
Replace chars in routeurl's?

Hello I'm trying to add a "fullname" in the route in my url, and I wonder which chars I should replace? Should I use _ instead of space? and what other chars might "need" replacing? Mostly gonna use swedish names, but some might have some strange letters, not icelandic ones though :) /M ...

Pretty URLs in Google App Engine

I want to pass a parameter 'A1B2C3' to a GWT application based on Google App Engine. I do it like Although it's working, I'd like to use pretty URLs. Is it possible to do URL rewriting on Google App Engine? I couldn't find out how. instead of

How do I allow extra text after my URLs in ASP.NET MVC?

I have this sole route in my app: routes.MapRoute( "Default", "{controller}/{action}/{id}", new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = ""} ); This works great for URLs like: /Blah/Index /Blah/Create /Blah/Details/5 I want to add text to that last one like SO does: ...

How to implement Friendly URL in Liferay portal

Hi, I have to simplify the URL. I am using liferay portal. URL at present look like this: I need to simplify it like:

How can I make URLs in Django similar to stackoverflow?

I'm creating a video site. I want my direct urls to a video to look like where 1 is the video id. I don't want the slug to matter though. should point to the same page. On SO, /questions/id is the only part of the url that matters. How can I do that? ...

Trouble using Url.Action() when trying to create friendly & "hackable" urls.

I've defined the following route for a simple blog. routes.MapRoute( "Blog", "blog/{year}/{month}/{day}", new { controller = "Blog", action = "Index" }, new { year = @"\d{4}", month = @"\d{2}", day = @"\d{2}" } ); The url should be able "hackable" to accomplish the following: -> shows all posts in 2...

to write htaccess code for friendly url

I need a help, does anyone can tell me how to change a url ";type=title&amp;Submit=Search" to " keyword- keyword.html". i have written following htaccess code but its not working. <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteEngine on RewriteRule search-(.*)-(.*)-(...

PHP form submit button in $_GET

I have a form that submits a search for blogs on my site via GET. The form works fine, but when submitted, the url on the following page reads ("Find it" is the value of my submit button): This just isn't an aesthetically pleasing url. Is there a simple way to exclude the submit...

URL issues, after a link is clicked on via email -- What's the deal? ##

My app is sending users email with the following: But for some reason, sometimes when the URL is loaded in some of the user's browsers the ## are being converted to something like: Any ideas what's going on here and why? ...

Redirect in combination with a rewrite condition in htaccess

Hi all! I've got a cms-driven website, with no option to change the code. What I want to accomplish is creating friendly url's, using only apaches mod-rewrite engine. The problem is I'm creating an infinite loop, because I first redirect the original url (index.php?id=21) to a friendly one (/friendly/) and then rewrite the '/friendly' ...

rewriting single url help

Hi, I'm trying to rewrite the following url: index.php?route=checkout/cart to /cart using: RewriteRule ^index.php?route=checkout/cart$ /basket [L] However it doesn't seem to work. Anyone know what I'm doing wrong? Thanks ...

Reject (Hard 404) ASP.NET MVC-style URLs

Hi, ASP.NET MVC web app that exposes "friendly" URLs: ...which are rewritten (not redirected) to ASP.NET MVC-style URLs under the hood: The user never actually sees any ASP.NET MVC style URLS. If he requests one, we hard 404 it. ASP.NET MVC is (in this app) an i...

HtAccess Rewrite Needed

My host will not allow me to change the default folder of my primary domain. I have managed to Rewrite to the real folder public_html/ with the following code: RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^$ / [R=301,L] This does successfully load my domain from the subfolder, but the url be...

More HtAccess Rewrite Rules

Greetings all, I need help combining some htaccess rewrites, these crazy regular expressions screw with my head. So I have a folder structure something like this: /www/ /www/ /www/ The URLs get rewritten to this: ...

present a static page url as different url which is SEO friendly

Hi, I have developed a site, which has some static pages. Like explore, home, feedback. The link for these goes as follows I want to write a different SEO URL for each of the URL mentioned above. Is it possible ? i.e. for example

friendly url in categories

Hi to all, i am trying to use friendly url for my categories. Example Database cat_id | parent_id | name | url 1 0 cat1 cat1 2 1 cat2 cat2 My approach to do is to pass the parameter cat with url value for example show.php?cat=cat1 and in .htacce...

Htaccess rewrite rule .aspx to .php

Background: I have a website that has been built with ASP.NET 2.0 and is on Windows hosting. I now have to rewrite my site in PHP and move it into Linux hosting. I have a lot of incoming links to my site from around the web that point directly into the old .aspx-pages. The site itself is very simple, one dynamic page and five static ones...

URL structure preference - to slash or not to slash?

I'm using custom post types in WordPress 3.0 to manage 'courses' (or seminars, lectures, whatever term you'd prefer to have in mind). Now for viewing a single 'course', the url structure is; /course/course-name/ But for multiple courses? /courses/category/category-name/ Or... /course-category/category-name/ Or something entirel...

Add/remove Cake named URL parameter for a link

Using CakePHP 1.3 there are named parameters in the URL like .../name:value/... These are used for example by pagination links .../page:2/key:date/sort:desc/... How to generate links with HtmlHelper::link() adding/deleting such named parameters from the current URL? Basically I want create links to add/remove/modify the category:ID nam...

Grails - Language prefix in url mappings

Hi there im having problem with language mappings. The way i want it to work is that language is encoded in the url like /appname/de/mycontroller/whatever If you go to /appname/mycontroller/action it should check your session and if there is no session pick language based on browser preference and redirect to the language prefixed site....