click the button the keyboard focus shifts to button instead of the textbox. 2. How can i get the a ...

Problem with WPF Keyboard Focus in itemControl

Hi I have a WPF window which is divided into two portions. One portion contains itemscontrol which generate textboxes depedning on observable collection binding in ViewModel. The other portion of window has a content control which loads a usercontrol using datatemplate and viewmodel binding. Also that user control has buttons on it. ...