
Java for loop vs. while loop. Performance difference?

Assume i have the following code, there are three for loop to do something. Would it run fast if i change the most outer for loop to while loop? thanks~~ int length = 200; int test = 0; int[] input = new int[10]; for(int i = 1; i <= length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j <=length - i; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < length - 1...

Why doesn't a foreach loop work in certain cases?

Hello good people, I was using a foreach loop to go through a list of data to process (removing said data once processed--this was inside a lock). This method caused an ArgumentException now and then. Catching it would have been expensive so I tried tracking down the issue but I couldn't figure it out. I have since switched to a for l...

Large loops hang in R?

Suppose I want perform a simulation using the following function: fn1 <- function(N) { res <- c() for (i in 1:N) { x <- rnorm(2) res <- c(res,x[2]-x[1]) } res } For very large N, computation appears to hang. Are there better ways of doing this? (Inspired by:

PHP help, I have a "for loop" problems?

Here is my code: $today = date('Y-m-d'); for ($i = 1; $i <= 10; $i ++){ $var_b[$i] = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-' . $i .' day', strtotime($today))); $var2_b[$i]_name = date('d', strtotime($var_b[$i])); Error message: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in XXX\index.php on line XX EDIT: I put the curly brackets, the erro...

Php for loop with 2 variables?

Hi, is it possible to do this? (here is my code) for ($i = 0 ; $i <= 10 ; $i++){ for ($j = 10 ; $j >= 0 ; $j--){ echo "Var " . $i . " is " . $k . "<br>"; } } I want something like this: var 0 is 10 var 1 is 9 var 2 is 8 ... But my code is wrong, it gives a huge list. Php guru, help me !! ...

Is it possible to loop through all the items of two arrays using foreach?

I have two arrays: $Forms and $formsShared. <?php foreach ($Forms as $r): ?> $("#shareform<?=$r['Form']['id'];?>").hide(); $(".Share<?=$r['Form']['id'];?>").click(function () { $("#shareform<?=$r['Form']['id'];?>").toggle("show"); }); <?php endforeach; ?> Currently, I have this hide and toggle function for each For...

php array and foreach?

Below is my code I am trying to get to work but I really have very little knowledge of array and foreach. So it doesn;t work correctly I need to show a dropdown select form to the browser with the contents of the array I also need to have the item selected if it is == to $mycountry Lastly I would like to show the USA and UK at the top ...

Loop and changing variable.

Hello, I have a for loop as below which populates this data into an array. I would like this to essentially populate 15 different array's, I have written some Pseudo code below. Is this achievable? for (int y = 1; y < 16; y++) { NSArray *array + y = item } ...

Exit in For loop - Windows Command Processor (CMD.EXE)

Hi, I am trying to find way to break / exit from FOR loop, if there are any error occured. Below is content of batch file. @echo on set myfile=D:\sample.txt FOR /F "tokens=1,2 delims=," %%i in (%myfile%) do call :process "%%i" :process set recfile=%1% echo %recfile% echo "Step in Test1" echo %errorlevel% pause; exit /B 0 If %errorl...

Python loop counter in a for loop

In my example code below, is the counter = 0 really required, or is there a better, more Python, way to get access to a loop counter? I saw a few PEPs related to loop counters, but they were either deferred or rejected (PEP 212 and PEP 281). This is a simplified example of my problem. In my real application this is done with graphics an...

Batch Scripting, For using the results of a dir

Hi All, I'm trying to write a small batch script that will delete files old files from a directory. The first parameter is the directory for the script to look into, and the second is the number of files to preserve. rem @ECHO OFF rem %1 is the path in which to look for the files rem %2 is the number of recent files to preserve if [%...

Finding if the major and minor diagonals of 2D array are comprised of 0's

This is a school problem I am working on for an intro Java class. The assignment is to write a program that generates an 8 x 8 matrix of randomly generated binary numbers and have the program check which, if any, columns are all 0's and if the major and minor diagonals are also comprised of zeroes. A major diagonal is the diagonal formed...

Loop nesting and I'm getting a blank page (php)

Here's what I got- $awards_sql_1 = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM categories WHERE section_id = 1') or die(mysql_error()); $awards_rows_1 = mysql_num_rows($awards_sql_1); $awards_sql_2 = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM categories WHERE section_id = 2') or die(mysql_error()); $awards_sql_3 = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM categories WHERE section...

help me eliminate a for-loop in python

There has to be a faster way of doing this. There is a lot going on here, but it's fairly straightforward to unpack. Here is the relevant python code (from scipy import *) for i in arange(len(wav)): result[i] = sum(laser_flux * exp(-(wav[i] - laser_wav)**2) ) There are a bunch of arrays. result -- array of length (wav) laser_f...

AS3 Object Filtering

Ok. so I'm working on an app that retrieves items from a db and builds a gallery. I've done this a ton of times, and it should be simple. I'm running into problems, because in this gallery, I get results from a db that includes both image files, and other files. Let's just say I can't change anything but the flash, so I need to detect i...

mysql ndb cluster add data node

Hi All, This is my config.ini file options affecting ndbd processes on all data nodes: [ndbd default] NoOfReplicas=1 # Number of replicas DataMemory=80M # How much memory to allocate for data storage IndexMemory=18M # How much memory to allocate for index storage # For DataMemory and IndexMemory, we have use...

How to put 2 increment statements in c++ for loop?

I would like to increment 2 variables in a for-loop condition instead of one. So something like: for(int i = 0, i != 5; ++i and ++j) do_something(i,j); What is the syntax for this? ...

Should "while loops" be preferred to "for loops" for large, necessary loops in R?

Realizing that loops are usually not ideal in R, sometimes they are necessary. When writing large loops, doesn't for (i in 1:large_number) waste memory, since a vector of size large_number must be created? Would this make while loops the best choice for large, necessary loops? ...

How is a for loop structured in Java?

Is it different than C or C#? ...

loop condition evaluation

Hello everyone, Just a quick question. I have a loop that looks like this: for (int i = 0; i < dim * dim; i++) Is the condition in a for loop re-evaluated on every loop? If so, would it be more efficient to do something like this?: int dimSquare = dim * dim; for (int i = 0; i < dimSquare; i++) Thanks -Faken ...