
createuserwizard refuese to add users due to password

When working with the the createuserwizard control, I found it always showed a "select a different password" message (in the example InvalidPasswordErrorMessage="Parola trebuie sa contina minim 7 caractere." ) when I try to add a user. The passwordregularexpression property is empty by default, I also tried to change it to some simple...

jQuery Validation Ajax Submit help..

Hi all, I'm using this jQuery Validation script to submit my form(s), but I need some help tweaking it to display the message, and to show the form again (after submitting) ^^ The Code

Help with jQuery Validation plugin and a form that uses 'panels'

I have a form that works in 'sections' that I will refer to as 'panels'. By default, the form is listed out on the page, one panel after the other. However, with JavaScript, it puts the panels into one panel viewer, and displays them one after the other (with prev/next buttons). Example Form Workflow Panel 1: User Details -> Panel 2: ...

Access isvalid property of ASP.NET validators in Javascript

I have read here that all ASP.NET validators have a property called: isvalid which can be used in the client side. However, I hav tried to access this property in the client side as following but with no luck: alert(document.getElementById("validator_clientID").isvalid); Do you have any idea why this is not accessible? Your help is ap...

[ mvc] xVal Cliend side validation with ajax, RenderPartial form

Hi there I'm not sure if my issue is more general or only xVal specific. At the moment I have a form with an undefined list of partial forms Something like this. There I load a partial form with Ajax, with xVal I attach also a validator. My problem now is that the rendered form is not validated until a postback. Is there any possibil...

Validate hash of multiple select inputs in Rails

In a similar vein to a previous question of mine I need to validate a group of select inputs for order of voting preference. This time I've had to change it slightly. The options to a user would be something like: Choose in order of preference 1: [select with options] 2: [select with options] 3: [select with options] The hash that t...

Validating multidimensional arrays in Code Igniter with form_validation library

I'm having a weird problem with the form_validation module of code igniter. I'm trying to validate multi dimensional arrays from the form post, but its not working as expected. I've used this a hundred times (exaggeration) with standard form posts so I'm familiar with it. My form post looks like this Array ( [location_edit_id] =>...

JQuery Validation

var formValidationRules = { rules: { password: { required: true, remote: '/account/delete' } }, messages: { "password": { required: "Please enter your password", remote: "Invalid password, try again." } } }; I wrote such validation, but I found out the the Validation will check for each event for the remote and the requ...

ASP.NET: Only perform validation when Submit is clicked

I have an ASP.NET entry form where several controls have validation set up. The form also includes a display of previous records, each with a LinkButton control that acts as a delete button. Problem is when a LinkButton is clicked, it performs validation on the entry portion of the form, fails, and the delete is not processed. I didn't...

How can I add, remove, or swap jQuery validation rules from a page?

UPDATE: I've come up with a solution to this which I've written as the accepted answer below. Another option is to apply validation rules to all elements initially, add an ".invalid" class to elements you don't want to validate. Swap this class in & out of elements you want to validate as needed. I have a form that toggles what input ...

Rails Modal Form Validation

I am using Lightbox Gone Wild to display a modal dialog with a form inside. I am using a vanilla New view. This works like a champ up until a user doesn't input valid form data. Invalid data causes the controller to direct the user to the New view directly with the error message. Obviously, I would prefer the error be returned to the mod...

Validate email address form submit

Hi there, I've got a simple form that enables users to enter a promotional code and email address to be signed up to an email as follows. But at present it doesn't validate the email correctly. There is an include file doreferral.asp that; Checks to see if the code they entered exists in a table of promotional codes and also Checks to ...

Restricting text box inputs to a given regexp using jQuery

Consider the following text box: <input type="text" name="quantity" id="quantity_field" /> Using jQuery I want to restrict the set of valid inputs into quantity_field by the following regexp: <script> var quantityRegexp = "^(0|[1-9]+[0-9]*)$"; </script> More specifically I want to make the browser discard any characters entered ...

How do I validate a Django form containing a file on App Engine with google-app-engine-django?

I have a model and form like so: class Image(BaseModel): original = db.BlobProperty() class ImageForm(ModelForm): class Meta: model = Image I do the following in my view: form = ImageForm(request.POST, request.FILES, instance=image) if form.is_valid(): And I get: AttributeError at /image/add/ 'NoneType' object has...

"Date of birth" validation: How far/much would you go?

I'm quite anal about form validation. So while creating a validator for a "data of birth" (DOB) field in one of my current projects for a job application form (platform/language is neutral in this context), I wanted something to prevent 'punky' inputs. I used a date picker and restricted the max date to be XX years from the current day....

Ajax.BeginForm - Displaying Validation Errors

Using the MVC project template in VS2008 (out of the box) I noticed the following: Here is how the Register.aspx form is specified. <% using (Html.BeginForm()) { %> .... Selecting the Register button without supplying any account info shows this. Account creation was unsuccessful. Please correct the errors and try again. •You mu...

jQuery Validation - Multiple submit buttons on one form, different validation groups?

I have an form with a login section and a register section. There are two submit buttons that correspond to the appropriate section, login or register. I am using jquery validation, however I cannot find a way to specify validation groups as I would with normal validation. When I click the register button, right now it...

How to effectively validate Asp.Net membership forms

What are other suggestions and sample code for efficiently validating the Register and/or login page. Perhaps use of jQuery? I would like to use some ajax to inform the user the email address is in use for example. Register.aspx <asp:ValidationSummary ID="ValidationSummary1" runat="server" ValidationGroup="CreateUserWizard1" /> <asp:Cu...

Regex to limit string length for strings with new line characters

Hi, Looks like a simple task - get a regex that tests a string for particular length: ^.{1,500}$ But if a string has "\r\n" than the above match always fails! How should the correct regex look like to accept new line characters as part of the string? I have a <asp:TextBox TextMode="Multiline"> and use a RegularExpressionValidator to...

the most simple javascript form validation question ever

Hi, I have a form with a name and an email address. I want a simple icon to appear to the right of the form if the user types anything in the field, even one character. If there is anything present in the field, I want the success icon to appear. If the user advances to the next field with no input, I want the fail icon to appear. Does a...