
PHP includes and POST

I'm developing a website and in my attempt to make friendly URLs without recurring to mod_rewrite (because chances are my client's server doesent allow it), I came up with this system: index.php expects a variable called $seccion, which should contain a relative path to a second file with a particular section. That way I keep the static...

Is .html extension better than .php and .aspx for SEO ?

Is .html extension better than .php and .aspx for SEO ? or extension less url is better then all ...

Make registered users have its own url

Hello. I want to build a web application where users can register and have a profile. People can visit the profiles adding the user name in the url like this. How can I create this url for each registered user I taught using mod_rewrite to rewrite the url but are there any other aproaches? by the way I want to...

Google analytics page name

Hey guys, Is it possible to use another name for the page that is currently being tracked instead of the url. The reason I ask is that I have not implemented friendly url slugs instead we have Products/Details/100 or whatever the page is called. So when you login to google analytics you can see 10 000 hits on Products/Details/100 but y...

Why are two ActionResult methods being invoked for my page?

I have an app with the following aspx pages served by my 'Users' controller: Index.aspx, User.aspx, UsersIntoActivity.aspx and UsersUsingLocation.aspx. In my Global.ashx.cs I've got the following routes set up: routes.MapRoute( "UsersHome", "Users", new { controller = "Users", action = "I...

html post form action not specifically spell out php file?

I have a post html form, and the action is index.php, which is the websites main page. I never actually have index.php in the address bar, since links to "/" go to it, and even if I did, it would be, since I use rewrite rules. So basically, the user should never see index.php. However, the form submit doesn't work if ...

Is it worth using "pretty URLs" if you don't care about SEO/SEM

I'm designing a hosted software-as-a-service application that's like a highly specialized version of 37Signal's Highrise product. In that context, where SEO is a non-issue, is it worth implementing "pretty URLs" instead of going with numeric IDs (e.g. customers/john-smith instead of customers/1234)? I notice that a lot of web applicati...

How many possible URLs can you make with the following characters?

I want to make a short URL service for 2 million assets but I want to use the shortest number of possible characters. What is the math equation that I would need to use to figure it out? I know it has something to do with factorials, right? ...

how to structure a list filtering clean url for usability and seo?

I am a big proponent of using super clean urls for all pages and lists. Generally my pagination urls are just and tags are I generally even try to leave the row id out of the url. But how would you guys suggest doing a filter list? Say you have a list of cars and you want to sort by ...

How Can I rewrite SEO friendly URL on STRUTS?

Hi We have a website which is coded Java with Struts Framework. The WebSite's Urls are not seo friendly. All of them are like below ../ Now We want to make these URLs SEO friendly and I searched and found these solutions: : but i don't rely on this system. adding title end o...

Mod_rewrite invisibly: works when target is a file, not when it's a directory.

I have this rewrite rule that turns (or into RewriteRule ^test/?$ test.txt [NC,L] It works perfectly and, importantly, never reveals to the user that the "real" URL is Now I want to do the same thing where the "real" URL is, where testdir is a directory: ...

How to design URI for a resource that occupies different positions in a hierarchy?

What's the best way to represent a list resource when the list can be "owned" by different resources? Take your typical blog example. Say you've got Posts, Comments and Users. A Post has many Comments and a User is the author of many Comments. You may want to get a list of Comments within the context of a given User (e.g. that User's...

URL convention for date range

What would be the accepted convention for displaying a date range in a friendly URL? For example, in a time tracking application. Instead of using the database's primary key for a specific pay period in the URL, I would like to use something more easily distinguishable to the user. http:/...

Are these two re-writes the same?

How are the following different? Ignore the domain names. RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\.example\.com$ [NC] RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R=301,L] RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\.yourdomain\.com RewriteRule (.*)$1 [L,R=301] The difference is "^"? What I basically want to do is have my site as ...

ASP.NET Friendly URLs

In my research, I found 2 ways to do them. Both required modifications to the Application_BeginRequest procedure in the Global.Asax, where you would run your code to do the actual URL mapping (mine was with a database view that contained all the friendly URLs and their mapped 'real' URLs). Now the trick is to get your requests run throu...

How to specify a SEO friendly url like twitter<name> using YII framework

Hi, I am currently using the Yii framework, and I would like to know if anyone has any clue on how to setup a SEO friendly url like automatically in Yii? I know how to do so this manually in the config/main.php but I would like to be able to dynamically generate it. I have been able to do it in Grails as well. In Yii, wh...

ÅÄÖ: what is considered more SEO friendly URL

As far as I can tell I shouldn't be using ÅÄÖ (somthing like they have no visual representation in ASCII??). So what is considered more SEO friendly? Replacing i.e. all "ä" with "a" or "ae"? (The CMS Umbraco replaces with ae and I'm leaning towards this). EDIT: Summary of how some Swedish sites does it: ä => a (http:...

Struts2 URL with .action

I want the URL of the below format http://localhost/users/abc rather than http://localhost/users?name=abc How to achieve this in Struts2? ...

C# Byte[] to Url Friendly String

Hello, I'm working on a quick captcha generator for a simple site I'm putting together, and I'm hoping to pass an encrypted key in the url of the page. I could probably do this as a query string parameter easy enough, but I'm hoping not too (just because nothing else runs off the query string)... My encryption code produces a byte[], w...

Ajax URLs - fast, beautiful and functional

As the majority of you know AJAX works poorly with fixed URLs and all major sites now use the # to split the AJAX part of the URL. I will also do that but am trying to achieve the prettier, less obtuse and fastest way of doing it. Edit: So far I've analysed Facebook way of doing it (last night I've done it poorly) and silky pointed me o...