
Why not used position:fixed for a "sticky" footer?

I've seen Ryan Fait's method for sticky footer as well as one here and here. Why are these people making templates for sticky footers when #footer{position:fixed; bottom:0;} will suffice? EDIT: I will add that using position: fixed; for a footer does break margin: auto; centering in (at least) some browsers, thus creating the need f...

How to add a footer to a view?

I am new to iphone development.I am creating a map application.I want to display a footer in a view below the mapview in the view.On clicking a button map leads me to the map view where i have to display the footer.Please guide me.Thanks ...

CSS Header and Footer are breaking on Zoom-in

Hi, I have just finished redesigning this site ( and I have a problem with the header and the footer when the user zooms in (Cntrl + in FF). Here is the problem: The background color of the footer/header does not paint to fill the rest of the screen (horizontally) when the user zooms in. What am I doing wrong?...

Enterprise Library 4.0: How to get rid of headers and footers when using a Rolling Flat File Trace Listener

As the title already says, is there a way to get rid of the headers and footers that are placed before and after each log entry when using a Rolling Flat File Trace Listener? Although I cleared the "Header" and "Footer" properties the log file still shows an empty line before and after each log entry. Update Here you can see the con...

How I can do this ? Adding exaplanations between sections (of cells)

Hello, I want to add explanation between cells. I'm experimenting with sections, trying to make the cell opaque, without borders, ... but sure it exists a better approach ... thanks, m. ...

Ways to stick footer to the bottom a page

I followed the How do you get the footer to stay at the bottom of a Web page? post on stackoverflow... But i couldn't make it too work in an web application.... I am using a master page for all pages... How can i make footer stick to the bottom of the page? For ref: <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> ...

Add button in footer at the end of the table view cell

hi, I am new to iphone development.I have created a UIview controller class and added a table view using interface builder. Now i want to create a button in footer view at the end of the table view last cell. I have used UIView Controller class (not UItableview controller).How can i achieve this. please help me out. Thanks. ...

When and where should I add a view to a UITableView's footer?

I am populating a UITableViewController's UITableView through code only. At the bottom of the table I wish to position a button that scrolls into view as the user scrolls to the bottom of the table. When in the UITableViewController life cycle should I populate the table footer with a button? viewDidLoad? p.s. I wish to avoid using sec...

How can create summary footer on runtime?

I use TcxGrid I have create fields on execution time because I have a pivot query and columns are variable I filled my grid like theese codes grdCevapDBTableView2.BeginUpdate; grdCevapDBTableView2.ClearItems; fillGridView(grdCevapDBTableView2,command); grdCevapDBTableView2.DataController.CreateAllItems; grdCevapDBTableView2.EndUpdate; ...

css footer position stick to bottom of browser?

Hi css experts I'm having a problem with my site I can't seem to get the footer to automatically stick to the bottom of the browser, and show the rest of my background. Is there a solution better than using position:fixed or absolute? I think there are possibly other styles over-riding some tests I ...

Dynamically loaded jQuery with GreaseMonkey inconsistent on pages (refreshing seems to fix it)... don't know why

Hi, I want a custom page analysis footer on every site I visit... so I've used a method to attach JQuery to unsafeWindow. I then create a floating footer on the page. I want to be able to call commands in a menu, do some processing, then put the results in the footer. Unfortunately it sometimes works, sometimes it doesn't. At least t...

adding footer value to datagridview in C#

I am having 2 datatables. One is having the actual value of that table selected by the user and the next is having the aggregate value for that table i.e any grand total or avg. I want to display this as the footer in C# datagridview. How can I do that??? In we have RowDataBound event like that similar something is there in C# al...

editing the footer in joomla1.5

hi , i am having a content in my footer of my joomla 1.5 website.. Please help me of how to edit the year and the Powered by joomla content in the footer. pls helpme .. ...

How to let short content pages reach the bottom of the browser window and then a footer should appear.

In this case, I've developed a CSS code for this web application ..and sometimes the resulting data is too small and the footer of the site appears in the middle of the page and looks odd. I'd like to push that whitespace of the background to the browser's bottom and then followed by a footer. AND if the page is long, that text won't ...

Custom pager in my Gridview 1st time works, next doesn't :

Hi guys, i'm with one strange problem. I am extending a control from a Gridview, and adding a dropdown to paging to the page i want. In my custom gridview i added a ITemplate than contains 4 image buttons and one dropdownlist (4 images - 1st, prev, next, last) (1 ddl - to page) and add him to my custom gridview.. I added a selectind...

Displaying only the similarities between 20 or so files?

Say I've got a directory full of html pages. Their headers and footers are basically the same, but I want to be able to see only the portions of all the pages that are the same. I'd like to call it an n-way merge, but that isn't what it is, it's looking for just the similarities between the header and the footers of all the files. (an...

How to disable the Footer summary for certain columns?

I am using a devexpress grid and i don't want to have any footer or group summary for string columns. The user can modify the formula used for the footer summary by accessing the footer menu. I want this menu to be disabled for string columns, since the provided summaries do not make sense for string columns. Any ideas? ...

How to fix a Sticky Footer that works, but after a browser window is resized, the footer overlaps.

Good day, I've been trying to build a perfect footer who sticks at the bottom of the browser window after it's content. And I got help here @ Stack Overflow previously. But after a while, and doing a few tests, found out that after the browser window is resized, and then I scroll down , the footer is causing me a big hea...

Problem keeping CSS footer on bottom

Hey, I'm having trouble with a relative positioned footer. I'm using a clearfooter div to keep the footer at the bottom of each of my pages. This works fine for all resolutions except for 1440x900, any ideas why this resolution would make the header raise up 10 or so pixels off the bottom? CODE: ...

making a div stick at the bottom on container div show/hide toggle?

my main container div can be refreshed, so its content is being hide/shown. When my container div is hide, my footer shoots up. the html structure looks like the following: Note that i already tried this: And it doesn't seem to work, the footer div will still shoot up when the container div is hidden. Nor can i set a he...