
OWC11 Date Formatting Ignored

I am creating an Excel document using owc11. I am providing the dates in dd/mm/yyyy format. I am doing something like this in the code: for (..looping through results..) { Range c = EmailStats.putCellValue(sheet, row, 1, val); c.set_NumberFormat("dd/mm/yyyy"); } private static Range putCellValue(Worksheet sheet, int row, int co...

When does the PE file format IAT function addresses get set

I google'd a bit and read but i can't seem to find when the Import adress table addresses are written. Does it happen on compilation? Or when the executable is ran? ...

intel machine code to assembly code question.

hello,experts,i wonder the intel x86 machineCode/assemblyCode conversion is singleSide or bothSide? means: assemblyCode ---> machineCode and machineCode ---> assemblyCode are both available. since the x86 machineCode is vary in size (1-15 byte),and opcode vary in (1-3 byte),how to determine one opcode is 1byte or 2byte or 3byte ? and...

Asp.Net GridView DataFormatString Problem

Hi all; <asp:GridView ID="Grd" runat="server"> <column> <asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Number"> <ItemTemplate> <asp:Label ID="LblNbr" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("Number","{0:N0}") %>'></asp:Label> </ItemTemplate> ...

How to make a string HTML compatible using PHP?

Let's say I have this string: Hello &, how are you? I'm fine! Is there a function that will convert this to: Hello &amp;, how are you? I'm fine! Also, why does "'" sometimes show up as: � on sites? What am I missing? ...

JQuery UI Datepicker date format issue with initial value

I need to set the initial date for the date picker to 03/20/2010 in mm-dd-yyyyy format. I have done this <input id='datepicker' type='text' value='20/03/2010' /> But my problem is on clicking the field date picker populates with today's date as highlighed and no date selected, and up on selecting date value But when i change my inp...

Codeigniter Date format

I have se the below date format in the codeignitor config.php $config['log_date_format'] = 'd/m/Y'; Ans wen I enter '30/04/2010' in the text input field and tried to save, got he following error ERROR: date/time field value out of range: "30/04/2010" HINT: Perhaps you need a different "datestyle" setting Corresponding query is bel...

How to add :format options to a named route in Rails?

I've got a named route called profile and I would like to be able to access it as json. But when I look at my rake routes output I see that the (.:format) is missing. How do I add it to a named route? user GET /users/:id(.:format) {:action=>"show", :controller=>"users"} profile /:username {:action=>"show", :contro...

How to conditionally format using Google's Visualisation API

I have the following code to format a link in a data table. function drawTable() { var query = new google.visualization.Query(''); query.setQuery(queryString); query.send(handleQueryResponse); } function handleQueryResponse(response) { if (response.isError()) { alert('Error in q...

String formatting error

Using the code print('{0} is not'.format('That that is not')) in Python 3.1.1, I get the following error: AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'format' when I delete the line Netbeans automatically inserted at the beginning: from distutils.command.bdist_dumb import format which itself causes an error of ImportError: canno...

XAML: How do I append a percent symbol to a bound label value?

I have a label bound to the value of a slider. Content="{Binding Path=Value, ElementName=Slider}" How do I append a percentage symbol? The value of the slider is already formatted correctly, so when the value is '50', all I need is '50%'. Edit 0: I know how to do it in code behind but I was hoping to accomplish this in xaml without...

core data date format question

i have my table sorted by date - long format with time and everything. i want to format timeStamp to dd,mm,yyyy and send use it as titleforheaderinsection and where do i do this? ...

Parsing JPEG file format: Format of entropy-coded segments (ECS) ?

I'm having difficulty understanding the ITU-T T.81 spec for the JPEG file format. Hopefully someone else here has tried to parse JPEG files and/or knows about the details of this file format. The spec indiates that the ECS0 segment starts after the SOS segment but I can't find where in the spec it actually talks about the format of the ...

Re-Convert timestamp DATE back to original format (when editing) PHP MySQL

Ok so I have managed to get the format of the date presented in HTML (upon display) to how I want (dd/mm/yyy)...However, the user also can change the date via a form. So this is how it's setup as present. Firstly, the conversion from YYYY-MM-DD to DD/MM/YYYY and then display in HTML: $timestamp = strtotime($duedate); echo da...

jquery datepicker format problem

Hi I'm having a problem trying to format the output on the jQuery UI datepicker. I want the dateformat to be the 'ISO 8601' format, like explained here: This is what my code looks like: $.datepicker.setDefaults($.datepicker.regional['nl']); $('.datepicker').datepicker('option', {dat...

Creating a questionnaire app: which format to choose?

Hi everyone, I am working on an App which let's a user answer sets of questions from a questionnaire. The questionnaire will be created and published on a web-server. The Android client periodically queries the web-server to check if new questionnaires are available. Each item from the questionnaire will be displayed in its own Activit...

How to display locale sensitive time format without seconds in python

I can output a locale sensitive time format using strftime('%X'), but this always includes seconds. How might I display this time format without seconds? >>> import locale >>> import datetime >>> locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'en_IE.utf-8') 'en_IE.utf-8' >>> print'%X') 12:22:43 >>> locale.setlocale(l...

I need to convert the date from mm/dd/yyyy to dd/mm/yyyy in vbscript.

HI Everyone, So far I have this: FormatDateTime(negativeItemsRS("ItemDate"), 0) Its displaying the date in the format of mm/dd/yyyy. I want to convert that to a dd/mm/yyyy Please help not sure how to do this. Thanks, ... mvc json result format

public class JsonCategoriesDisplay { public JsonCategoriesDisplay() { } public int CategoryID { set; get; } public string CategoryTitle { set; get; } } public class ArticleCategoryRepository { private DB db = new DB(); public IQueryable<JsonCategoriesDisplay> JsonFindAllCategor...

MYSQL stored function - create function (function definition) problem using FORMAT

Hi all, I keep receiving an error with the following code. I am trying to make a function that will format a field (content=0.0032) into a varchar/percent (content=0.32%). At the moment i'm just trying to get format to work, and it throws up an error "Error Code : 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corres...