
Javascript validate X number of fields in an HTML form

I have a form, that has about 10 text entries (user, address, email etc;) and about 50+ entries that are quantity entries (users select 2x of this item, 5x of this item). Now I inherited this form from someone else (now its my duty to keep it up to date, when the customer requests it). I don't want to re-write it all, but I would like ...

Validate Broken Up Time/Date jquery

Using this validation plugin I am trying to do a check to make sure start-date is before end-date The date is broken up into multiple drop downs. here is the start date html, the end is very similar I am using jquery to populate the fields with numbers and values, also using jquery to set the start date to a certain time and end date ...

Validating an input based on what is entered in another input - Rails

Hi all, I have a form that has a group of 3 text_fields. I need two of them filled to make calculations. quantity must always be filled. If price is blank, then cost must be filled, or vice versa. I tried this, but price is never nil, even though I leave it blank. I also tried :price == nil and :price.blank?, but they do the same thing...

jQuery Validator custom method

Hi all, could you take a look at this please? If you enter a letter in Min Age rather than a number then hit submit this validates using jquery validator using a regular expression in a custom validation method, this works but i'm now looking to make it a little more dynamic. In the custom validation method...

ValidationSummary component in Flex Framework

Is there any component that does handle validation errors similarly to ASP.NET's ValidationSummary control in flex? (See screenshot) Component should really only display all the errors for the validator it watches. I'm convinced I already used it but I was unable to find it anywhere in the doc. ...

jQuery validation plugin not detecting blank field elements as invalid after they have been validated.

Form validation plugin: Test url: How to reproduce: 1.) Click on the name text input. Enter "12345". 2.) Tab to the next field. Enter an invalid email such as "12345@". 3.) Click on the name text input. Delete the data in the field....

ASP.NET MVC 2 DataAnnotation based Validation conflict with LINQ2SQL

ASP.NET MVC 2, gives a good functionality of annotation based validation, but to use this functionality I need to reference two files (Microsoft.Web.Mvc.ModelBinders.dll and System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.dll) as described here I use LINQ2SQL, to create my entities. And it uses it's own annotations within Entity classes, which n...

Spring 2.5 Form validation - Dynamic data lost if validator is called?

I have a simple form that has a select box populated by the database. When validation is triggered the select box is empty. I'm new to spring and I seem to be missing something. Any help is appreciated? Thanks in advance. In the controller below sites is the dynamic content. @RequestMapping("/registration/registration.html") public Mo...

Is there a way to disable Event Validation for an entire page?

I have a nested user control which appears on every single page. It contains some validation in the form of ASP.NET validators. The problem I'm running into is, since it's on every page (in essence it's located in my left navigation control), I need to set CausesValidation="false" on every single button etc.. Is there a way to set Ca...

MVC Complex Model Binding

I would like to do complex validation on my form that contains a list of objects. My form contains a list of, let's say, MyObjects. MyObject consists of a double amount and a MyDate which is just a wrapper around DateTime. public class MyObject { public MyDate Date { get; set; } //MyDate is wrapper around DateTime public double...

CodeIgniter: set_message for max_length[x]

How do you set an error message for max_length and min_length rules. For instance, if I set a rule max_length[6], I'd like the error message to display Max characters allowed: 5 ...

Is it possible to do validation on a form item that isn't part of the model?

So I've got a signup form and part of it is billing/credit card info. That info is all stored and processed by a third party app and so the data isn't stored in our database. So how can I still run the items through the validates_ methods in Rails? (validates_presence_of, validates_length_of, etc etc) Or am I going about validation in ...

form validation with javascript vs php

Why should I bother to use JavaScript for form validation when I still have to use PHP since the user could have JavaScript support turned off. Isn't it unnecessary? Update: Ok thanks for your answers. it sounds like a good idea to have it on the client side too. where can I download good JavaScript validations? Do you know where I c...

Shorten up Jquery condition

Hi there, I have a question about how I can shorten a Jquery if statement. In my form I have several fields that I check if they are filled. I know there are several plugins to do that for me, but I wan't to learn it by myself (with some help of others ;-)) I got this check //---- First define hasError var hasError = false; //---- Ge...

How to select elements like question1, question2, question3,... in JQuery form validation plug-in?

I am using jQuery and the jQuery Validation plugin to validate inputs. Below is the code. Now there are many inputs named like question1, question2, question3, question4,... How can I place validation on them? I mean how to select them all together? $(document).ready(function() { $("#item").validate({ rules: { ti...

How to select elements like question1, question2, question3,… in JQuery form validation plug-in?

Exact duplicate of How to select elements like question1, question2, question3,… in JQuery form validation plug-in? <input type="text" name="question1" /> <input type="text" name="question2" /> <input type="text" name="question3" /> <input type="text" name="question4" /> $(document).ready(function() { $("#item").validate({ ...

jQuery Validation - Changing "Required" Attribute based on other fields

Hi there - I'm using the jQuery Validation plugin ( on a form I'm building. The form is made up of 6 fieldsets, each containing 3 text inputs for an email address, a first name and a last name. A simplified version of the markup is like so: <form id="ref" action="submit.php" method="post"> ...

Validation failed but moving to next page

I have regular expression validation in a page which checks whether the entered value in the text box is a numeric, it is not numeric it gives error message says "it should be numeric" but when i click on the next button of the form .. it navigates to the next page. But it shouldn't be. How to solve this? Protected Sub btn_View1_Next_...

JQuery Validator Plugin

I have managed to implement the validator on a form, and is working fine for all my needs apart from a crucial last one. Does anyone know how I would go about (or whether it's even possible) to extend or create a validation message that is purely a warning but still allows the form to be submitted (i.e. the field is still valid). To il...

Codeignter form validation failing when it should succeed

I'm building an admin utility for adding a bulk of images to an app I'm working on. I also need to to log certain properties that are associated with the images and then store it all into the database. So basically the script looks into a folder, compares the contents of the folder to records in the database. All of the info must be ...