
HIbernate Free Query

hi. I would like to query using hibernate given a particulay query string I did it like this: session = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().openSession(); session.beginTransaction(); List<String> result = session.createQuery("Select item_value from cb_items").list(); session.getTransaction().commit(); session.clear(); return result; ...

realistic free TTS program

I have tried Festival, espeak, and MBROLA, but the voices are mediocre at best, and no where near as realistic as current commercial systems. For example this demo: What is the most realistic free TTS voice you have tried? ...

How to compress an FLV movie in java?

How can we compress the flv movie? Is there any free library which i can use? for compressing the video i can go for reducing the resoultion as well, even framerate reducing is acceptable to me. ...

What can cause "corrupted double-linked list" error?

I am having problems with a fairly complex code. I wasn't able to produce a short snippet that reproduces the error, so I'll try to explain the problem in words. The code crashes randomly with the error *** glibc detected *** gravtree: corrupted double-linked list: 0x000000001aa0fc50 *** Debugging showed that it comes from the line w...

Free web service to determine IP address zip code

Does anyone know of a free web service to determine the zip code of an IP address? ...

How can Mercurial be Copyright and Free Software?

I was looking at my version of Mecurial and I don't understand how it is that it can be Copyrighted and Free software at the same time. Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 1.3.1+7cea12e70129) Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Matt Mackall and others This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warran...

I'm looking for a cross-platform Python library that can play MP3 and OGG and support ALSA or similar.

There are several different audio libraries, however, none of them meet my exact needs: - It needs to be cross-platform. - It needs to be able to use the ALSA, PulseAudio or any other common default mixer under Linux. - It needs to be able to autodetect the sample frequency. - It needs to be (fairly) simple in usage, if instead someone c...

Is is possible to sign a java applet for free?

I made a weird applet which allows you to paint with your voice. Obviously it requires access to the microphone, but Java applets are not allowed access unless they are signed. As far as I can tell its difficult and involves cryptography, and, though its not clear, I think that I'm expected to pay MONEY to Verisign as well. This all seem...

Free java projects Online and download

Hai Guys, If any one know any site where i can download sample java projects ...

Should one really set pointers to `NULL` after freeing them?

There seem to be two arguments why one should set a pointer to NULL after freeing them. Avoid crashing when double-freeing pointers. Short: Calling free() a second time, by accident, doesn't crash when it's set to NULL. Almost always this masks a logical bug because there is no reason to call free() a second time. It's safer to let t...

What is largest free datababase for SQL Server engine available for testing purposes?

What is largest free datababase for SQL Server engine available for testing purposes? ...

Good Non-Commerical (free) Refactoring Tool for Visual Studio 2005/Visual C++ 8.0?

We have a rather large codebase in C++ here that needs some refactoring; since it's generally bad to start from scratch, I was wondering if there were any good free code refactoring tools for Visual Studio 2005/Visual C++ 8.0? ...

iPhone App Store Green Button

Hi, I want to use a green button on my app like the one used on App Store when you select an app to install and press the button "FREE". Is it possible to use a button like this without a custom image? Thank you, A ...

Database for US Universities and Colleges

Not sure if this is the proper place to post this question, but I've seen questions regarding ISBN databases, so I thought it would be appropriate. In my website, I intend allow my users to choose between all the US college/universities (community or 4 year institutes). I would then store their selection in a database. At first I thoug...

Does free(ptr) where ptr is NULL corrupt memory?

Theoretically I can say that free(ptr); free(ptr); is a memory corruption since we are freeing the memory which has already been freed. But what if free(ptr); ptr=NULL; free(ptr); As the OS will behave in an undefined manner I cannot get an actual theoretical analysis for this about what's happening. Whatever I am doing, is th...

MySQL development tool with reverse & forward engineering capabilities..

Hello. I am looking for a development tool for working with MySQL Database. The must have features include reverse & forward engineering capabilities. One that I've liked is "ModelRight for MySQL" but it is weirdly overpriced. So I am looking for something free/open source or at least reasonably priced. ...

Online material or book for COM programming

Hi, I want some good book/**online material** to learn COM programming with C++ from the basics. I do not have prior knowledge about COM but have good knowledge about c++. So some book that will teach me from hello world programming in COM will be helpful. Thanks in advance. ...

How do free and malloc work in C?

I'm trying to figure out what would happened if I try to free a pointer "from the middle" for example, look at the following code: char *ptr = (char*)malloc(10*sizeof(char)); for (char i=0 ; i<10 ; ++i) { ptr[i] = i+10; } ++ptr; ++ptr; ++ptr; ++ptr; free(ptr); I get a crash with an Unhandled exception error msg. I want to understand...

Good & Free Editor in Mac OS with highlighting and side-by-side editing/comparison

Good & Free Editor in Mac OS with highlighting and side-by-side editing/comparison. I need it for: XML, C++ and PHP. Thanks in advance. ...

Law & Etiquette of using Open Source

I'm using a BSD API to build my own API and I'm wondering if there is any restriction when I will release my own API in term of license choice, packaging, distribution ... I'm also curious about what do you guys think is the better way to pay homage to the API that we use : documentation citation, code source citation ... To summarise...